
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Signs and Symbols

Signs and Symbols: Where do we begin? They’ve been around since mankind first walked the Earth. They’re on flags and banners and T-shorts. They herald something people can flock to, associate themselves with, and form an alliance. 

At it's core, signs and symbols simply stands for something, anything, and can represent religions, nations, cultures, armies, factions, and causes. They can illicit emotion that cause people to draw a line in the sand and take sides. Even fight, kill, and die for. 

Here in the U.S. there are signs and symbols in abundance that the builders of our country have attached to our society and culture. Just do a Google search on the dollar bill sometime. They way cities are laid out. Architecture. Dan Brown made a pretty darn good career out of signs and symbolism.

Honorable Mention: Séance, Shaman, Specter, Spirit, Spiritualism, Supernatural 

Tomorrow: T is for Telepathy 

Question: How many of the signs and symbols below can you identify?


  1. Only 2 I'm struggling with. The two keys maybe something to do with the Knights Templar? And the lion, maybe the British lion? x
    Love signs and symbols!x

  2. I know most of the symbols, but not all of them :). Dan Brown has done rather well out of signs and symbols hasn't he :;g::
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  3. whoa! that's a lot of symbols. I know Swastika, the yin and yang, peace, cancer ribbon, star of david... I think that's it :)
    My A-Z posts:

  4. WOW Stephen you have certainly given us some homework on this one,
    I can only reconise one. will keep going back to it during the day.
    Excellent post but baffling.

  5. Couldn't come up with 2 of them. Amazing how important symbols are! This is probably a good takeaway for writers who are interested in developing logos for their brand.

  6. Only one I didn't know--guess that means I've been properly indoctrinated, doesn't it?

  7. I know most or I am just saying I do..

  8. Okay, came back because I didn't want to be defeated - the cross keys now cross with myself I should have know that (least I was on the right track!) but the Lion - never in a million years would have got that! x

  9. All of them, although the second one is the only one that really matters.

  10. Wow that's a lot of signs and symbols. Once for the fun of it, I took a test to see if I could identify the car logo to the car name. I did pretty darn good. So true on symbols of society and their impact on us.

  11. Some signs and symbols are full of hate, others are beautiful. And the pentagram are misunderstood.

  12. Signs do pack a wallop. You can't see some of these without having a physical reaction.

  13. I think I got most of the signs and symbols right; I'm going to have my hubby take this "quiz" when he comes home from work; he'll confirm if I got them right :)


  14. The lion is the lion rampant, the symbol of Scotland! I wouldn't be allowed to get that one wrong.

  15. I really enjoyed the use of symbolism in Dan Brown's novels and in The National Treasure movies.

  16. there is lot hidden in ancient signs and symbols that we have yet not deciphered

  17. Very good choice of topis and a great collection of images to accompany this post ....
    Keep up the Great work...
    and "i b arora"... is right ... (some of those "Symbols" are best "forgotten")

  18. This was a fun. I couldn't figure out the lion on the red background, the crown with the two crossing keys, and the crop circle design. Had to look them up.

  19. lousy internet so I can't see any pics, but I like what you said in the post, and yes, funny Brown made his career from it :)
    "Haneen/I Will Never Give you Up (302)"

  20. Only a couple I didn't recognize.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  21. I don't know if you are aware, the Nazi sign is actually a backwards version of a religious sign which is very old. Yin and Yang are on some of my shirts because I practise T'ai Chi.

  22. great. now i'm looking at everything and seeing a symbol. only danger can come from my using my brain and thinking.

  23. I recognize some but not all. I knew radioactive!


  24. Such an interesting post. I knew all but one.

  25. I can recognize quite a few of those symbols, but a few of them do stump me, I must admit!

  26. Hi Stephen - it's amazing how many signs and symbols are still being found or being recognised ... but I know most of those - though not all .. I hope you'll enlighten us .. cheers Hilary

  27. I know all but two and one of them I think I can guess. And I agree with Alex on the importance of the second one.

  28. I talked about the sigil of baphomet. The swastika was taken from a more ancient source and corrupted by the Germans. The yin yang is balance of both feminine and masculine.

    Sweet post.

  29. Great collection of signs and symbols!
    Michele at Angels Bark

  30. Great collection of signs and symbols!
    Michele at Angels Bark
