Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July IWSG, The Launching Pad and Happy Fourth of July!!!

Hello everyone and as always thanks for stopping by and saying hello! July’s IWSG is brought to you by Alex J. Cavanaugh and his host of helpers Tamara Narayan, Pat Hatt, Patricia Lynn, Juneta Key and Doreen McGettigan

Be sure to stop by their blogs and show them a little love. 

I’ve been hard at work on a new project called The Launching Pad. I’ve never built out a website quite like this. I’m learning much about plug-ins and how they work. I need two more, a text editor with a better selection of fonts, and I need a plug-in that allows me to move stuff up and down in sequence. I’ll find them eventually. 

Currently I’m working on worksheets and checklists. It’s not easy making worksheets with expandable and fillable text, so I’m outsourcing it to Fiverr.com. 

And I hope all you Yanks are having a safe and fun time celebrating Fourth of July!!!

Anyway, that’s my world these days. What’s going on in your world?