This month's question is Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose?
Yes I have. Chase Manhattan from my Breakthrough series is made up of a lot of me, only better. Much better. I have a college degree but he has one in physics. I've taught online college courses while he is an associate professor at University of California - Irvine. I drive a used Volvo. He can afford just about any car he wants. I've been to Canada and Mexico. Chase has been all over the globe. I once saw a Bruce Lee movie. He has a black belt.
But other than that, we're pretty much the same.

What, me worry? I'm going through some major transitions. All good. But I do need to take those life changing leaps of faith and it's going well. It's time to shed my skin and move into new arenas and I'm having a lot of fun doing it.
Question Have you had to make any life changing leaps of faith lately?