Tuesday, November 4, 2014

IWSG, NaNo, and Other Fun Stuff

IWSG: It’s the first Wednesday of the month and time for IWSG. You can also follow threads throughout the month on Facebook at this link: IWSG Critique Corner

Steve’s Science and Other Fun Stuff: This Thursday I’m posting over at the Blogging A to Z Challenge. I do this every first and third Thursday of the month. I post on the latest and greatest realms of science and such. These posts are timely, informative, and downright interesting. 

This month is no exception. Just click on Einstein’s image at the top left of my sidebar this Thursday. While we’re at it, there is someone posting every day at Blogging A to Z Challenge covering all kinds of relevant topics regarding a wide range of topics. You’ll be glad you did! 

Finally: I performed my civic duty on Tuesday and voted. Sure, my puny little vote may not change the world. But it's still important people take their future and the future of their posterity seriously.


  1. Like the photo of you! I voted and so did my wife.
    Good luck with NaNo. Not participating this year but I've won in the past. You can do it, Stephen.

  2. Good luck with Nano Stephen. Love the photo.

  3. I like your cartoon. It's exactly my predicament lately (minus the NaNoWriMo anxiety). Good luck with NaNo.

  4. Love your voting sticker photo, Stephen! Good luck with your 50,000 words this month!

  5. Hi Stephen - good luck with the two NaNo .. I really must catch Chase Manhattan again and see where he's got to ... that's turning into a great series. Then you're branching out ... sounds comedic fun. Glad you've voted ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary for the encouraging words. It's fun to get back to Chase and his friends again and developing new villains

  6. You look like a football player.

    Good luck hitting your word count this month.

  7. I'm so proud that so many of my blogging friends voted. It's so important. I'm not doing NaNo, but I'm cheering you on.

  8. Everyone should vote, or stop complaining! Good Luck with NaNo. I could never write fast enough.

  9. I'm sure a lot of other people thought the same thing about their lone puny vote. But waking up today and checking out the news, all those puny votes added up to some really big change!

  10. Good for you going for the 50k! I never register, but I always participate. It's good to get writing and writing quickly with a deadline is sometimes just what we need. Good luck!

  11. Good luck with NaNo. I finally cracked and signed up towards the last minute, after thinking I'd never do it. I was shocked to discover a message board for folks doing the entire 50K on the FIRST DAY. Do they have nothing better to do than sit at the computer typing for 16+ hours in a single day, and do they really think those 50,000 words, of an entire book or just the starting 50,000 words, are any good when they were typed that fast?

    1. Carrie-Anne, my first and only thought is they're lying and just want the NaNo Winner's Badge. 50,000 words in one day? I don;t think so.

      Good luck to you!

  12. Voting is so important. :)

    Good luck with NaNo! I'm not participating this year, and it's so hard not to. I miss it and even think, "If I jump in now..." Of course, I tell myself no since I have other things I want to accomplish this November.

  13. You can get those 50,000 words Stephen. Voting is so important (love your picture). Good luck with NaNo.

  14. Sometimes I think people who do the NaNo thing are a bit extreme and like to inflict pain on themselves. Then again, I used to race snowmobiles and lots of people thought I was nuts. They were right, LOL.

  15. Voting is important indeed, good luck reaching that 50K

  16. I agree voting is important, I wish you well with NaNo and good luck.

    1. Hi Yvonne, good to see you again and thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

  17. High five for voting! And good luck with NaNo! :)

  18. Good luck with NaNo - this will be your year! :) I'll look for you next time I'm over on the NaNo site.

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  19. Best wishes for the NANO writing. I won't be writing a novel this time around, but I'll be watching everyone else's progress.

    I voted, but didn't have my picture taken or do a selfie. Did you tweet your photo? I heard that was all the rage this year.

    Tossing It Out

  20. Good luck! I'll add you!

  21. Looking forward to buddying up to everyone doing NaNo this year!

  22. You're a brave soul. Best wishes with NaNo. I've never dared.
    Looks like you voted twice - sneaky guy.
    Cheers, Stephen.

  23. Hey Stephen! We're going to rock the NaNo world! I'm going to buddy you as soon as I finish my IWSG rounds. I'm lilicasplace on NaNoWriMo if you happen to get there before I do.

    Have a great night! Eva

  24. Good luck with NaNo. I won't be able to take part this year, but I'm happy to cheer everyone on.
    (and love the photo!)

    1. Thanks Lynda for the good vibes you're sending out!

  25. Go for it Steve. Sounds like you got lots of energy for it.

  26. I just buddied you on NaNo! Good luck to you. I know you can do it!

  27. Thanks everyone for stopping by. And be sure to click on Einstein's smiling face at the top left as I'm posting at the Blogging A to Z site about cities of the future.

  28. Thanks for voting. I didn't and I feel embarrassed by it!

  29. Not only a NaNo-er, but working on 2 books at the same time? WOW! (Now, I really feel like a slacker...) Good luck, Stephen! :)

  30. Should I mention a lot of blogs I visit have taken a NaNo break? And they're only working on one book.

    (I voted.)

    1. LD, so far I haven't touched that second book. But if I can get the outlines finished I'll be very happy. Crazy, I know.

  31. That word count cartoon is cute. Maybe that is my cue to say my break is over and I need to get back to writing. : )

  32. Good luck with Nano! And high-five for voting!


  33. Go go NANO!Not doing it myself, but I'll cheer you on!

  34. I'm trying to do the same as you, going back and forth with two projects.
