Tuesday, April 12, 2016

J is for Jacob's Ladder

Jacob’s Ladder In the book of Genesis this is a stairway to heaven that the biblical Patriarch Jacob dreamt about when he was running from his brother Esau, and angels ascended and descended the ladder. The purpose is believed to have identified Jacob with the obligations and inheritance of the ethnic people chosen by God. 

Jacob's Ladder In Dreams represents a two-way path between heaven and earth. It’s your connection between your spiritual and physical side. 

I used Jacob’s Ladder toward the end of an epic battle of my Breakthrough series where science meets the supernatural: 

Chase couldn’t take his eyes off what he knew was an angelic being. Now there was someone who had been in one mean and nasty fight. He could really take a punch. 

Chase didn’t think a being so resplendent could look any worse. The three angels looked upward as another portal opened. A ladder dropped. Smaller but no less amazing creatures ascended and descended. They helped the three mighty beings scale the rungs upward, and as that portal closed shut, one more earthquake shook the region. 

Honorable Mention Jesus, Jail, and Jewelry 

Tomorrow K is for Knowing (intuitive dreams) 
Okay, So It's A Movie Not A Book

Question Have you borrowed something from a dream (yours or someone else’s) and used it in your books?


  1. Thanks so much for sharing the story of Jacob's ladder. It was remarkable timing for me today because I had a ladder in my post today...A letter to James Morrison lead singer from The Doors. I am writing Letters to Dead Poets for the A-Z Challenge. These don't involve my dreams but I have really leaned on the right side of my brain to right these. I am definitely feeling surreal! xx Rowena https://beyondtheflow.wordpress.com/2016/04/12/j-a-letter-to-jim-morrison-the-doors/

    1. One of the items on my To Do While I'm Still Alive List is to see Jom Morrison's grave and sneak a scoop of tundra for a souvinier.

  2. Never had a ladder in my dreams. I think Dreams make great materials for writing. :)


    #AtoZChallenge- J for Just Joking!

  3. I once had a dream and in the dream I thought I had the most amazing idea for a book and when I woke up I was so excited, but it turned out it was only great in the dream :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. I had a book with Jacob's ladder in it when I was a kid--I spent a lot of time looking at it. I can remember one dream I had about ladders...a scary dream, too.

  5. Cool it was in your book.
    Jacob's Ladder is also a song by Rush!

    1. Alex, I'm YouTubing a live version now as I respond to comments.

  6. Hi Stephen - thanks for highlighting your Jacob's Ladder ... and the link via dreams ... my cousin's daughter did an art work entitled Jacob's Ladder that was exhibited at Chichester Cathedral ... which I posted about on Easter Sunday (2016) ... lots of thoughts here ... Cheers Hilary

  7. Interesting. I hadn't heard of it described that way, a link between your spiritual and physical side. I can see how it would inspire some good story writing. I have vivid dreams. I suspect they'll show up in stories one of these days!
    Mary at Play off the Page

  8. Hi Stephen, that was an interesting bit of trivia I learned through your post today. A connection between the physical and the spiritual world....fantastic!
    @KalaRavi16 from

    1. Kala, one only needs to understand Einstein's famous equation of E=MC2 to understand this link of energy (angels and demons) convert into to mass (physical forms) then back to energy. It's all so simple and elegant.

  9. I don't have any books yet, but I've used ideas from my dreams in stories I've written.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  10. Jacob's Ladder is a great metaphor to use in stories.

  11. One of the first stories I wrote was inspired by a dream. But it had some big plot holes, so it's safely tucked away on the computer.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. Patricia, don't worry about it. Many books and movies and TV shows have huge gaping holes. They have interesting plots and characters and that's what propels them forward.

  12. I chuckled seeing that Jesus got honorable mention. Just struck me funny (and yes, I am going to hell). Have not used any dreams in my writing. Maybe I should!

  13. I loved this post! For some reason I never knew that about Jacob's Ladder! Thank you!!!

  14. I never knew what Jacob's ladder meant even though I have heard about this. I have never had a ladder in my dreams. I love Dogma!

    1. Birgit, it's a show you have to watch in it's entirety to get, not in bits and pieces.

  15. One morning I was sleepily thinking about my dreams and thinking 'that would make a great story, why can't I ever think up stuff like that?' And then I woke fully and realised the story was mine. The downside was when I came to write it, it wasn't half as good as I originally thought!

    Susan A Eames from
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  16. Funny there is a flower in the UK called Jacob's ladder. Not a writer, so don't use dream scenes.

  17. I just watched Noah and thought it cool that the string game with grandfather was making Jacob's ladder.

    1. Gail, I have yet to see that movie. Just not enough time to binge watch shows as I'd like to.

    2. You just have to stop dead in your tracks like I did...

  18. Jacob's ladder is a fascinating story in the Bible.

  19. Jacob's ladder, the stairway to heaven. I learned something new.

  20. I have totally used stuff from dreams to put them in my stories OR in my brainstorming for stories.

  21. I definitely use my dreams, but this is a cool visual!
