Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December 2020 IWSG

Hello everyone and as always thanks for stopping by. These are the co-hosts for Deecember 2020’s Insecure Writers Support Group brought to you by Alex J. Cavanaugh and his team of co-hosts: Pat Garcia, Sylvia Ney, Liesbet @ Roaming About, Catrina Constantine and Catrina Constantine

Example from Google Images
                            Example from Google Images


  1. Hi Stephen,
    A digital art journey sounds cool. I journal too and maybe I'll try my hand at doodling my own journey as I see it, even though I am a terrible artist. But maybe I would improve if I do it more often.
    Have a Merry Christmas and a safe crossover into 2021.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Hi Pat, you can do a physical journal using colored pencils and crayons and such. Hey it's never too late to use crayons.

  2. I journal once a week in a basic blank book. :) I've found that's perfect for me...not too much to catch my journal up on but enough to be reflective. I picked a day of the week and journaling goes on my calendar.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth this is an encouragement to us all. One journaling day a week is better than no days a week.

  3. When I started this blog, it was like a daily journal, although it has morphed into a monthly post only. Prior to that I kept diaries and journals when I was in school. I also completed "Morning Pages" every morning while completing the lessons in The Artist's Way.

    1. Hi Liza, thanks for stopping by and sharing with us. I have not heard of The Artist's Way but it sounds like a productive place to be.

  4. I used to journal when I traveled so I would remember everything.

  5. That's great that you can write consistently. That's what I'm working on learning how to do now. And doing a digital art journal sounds cool.

    1. Natalie, I highly recommend a digital art journal you can also copy and paste stuff you do on a Google or Word doc and there is so much you can do with these docs using simple commands in the tool bar.

  6. Hi Stephen - nope ... I don't journal, nor have I kept diaries ... but I have some old letters I wrote when I was travelling and some notes ... the blog has helped too. Life goes on and all is well here ... good to see you posting - hope you have a good December and then 2021 - take care - Hilary

  7. An art journal sounds like a fun record of a year. 2021 will be an interesting one to unfold as the vaccine allows a return to "normal"... let's wait and see! Writing consistently - I think that'll be my goal next year.

  8. Hi Stephen, it's really wonderful that you are able to write consistently. A digital art journal sounds super cool.

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year in advance!

  9. A digital art journal sounds neat. I've done many different types of journals, including an art journal, but not a digital one.

  10. What a cool journaling idea, Stephen! I keep a daily journal, handwritten. My computer and I are often fighting, so I trust a good pen and a bound journal with quality paper instead of using a digital format. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season!

  11. I'm not sure what you mean by a digital art journal. I'll check back to see if you explain. I've journaled occasionally but can't seem to stick with it. What's the key?

  12. I tend to do more writing/art in the fall and winter. I can never stick to journaling, but /i like the google example. That looks like a fun way to journal!

  13. A digital art journal sounds cool! I don't have a specific time of the year I write more, either.
