Tuesday, October 1, 2013

IWSG, Harry Potter Spin Offs, NASA, and Asteroids

IWSG: Time. I just don't have enough time to finish my book, work on the edits, and everything else. Let alone blog. Job. Family. Miscellaneous. But I have a bug push to finish by October 31st and really think I can do it!
Harry Potter Spin Offs: Warner Bros. has trademarked the titles of JK Rowling's fictional Quidditch teams and books in the series such as Tales Of Beedle The Bard, sparking rumors of more films. Reference
Reading the final paragraph of The Deathly Hallows was bitter sweet as, like everyone else, I did not want the series to end. But spinoffs offer unlimited possibilities.
Spinoffs I would like to see:
• Lord Voldermort's original reign of terror.
• The Aurors.
• Stories from the original founders of Hogwarts: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff.
• The Department of Mysteries.
• The Marauders: with Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs and the Marauders Map. What adventures they could have!
·  Hermione becomes a dentist. Not so adventurous. But Emma Watson is hot!
Escalation Cover Art: Monday’s release is right around the corner. I’m happy to reach this milestone. Finally! And there is still time to help. Just email me at Stephen.tremp@yahoo.com if you want to join the fun.

Escalation Burb: Together, Breakthrough, Opening, and Escalation follow the lives of the unlikely participants from innocence to a coming of age through sacrifice, betrayal, passion, lust, unconditional love, and hope. The action is swift. There are numerous twists and turns that will keep the reader turning the pages and wanting more.

ESCALATION will appeal to fans of modern-day science fiction, action, and the element of horror.
Did You Know: NASA is currently planning out an ambitious mission to snag a near-Earth asteroid and park it in a stable orbit around the moon, where it could be visited repeatedly by astronauts for scientific and exploration purposes. The asteroid will stay in this orbit for 100 years or so. Once finished with it and you and we have no further need of it, wesend it in to impact the moon. Reference
Not So Fun Fact: There are those who would take a much bolder approach and bring an asteroid into Earth’s orbit. Ummm … I think the moon is close enough. I don’t want an something to go wrong and have errant large asteroid crashing into Earth. Houston, we have a problem. Reference
Question: What's your IWSG for the month? Any Harry Potter spinoffs you can think of that you would really like to see? Do you like the idea of capturing an asteroid and placing it in orbit so close to Earth?


  1. Crashing it into the moon doesn't seem like a good idea either...
    If you find any spare time, let me know.
    Ready for Monday! And tomorrow. Are you ready for tomorrow...?

    1. Alex, wat ould be bigger tan last mont's news of a new ISWG Website? I'll just ae to wait until tomorrow morning and see. And yes, mu old keyboard needs to be replaed.

  2. I would love to see any and all HP spin offs. Can't get enough of that world!

  3. You know, I do have a story idea that involved a new asteroid belt forming with Earth having the misfortune of being in it's path on an annual basis, but I'm more curious about the mechanics involved in the actual "snagging" of said asteroid.

    Your list of Harry Potter spin offs would be great. Can't think of any others right now.

  4. I'd love to see The Marauders spin-off. Those guys already have a great fan following to make it work. Might be dangerous to bring an asteroid that close, but I'd love to know what they discover on one.

  5. How Hagrid acquired his 5 headed dog (forgotten the name, Fluffy?) but that would be a good story.

    I agree, crashing it into the moon doesn't sound like a good idea. Why not turn it into a habitat..

  6. I agree - the moon is close enough. I hope not too close.

  7. Nope - asteroids too close to earth or the moon - asking for trouble!

    Congrats on Escalation!

  8. No Harry Potter spin offs for me. I'm ready for IWSG and ditto on the moon crashing. Things like that never seem to go as planned.

  9. Interesting spin-off ideas.

    That's my deadline, too. We can do it.

  10. Hi Stephen .. any Harry Potter will almost certainly be successful - but I've never really got into the books ... though one is aware!

    I certainly don't want an asteroid popping in here! Cheers Hilary

  11. You have some excellent spin-off ideas, although I'd never thought of it to have my own. I did love the series, so more would be awesome and I do think there were more interesting characters to focus on than the main three. So yeah, sounds intriguing. Re the asteroid, I would like to thin they can explore it, but like you say, not on Earth, the moon's close enough. I have posted my IWSG, and have explored the website and FB page. Love it all!

    Shah X


  12. Great suggestions on Harry Potter spin-offs. And Hermoine as a dentist. Funny.

    1. A reference to Hermione's parents who were dentists hahaha. Emma Watson had a bit role in the movie This Is The End that was pretty funny.

  13. Sad to say I am not into Harry Potter,WHAT? did I hear you say?. This months I.S.W.G from me is about starting over (life) again having had loads of stress over the past few years.
    Have a good day.

