Sunday, April 17, 2016

O is for Orange

Colors They play an important role in dreams and any possible interpretation. Me, I look to the Bible to see what colors mean there, and then seek out if there is a correlation to colors in my dreams. 

Example In general, blue should be viewed as a heavenly color. Crimson is used to describe fine materials and sin. Green is a symbol of natural growth and life. Purple represents royalty.

However Not all colors have a specific or even a general meaning in the Bible. Not even a mention. Orange is one of them. I had a dream that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was from God (and these dreams are the exception rather than the norm). 

I was an astronaut (childhood ambition) inside a capsule colored mainly in orange with white highlights headed for deep space. Our outfits were also orange with white highlights. Think Matt Damian on The Martian, and my dream occurred about a year before the movie was released. The resemblance is uncanny. See tomorrow's post P is for Prophetic Dream.

We were so ahead of the times in every category speeding toward our goal to wherever the heck it was we were going. That was the dream and nothing more. 

Meaning Was Simple Orange is not used in the Bible. So I looked at the next best thing which is God’s handiwork; his creation. And in his creation orange is the color of harvest or autumn or sunset. And these are the end of a season or day of hard work. The key word that stood out: Harvest.

So I sought and felt a deep conviction that this was the interpretation of the dream. And yes, things are coming to pass that I will most certainly call a harvest to all my hard work over the past years with more in the works. 

Side Note If you don’t harvest the fruits of your, a thief might steal what you so diligently worked for, or your harvest will rot in the fields. So if you see orange prominent in a dream, you may be rocketing toward a harvest for all your hard work over the years. 

Honorable Mention Oasis, Ocean and Outer Space 

Tomorrow P is for Prophetic Dream, Paralysis and Places (settings)

Reruns If you haven't checked out M is for Movies take a moment to scroll the list of movies with dreams playing a big role in their success!
Question Have you had dreams related to a harvest from all your hard work? Orange may or may not be involved. A mature wheat field flowing in the winds on a prairie could mean the same thing.


  1. I can never remember if I dream in color or not. It's always a detail I forget to try to recall when I wake.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  2. No dream related to harvest. I seldom remember my dreams, I means it's a rare occasion when I do. Does that make me an oddball? I remember reading somewhere that we don't dream in color. So, that must not have been true. One recurring dream I do remember having, not for a long while, although I wish I would because i loved having the dream, was flying. I used to dream it quite often. I could fly and it was amazing. I haven't had the dream in ages, but I can still remember the exhilarating feeling.

    1. Melissa, I've heard that but yeah it's not true. That being said, I do not hear much of anything in my dreams. Its like people communicate telepathically.

  3. Since orange is my signature color, I would interpret it differently in a dream.

  4. Cant seem to remember any colours in my dreams... but sounds pretty interesting.. but i have had those deja-vu moments... and I was never sure if the first time I was there was via a dream.
    #AtoZChallenge - O is for Onesie

    1. Seena, deja-vu has always jolted me when I experience it. This is a really bizarre phenomena.

  5. I don't think I dream in color, but it's hard to tell since I can't remember my dreams much. I had no idea what the colors meant. Thanks.

  6. I had one particular dream that had a profusion of purple flowers. Of course, purple is my favorite color so...

  7. There's no specific color that stands out in my dreams. They all seem to represent objects that should be the color they are in the dream. Very boring of me!

    And no harvest dreams that I can recall. I always seem to be anxious in my dreams.

    1. Well, there's always tonight. You might just have that WOW! dream.

  8. Orange means harvest - I'll remember that.
    Wild you had that dream before the movie came out.

  9. No harvesting dreams yet. There are a lot of things i'd love to see come to fruition, though!

  10. That's a great interpretation. I'm going to have to pay more attention to the colors in my dreams.

    1. Deborah, write them down and see if there is a pattern forming.

  11. I do dream in colour and remember seeing a black spider that was smiling and showed all its teeth, like a humans actually and it had very red lips. I went to dream and it mentioned that your mom in law can be quite strong and rules the house....which she did. It made sense to me then because, again, I had one crazy nutty dream. I don't ever remember dreaming in orange or seeing wheat. Your dream is cool because it seems you had a dream of that movie you show here...The Martian(which is an excellent film)

  12. Your dreams are much more interesting than mine!

  13. I'm not aware of colors - if they are there they are muted - more blues and greens. I'm never off to outer space - so not Mars reds or oranges. All quite interesting

  14. I do dream in color, but I can't remember color dominating a dream like this.

    1. Same here. But this rare dream orange dominated in a big way and sure enough I began to reap benefits from years of hard work in many areas of my life. Still am.

  15. I do dream in color, but I can't remember color dominating a dream like this.

  16. I have had harvest-related dreams, but my job is harvest-harvest related, so it doesn't really stick in my mind if I dream something like that.

    1. Interesting. Maybe this is related to the law of attraction.

  17. There's often been the color green in my dreams but I sure look forward to dreaming of orange!

    1. Green is a good color in just about any culture or time or religion. It's difficult to find a bad green dream.

  18. I don't remember a predominance of any particular colour in any of my dreams.

  19. Colors don't often take significance in my dreams... Last night, I had the closest thing to a nightmare I've had but as I was at the doc and they were releasing me from wearing a brace (I ruptured my quad tendon in January and am looking forward to the brace's removal) I started having tremors and the doctor thought I was developing Parkinson's... Not a good dream, but it wasn't "nightmarish" either.

    1. sage, not sure what to make of that but glad it didn;t turn out to be a nightmare.

  20. My son learned that human's ability to see color has evolved. That's why only a few colors are mentioned in older writing. They either didn't see them, or hadn't distinguished them, yet. I like how you looked to nature to help interpret color in your dreams. I see orange in sunrises and sunsets. Beginnings and endings, and spectacular beauty.
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. Mary, I like the color orange. And I love oranges, my favorite fruit.
