Thursday, September 26, 2013

Celebrate The Small Things and Weekend Follies

Celebrate The Small Things: Today I'm celebrating the completion of the cover art my upcoming book ESCALATION. Thanks to everyone who offered to share in the Cover Art release Monday October 7th.
And if you still want to help with the release, just jump through your wormhole and leave a comment or email me at I'll be sending out the cover art along with a short blurb to you this weekend.

And if you haven't joined Celebrate The Small Things, scroll down on my left side bar and click the badge.
Weekend Follies: I love culture clash. The Beverly Hillbillies or Green Acres are classic examples. In the classic movie What About Bob, Bill Murray's and Richard Dreyfuss's characters could not be any more different. And this is the conflict that provides 99 minutes of hilarity.
If you haven't seen What About Bob, it's definitely worth the rental this weekend.
Have a great weekend, and thanks again all for helping with the Cover Release for ESCALATION!


  1. And since the Ninja had a sneak peak at said cover - you're going to like it, folks!

  2. What About Bob is such a funny title.

    Looking forward to your cover.

  3. Anxious to see your cover!! woohoo! What About Bob was among my favorite that you listed. Great actors.

  4. There was a period in high school were my friends would all travel over to my buddy Paul's house and either watch Best of the Best or What About Bob...WAB is a total classic!!!

  5. Good luck with your cover reveal. Writing is such an exciting world.

  6. What About Bob is genius. So is Groundhog Day for that matter. Congrats on your cover reveal. Hit me with the details so I can post!

    1. Thanks for your help! I'll be sending out this weekend.

  7. I understand Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss didn't get along so well on the set. Murray and Chevy Chase didn't get along too. We see these actors and actresses playing so well off each other on screen which is a testament to their amazing talents.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congratulations for the cover release, Stephen.

  10. Congrats, Stephen! Looking forward to your cover. I wish I could help on the 7th, but I have another author scheduled for that day, and I never promote two authors the same day. I like to focus on one star at a time...

    Have a great weekend.

  11. Looking forward to seeing your next cover. I'll help with the cover release.

    1. Thanks Peaches. I'll get it over to you this weekend.

  12. Can't wait to see the cover!!! Exciting :D

  13. I like culture clash, too. Looking forward to your cover!

  14. What About Bob is a great movie! I swear, I've adopted "baby steps" as my mantra ever since. You have a great weekend too!