  14. Awwww poor moon!! LOL!!! Hermoine leading the Department of Mysteries! LOL! Take care

  15. Hey, Stephen, I have some of the same challenges you do. Work. Writing. Editing. Deadlines. I guess they never get easier and we have to focus to meet those deadline dates. Fascinating stuff scientists can do. Didn't think about stuff like that happening and agree that it would be safer to do it closer to the moon.

  16. Greed and incompetence can be a disasterous one-two punch. That's all it takes to bring an asteroid into our orbit. I say the moon yes. Earth no way.

  17. I am 1000% with you on the time thing. I have none, and WAY too much to do.

    I think i'd be happy to see any HP spinoff- I love that world so much!

    I'm just impressed that NASA is still running any missions at all with all the budget cuts!

  18. I'm right there with you with the lack of time. Maybe the scientists could low down the spin of the earth a little too.

    I re-follow with my new identity. New blog is http://tonjamatney.blogspot.com

  19. Looking forward to Monday's cover reveal of Escalation. I've already put up a teaser spot in the upper right hand corner of my sidebar. : )

  20. I would love to see more about the Department of Mysteries, she really didn't explain much there and there are so many places she could go. I'd also love to see stories about the four founders, and the marauders of course.
    I never have enough time to do everything I want to, but that's partly down to my time management.

  21. If only we pull out spare time like we do other things: spare tire, spare glasses, spare chocolate--or is that just me?

    1. The Harry Potter spinoffs are endless. First up I would like to see Voldermort's first reign of terror and the battles between Mad Eye Moody and the Aurors vs. The Death Eaters and of course Azkaban.

  22. Oh my gosh, I think I'm on the verge of drooling. O_O
    Harry Potter spinoffs? Oh, the possibilities... I would so be glued to whatever screen shows them. Great spinoffs suggestions by the way ;)

    While I find all this space stuff fascinating I'm not sure I'm okay with it impacting us or the moon.... totally not cool.

  23. I wonder how much Warner paid for that?

    My insecurity is like yours - not enough time. And I keep taking on more. My husband says I am the worst boss ever.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Love your ideas for Harry Potter spin-offs, Stephen.

  26. Love the idea of a prequel to HP. Wonder if Ms. Rowling is even considering that? As to asteroids, please don't mess with Mother Nature. We haven't done so well when we try. I have a few Insecurities, but I think my abject fear has put those into perspective. I'm back from break, and enjoyed visiting your blog again.

  27. Oh, NASA.

    One day, I might gear up to read HP. I feel like the only blogger who hasn't. Peer pressure. >.>

  28. S.K., I would love to help write some of these spinoffs. Mad Eye Moody would be where I would want to start.

    Diane, you are one of the busiest people I know.

    Amanda, thanks!

    Lee, welcome back!

    Debra, a must read. I read the entire series a couple years ago, then read them through a second time. They're that good.

  29. Hello, Stephen. This is only my second post for the IWSG, and I am happy to be here. :)

    When I feel like I don't have time, like there's just too much to do, I focus on one thing at a time. Then as soon as I finish one goal, be it editing, I move onto the next. I also have many blog posts already written WAY ahead of time. This helps greatly with the stress factor.

    Oh, and a spin-off to Lord Voldermort's original reign of terror would be AMAZING! I'd love to see that!!

  30. I'd like to see a whacky comedy spin off about Lord Voldermort and his day to day struggles raising an army of minions and ruling evil. Attracting astroids to come closer... hmmm... nope, can't see anything that could possibly go wrong with that!

  31. Hangs head in shame and whispers: I've never read the Harry Potter series. It's never held any interest for me.

    There I feel kind of cleansed.

    Sending you all kinds of good wishes and juju for your books, Stephen!

  32. Time is always an issue, isn't it?

    I don't want to see any Harry Potter spin offs. I'd hate to see them ruin that series by trying to milk it too long.

    Good luck on your book!

  33. I'm all in for HP spin offs . . . love your ideas! Maybe I should have my students brainstorm a list and send it to JK :-) IMHO, there could never be too much HP . . . that's just crazy talk. Like saying there's such a thing as too much coffee *as hand tremors set in for the night*

  34. I believe you will do it! I usually make a list and work on the top three that need my attention!

    I'm kinda scared about trapping an asteroid?!

    I love your spin offs-so clever!

  35. I think you covered all the spin-offs I'd like to see. But yeah, I was happy to the end of Harry Potter Series; just unhappy with how it ended :(

    When you gonna invent a time turner?


  36. Hi Stephen, October 31st is my deadline too for my first draft. Hope I can finish my WIP by then.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

  37. Lack of time used to be an issue for me. Now making best use of my time is the issue. There's always something?

  38. Time is my nemesis... for sure...
    I need to manage my time better to ensure maximum productivity...

  39. TTT...And there is never enough of it!

  40. And check out Blogging A to Z today as I have a follow up story concerning the government shutdown and its effect on NASA's programs.

  41. Oooo... I LOVE your spin off ideas, Stephen!!! How do we put you in charge? I'd back you! :)
