
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

G is for Ghost

Come Play With Us - The Shining
A ghost (phantom, specter, apparition, or spook) is generally accepted as the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can manifest itself to the living. 

There is a real fascination with ghosts these days as there are no shortages of ghost hunter and paranormal reality shows and Websites. TV shows like Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, and The Haunted to name a few take the viewer to locations that are notoriously haunted and the paranormal teams attempt to capture images and sounds and even attempt to make contact with whatever is causing the paranormal activity. 

Awesome Ghost Lloyd the Bartender - The Shining
In my latest work Salem’s Daughters, there’s a team of paranormal specialists with an extremely popular cable TV show who decide to stay at Murcat Manor and have a live three hour show for their fans. 

Big mistake. 

The paranormal team got far more than they bargained for. But then, so did the witches who inhabit the feline bodies of thirteen cats and lounge around the popular bed and breakfast, hiding in plain sight while carrying out the murders of the guests. 

Never underestimate an opponent regardless of the side you are on.

Question: Do you believe in ghosts? Ever seen or feel their presence?

Honorable Mention: Gnome, Gematria, Gemstones

Tomorrow: H is for Haunted House (You'll want to check out this one!!!)


  1. This made interesting and spooky reading.
    Have a good day Stephen.

  2. I am getting goosepimples now Stephen! :)
    Have a good day!

  3. I've never seen one, but I'm convinced I live with one when I was very small. I used to smell the brand of cigarettes my grandmother smoked in the years immediately after her death, too.

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  4. Oh yes, I believe in ghosts - our house is haunted, but Rose is very nice. After we converted the loft we used to have the light switch at the bottom of the new stairs, right where the old light switch for the kitchen was before the electrics were redone - she was forever turning on the lights upstairs. She hasn't done it since we changed the lights and moved the switch. She's the lady who used to live here before us.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  5. ghosts do exist, and certainly in our imagination

  6. I had a book of supernatural stuff that explained ghosts as the residual energy from a living being, which seems viable. Although the possibilities of an active after life are intriguing and something to look forward to, I guess :-)

  7. I'm going to keep my eye on cats from now on.
    Yes, I do believe there are supernatural forces in the world, manifesting as ghosts.

  8. I have seen a ghost a few times [3], I will have to share the stories when more together... you might have to remind me. :)

    Welcome in the letter "G"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

    1. Jeremy, you can check in tomorrow for H is for haunted House and tell us your Tales of Terror!!!

  9. I'd like to say I believe in all things paranormal. I wouldn't want to shut the door completely on things that have never happened to me. Let's hope the ghosts and ghouls stay far away from me.

  10. For something I don't believe in, they sure scare the bejeepers out of me.

  11. I do believe in ghosts or at least in some sort of spiritual beings that hang around in this world. I love ghost stories of all kinds. And The Shining is probably the scariest thing I've ever seen, just the pic of those little girls scares me LOL.

    1. Julie, The Shining is a rare instance of the movie being superior to the book. At first, Stephen King did not like Jack Nicholson in the main role. But I thought he knocked it out of the park.

  12. Your book sounds so good. I can't wait to read it! I love ghost stories, movies, etc. I have even watched those ghost hunting shows.

  13. We sometimes watch those ghost hunting shows. Often its on YouTube on our TV where there are no commercials. I hate watching a thirty minute show expanded to sixty minutes by way of commercials.

  14. I am going to have to catch your book when it comes out; it does sound like an interesting theme, though I usually don't read books like this. I don't usually watch ghost type of shows on TV, afraid it might scare me, LOL. I have sensed a presence but that will come as part of your Haunted Houses post :)


  15. Hi Stephen .. I'm sure there's people around us .. but I haven't seen a ghost or felt one ..

    Lots of interest for your book - that's great .. but I do think the Chase Manhattan series were brilliant - loved the first book .. if I could learn to read it would help!

    Cheers .. Hilary

  16. I do believe in ghosts and I have felt their presence. Most of the time, it's fine. There have been a few that I have not enjoyed or appreciated but I laid down some ground rules- if they aren't nice/good, they are not welcome here. I know. It sounds crazy, but it worked. :)

  17. So that's where all the witches are hiding. My alligators have been wondering where they went. I'll tell them to check the cats.

  18. Not made up my mind about seeing ghosts or not. Think I did once, but the mind can play tricks.

    1. Jo, like the mind playing tricks, so do ghosts. Mwahahahahahaha!

  19. Don't believe in ghosts but they make for great stories in print or movies.

  20. I believe in spirits, and spirits who get stuck, who some call ghosts. It's all terminology. :) I went to the movies the other day and most of the previews seemed to do with ghosts and such. Must be the latest thing! Your book sounds awesome.

  21. This post is a great lead in for tomorrow's H is for Haunted House. I really hope everyone stops by for that.

  22. I get spooked fairly easily and I do have to sleep tonight so I will refrain from pondering my thoughts on ghosts! :)

  23. The house I grew up in was haunted. Something happened in the dining room, because that's where all of the sounds originated from. Once I even saw a figure walk through the dining room from outside.

  24. We visited Emily's Bridge in Stowe, VT. It is a reportedly haunted covered bridge that Emily hung herself in. There are all sorts of stories of reported hauntings. We went one night and I took some pictures. When we returned home to RI and I put the pics on the computer, I could see a face in several of the photos. I did a blog post on it. Some people saw the face, some didn't.

    1. judi, I have had people show me pics with what they thought were angels, demons, ghosts, and aliens in the background. Maybe they were doing a photo bomb.

  25. I do believe spirits exist. Not sure how I'd classify them though.

  26. A lot of people do believe in something regarding this topic. But often they are too busy to stop and consider just what the heck they experienced. They might be scared, but life goes on regardless if things go bump in the night.

  27. Hello there.
    Thanks for sharing. I figured it was time I stopped by again to thank you for your visits and comments. Enjoy the challenge!

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

  28. I do not believe in ghosts as the general public and media portray them. Once we die, we are assigned a place and there is a chasm that can't be crossed. I do believe that God can send us comforting visions of our loved ones. But the paranormal activity stuff I believe is demonic spirits presenting themselves as deceased humans
    My Blog: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I'm Ensign B with Tremp's Troops
    of the A to Z Challenge

  29. This old entry from the 2013 A to Z Challenge sums up my beliefs about ghosts, spirits and my own experiences. That year I was writing my post to my children.

  30. Hi, just getting over to check your a-z. Interesting post and comments! Not sure if I believe in ghosts, but my family home as a girl was supposedly haunted. My sister and mother both had encounters. A girl who had lived there previously asked if I had met the ghost yet. I never did! I did have an experience with a rocking chair though at a rental years later. It was rocking away with no one in it, and my daughter, who was three at the time, kept seeing things at night.
    Inventions by Women A-Z

  31. I love watching ghost hunting shows, but I can only watch during the day. If it's dark out, I scare myself. Whenever I watch them though, I want to work on my story where a ghost is following around a ghost hunting team and playing practical jokes on them.
