
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

R is for Reincarnation

Reincarnation: is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, can begin a new life in a new body. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Indian religions. There is birth, death, and rebirth. 

But other religions and philosophies believe the soul or spirit are eternal and we will live on once our earthly bodies die. It can be back here on Earth, stuck in some type of purgatory, or moving on the heavenly bliss or eternal damnation. Then there are those who believe this life is it. One and done. We are no one special and the universe doesn’t owe us life beyond what we now have. 

Honorable Mention: 

Tomorrow: S is for Signs and Symbols

Question: Do you believe there is life after you die? Do you think you lived in a previous life?

Ummmm .... no.


  1. I believe in life after death and I suspect there may be different ways to go about it. I wouldn't be surprised if reincarnation does exist and I wouldn't be surprised if it's possible to go to the great hereafter as well. At a fundamental level we are energy, energy does not die it simply transforms, hence it goes on. How is the reason we have so many religions and ideas - no one has proof of anything :)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Natasha, that much I agree. Einstein's famous equation E=MC2 is so simple yet so elegant and helps explain so much.

  2. This is a thought provoking subject, one I'm not really sure about but something I can almost think about when time permits.

  3. Man do I miss Chris Farley... I am not sure what happens after, it scares me I might have to live... this thing twice.

  4. Hi Stephen - I believe we go on somehow .. Tasha has put it succinctly .. whether we have thought etc like we do now I somehow doubt ... but the human has certainly evolved in an incredible way .. I love the pics .. cheers Hilary

  5. I believe in the afterlife but not reincarnation. Who wants to come back and do it all again anyway?

  6. I believe only what the Bible says about the subject. And it makes it clear there is no reincarnation. That we are different, because we alone were created in the image of God, having a spirit (Father, Son, Holy Ghost). That when we die we cast off this body. but the soul lives on. That on that bright and blessed morning all the dead in Christ shall rise and those living will be changed in a twinkling of the eye so, that we will all have glorified bodies to reign with him in Heaven. And that those that never accepted or received His free gift of salvation will spend their eternity in hell. - Oh, loved your cartoons!
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

    1. Barbara, I have that sense of humor where I can laugh at anything.

  7. Loving those reincarnation comics. Too funny!

  8. The hippo wannabe hippie was my favorite. When I ponder reincarnation, I wonder how to reconcile it with the huge population growth the world is experiencing. Are more souls getting into humans, while in the past they were mosquitos?

  9. Those are cute cartoons! I believe in eternal life in heaven for those that believe in Jesus as their savior, so I plan to live forever with Him once I pass away in this earth :)


  10. I do believe that we've lived many lives to learn many different lessons. I don't think the moment we die we are reborn though. This could take a long time. And I do believe that there is an afterlife, a place where we go between lives (possibly) and when were done.

  11. I'm not sure... a few years ago my husband and I took up Transcendental Meditation. when you go deep down into your consciousness, after you have been meditating a long time, you get to feel that you are entering a realm of wised consciousness, of all beings, everywhere. i know some people believe that you enter this stare when dead and get chosen as it were to live again from the pool. I'm not sure if you live again - but i have felt that consciousness, as if i am joining everyone. ~Liz

  12. Hello there.
    There are many beliefs and teachings about what happens to us after death, but what's important is what the Bible actually says. First, we have to go all the way back to the creation account in Genesis 2:7 - God formed man out of the dust from the ground, then God blew life into his nostrils and man became a living person or soul. So at death, the reverse of this process takes goes back to God (He is the only one who gave it in the first place) and man's body returns to the dust from which it was formed. That's it. Consider too what God told Adam in the Gdn of Eden at Genesis 2:17. There God told Adam in no uncertain terms that if he ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, the penalty for disobedience would be death. Adam ate the fruit and he died, just like God said he would. Before God formed Adam and gave him life, Adam did not exist. Now if Adam were to live on in some other realm, that would make him more powerful than God and subsequently make God a liar! (Genesis 3:19) We inherited sin and death from Adam, so as a result, we too die (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; Romans 5:12). With that being said, some people will go to heaven. Again, the Bible tells us at Revelation 14:1, 3 that this number is only 144,000 faithful and loyal ones chosen by God and Jesus (Isaiah 42:1; 43:10, 21. Luke 22:28-30; Acts 15:14). So what about the rest of the population you might ask? Once again, the Bible answers at Psalms 37:11, 29; Ecclesiastes 1:4 and Isaiah 45:18 - earth is our home so those not going to heaven (144,000) will live right here on earth.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Barbara @ Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. Thanks Barbara for taking the time to write such a detailed comment!

  13. I'm just enjoying the laughter. I want all those cartoons.

  14. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile. Great cartoons.

  15. It appears we like to laugh about it. I don't believe in reincarnation but believing in heaven gets be through a lot.

  16. I believe that when we are dead that is it. Nothing.

    BUT reincarnation is a great trope that I use in my books all the time. There it is fun.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

  17. Reincarnation, life after death, all of it I believe. This is just one blip in eternity, and we are eternal. But you've opened a whole can of worms. The comments are going to go all over the place.

    1. Liz, this is a touchy yet passionate topic. But I'm not afraid to talk about it. Check out my J is for Judgment post. And thanks for stopping by!

  18. There is an afterlife - Heaven or Hell.

  19. Stephen,

    You and I both posted about reincarnation for our R today. This subject can be debated forevermore because no one really knows what happens when we die. I think we do have to do things over again if we don't get it right the first time, second time, third time, etc. We probably get a break in between until it's time to go back to Earth again. It simply makes no sense to me that only 144,000 people (as Barbara stated above) will get to go to Heaven. If that's true, Hell will be one crowded place.

    And why are there so many religions that all believe different things? Which one is correct? In a way, organized religion can be a dangerous thing because all of them brainwash their followers into believing their way is the only way.

    We are all energy so, as Tasha suggests, we all do go on in some form.


    1. Sunni, the 144,000 are not all inclusive. There are many more that make it to heaven than that. Unfortunately, I do agree that Hell will be a crowded place.

  20. The cartoons are hilarious and some are very true!

  21. Great comedy relief for the A to Z blogfest. Loved the Gorilla one, hilarious.

  22. I don't believe in reincarnation partly because I'm Christian, but there's something about the concept that puts me off. How many people are actually the same person, just in a different life and body? What's the point of living life over and over if you can't use much wisdom from your former lives? And wouldn't that make ever bug you squash or animal that ends up roadkill a murder?

  23. I have believed in reincarnation from a young age. Even though I was raised Catholic, it always just made sense. I love the hippo that wanted to be a hippie. LOL.

  24. Love the cartoons - I don't know if I believe in reincarnation or not. But I always say, if I lived a previous life, I was filthy rich and I was sent back to see how the other half lives! LOL -

  25. Those cartoons are great! The hippo hippie cartoon makes me think of the hippies in Hawaii.
    Maui Jungalow

    1. Courtney, sometimes in life you just have to have a sense of humor.

  26. Very thought-provoking! It's nice that nobody can really claim to be right. Joan (

  27. I love these cartoons-they are perfect!! I think there is more to life and so many have mentioned a previous life and can descrive things in detail. My own mom, who is intrigued by this but is a skeptic, recalled being in an Austrian town and knowing every street and shop but yet, she never was there before

  28. we are normally too quick to give our opinion on matters we know nothing off, hence i have no hesitation in saying reincarnation does happen

  29. That's a wrap people. As always thanks for stopping by!

  30. Some cute comics, an interesting topic. I've changed my mind on this topic several times throughout my life. I don't believe in Purgatory though, a friend who is Catholic says she doesn't think they teach that much these days.
