Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weekend Follies and Return to Steve’s Science And Other Fun Stuff

Hi everyone, as always, thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
Steve’s Science and Other Fun Stuff series up and running again at the Blogging A to Z site every first and third Thursday of each month. I hope to see you there to check out the latest in physics, astronomy, biochemistry, nanotechnology, and other amazing breakthroughs that science is on the cusp of discovering.
Stop by and check out my latest post: Should We Return to the Moon? Just click on EINSTEIN’S FACE at the top of my right side bar. You’ll be glad you did!!!
Weekend Follies: First up is this Stephen King cartoon I saw circulating Facebook this week.
Next up: Sometimes you feel like you’re surrounded by @$$h0!e$. Admit it. It’s true. So I’ll revert back to one of the greatest movies ever made. Enjoy!
Oh, and don’t forget to click on Einstein’s image after viewing the Weekend Follies!


  1. I LOVE the Stephen King cartoon! In high school my English teacher read one of my more disturbing stories aloud in class. I got some weird looks from my classmates after that, but at least no one ran out of the room screaming.

  2. Spaceballs is a classic and one of my hubby's favourite movies.

  3. Just watched half of that movie the other night. Why half? I was flipping through channels and caught it halfway through - and couldn't flick away!

  4. Not seen this. I'll have to check it out.

  5. So funny, poor little Stephen - NOT!

    Spaceballs was hilarious - still is!

  6. Love the Stephen King comic. I wonder of he's seen it. I would thin he'd get a kick out of it.

  7. Oh, I saw that comic and totally loved it. Perfect!

  8. Thanks for keeping us entertained! Have a great weekend!

  9. Love the comic - that's awesome!! :)

  10. Uck; Spaceballs didn't thrill me. But I love your weekend follies :)


  11. LOL, I liked the Stephen King cartoon.

  12. lol Love it!!! Too awesome :)

    Thank you for spotlighting me next week, you rock!!!! :D

  13. Spaceball's is silly. But I loved the Stephen King cartoon!

  14. Spaceballs will give me no shortage of material for the Weekend Follies. But I'll refrain as there are lots more movies to fuel your need to laugh from a busy week.

  15. Hi Steve .. thanks for keeping us up to date with space exploration and ideas .. I too loved the Stephen King cartoon - fun! Cheers Hilary

  16. I LOVE the Stephen King cartoon...and Spaceballs. Total *epic* and one of my favorite movies of all times!

  17. Glad you're back to doing the science feature on the A to Z Blog again.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Lee. my pleasure. This has been a crazy year, but the dust is settling and I'm back on track. Pretty much.
