
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

F is for Footsteps

Many of us have heard them. Footsteps. In the attic. Or the next room. We could be awake or asleep. We check our surroundings and do a quick inventory of who should be in the house and where they are. You conclude everyone is accounted for. Except for whoever or whatever is making the footsteps. 

You sweep the house and check for burglars. All is well. Until you her those footsteps again. Along with hearing voices, audible sounds like footsteps are downright spooky. 

My wife is a CNA and does private duty home health care. My kids and I visit as the elderly are often lonely and enjoy the company. We've heard footsteps too many times to count in one particular house and they would always stop short of entering the room we were in. True story. More on this when I do H is for Haunted Houses. 

E is for Exorcism: If you haven't checked out my post from Monday on the A to Z blog, you can do so by Clicking Here. This was a fun post with no shortage of views in the comments.

Question: Have you ever heard footsteps? Was there a point they could come no further? What did you do?

Honorable Mention: Fairies, Faith Healing, Fallen Angels 

Tomorrow: G is for Ghost.


  1. Great "F" post Stephen, I wouldn't ike to hear unwanted footsteps.

  2. I've never heard footsteps. although I heard a pounding on the door once.

  3. Never, and I'm so glad I haven't; would completely freak me out.

  4. Vrek! As we say here in South Africa - it's an Afrikaans word meaning ... well I don't think I have to spell it out. But when I get a big fright that's what I say. I'd probably say that if I heard footsteps ..

  5. When my Yorkie died in 1989, we heard her toenails walking across our floors for about six months.

  6. Footsteps aren't the only thing that go bump in the night. But they are one of them.

  7. I have heard those unexplained footsteps in my old apartment, they moved 100 year old house and built apartments... I think the spirits never moved and walked around... Welcome in the letter "F"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  8. Oh, creepy. I got chills just by reading this! I've never heard footsteps, but I've heard knocking, banging. I hate it when it wakes me up froma dead sleep.

  9. This is why I have pets. So I don't freak out.

    2015 A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Matthew MacNish from The QQQE

    1. Matthew, speaking of pets, check out Thursday' post for H is for Haunted House. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. HAHAHAHA! I laugh because I am working from home today in my basement office. I keep thinking "who in the hell is walking around up there" then I remember everyone is at school or work!

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

    1. Everyone? Are you sure about that? (Eerie music in the background)

  11. I've never really heard unexplained footsteps. Your posts are intriguing!

    Visiting from A to Z -

  12. I would be freaked out by ghostly footsteps though there are unexplained sounds in an old house like mine.

  13. Lots of houses make noises due to settling and other physical circumstances. But all of them? Some noises may need a serious looking into.

  14. I didn't hear footsteps but I felt pressing wee hands on my legs!

  15. Our townhouse is very creepy. We hear footsteps all the time. I double check the door locks often. Noisy neighbors I guess but it sometimes does sound as they are in the house or on the roof.

  16. Hi Steve - I thought we had littlies in the ceiling .. but it's squirrels - once I'd got my head round it! No I've never heard or seen anything spooky .. I don't think I'd much like it .. I shall wait for G and H .. cheers Hilary

  17. So far our ghost hasn't tiptoes around the house, but she leaves things behind once in a while. That's unnerving.

    1. Cheryl, that would be unnerving. I've never heard of that happening. Yeah, that would creep me out.

  18. We have heard foot steps at a house I lived in growing up. I'll save the story for Haunted House day :)


  19. Lots of good comments here. I like to hear what other have experienced and what they think the source might be.

  20. I hate waking up hearing stuff. And with little ones, it happens more often. Or does it? :)

  21. You probably noticed 'psycho' Fiona has big ears. She barks at all footsteps. Even those of her daddy. She's a maniac.

  22. I don't recall footsteps, but I hear a lot of weird noises in the house I grew up in.

  23. I've never heard footsteps, but I've definitely heard odd noises.

  24. Yup, I've definitely heard footsteps. That wasn't fun at all!

  25. Footsteps. Banging. Odd noises. Just our imagination or the house settling or trolls under our floor boards? Where's rod Sterling when we need him?

  26. I always used to hear footsteps on my mum's flat kitchen roof. My sister tried to convince me it was just the birds, but they'd have had to have been very LARGE birds!

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  27. I've heard them in quietness and dark. Sometimes they scared me but sometimes they were fathomless; just there.

    F is for Felicitous tidings ~ A Poesy Discourse

  28. Love this - haven't heard any footsteps but I think I saw (and photographed) a ghost - can't wait to see tomorrow's post!!

  29. Never heard unexplained footsteps, as far as I remember. However, I worked at a funeral home for a while, there was supposed to be a ghost, I thought it was nonsense until I saw a guy in a blue suit flit past at the bottom of the stairs when I was alone in the building.

  30. I hear footsteps all the time, but there are people who live upstairs, so the footsteps don't trouble me.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  31. That's fascinating, most likely a ghost if there's no other explanation and it continues. When we were kds my sister used to always hear the "jelly man" in the attic when we'd spend the night with our grandmother. This was her imagination because our grandmother used to tell us if we weren't good the "jelly man" would get us and put jelly in our hair.

    Nice subject for your A to Z challenge.


  32. The footsteps I heard were in homes in well to do neighborhoods. Nothing at all like the Munsters or Addams Family. So a haunted house could very well look like an average normal looking family dwelling like in the movie Poltergeist.

  33. That's never happened to me. I wonder who's still hanging around those houses...

  34. Some of the scariest things I ever experienced have no logical explanation, and they all happened in the house I grew up in. Footsteps coming up the stairs ...... dresser drawers opening and shutting ......doors slamming when no one was there..... and more.

    I used to cower under my covers in my bed.

    It wasn't until several years after we had moved in that we found out the previous owners son had committed suicide in the living room. Was there some connection there? I guess we'll never know.

  35. Ooh! Interesting topic. My fiance is an amateur ghost-hunter, so I've become interested in this sort of thing too. I'm going to check out more of your posts! Can't wait! Take care, and have fun with the challenge. I sure am! Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier too. Mine was the post, F is for Magnificent Frigatebirds.:)

  36. Oh gosh, those are so scary! Anytime I hear a creak I worry that there's someone following me.

  37. I think that things that go bump in the night may be a little more prevalent then people want to consider. It's just the world we live in. Many of my Christian friends do not give much credence to the supernatural interacting with the natural. I'll copy and paste my beliefs in a segment I put into Salem's Daughters, ". We’re skeptics at heart, as are most paranormal detectives. We do our best to weed out the instances of people imagining—or even staging, making up—what they’ve experienced as real. Then, if anything remains, we’ll explore that as possible real paranormal activity.”

  38. I'm a skeptic, for the most part. I always search for the explainable and "reasonable" explanation before delving into the paranormal. However, there have been a few things that have happened in one of our houses that even made me believe something outside of the visible was happening. Wonderful topic. Looking forward to the Haunted House post.

  39. Heard footsteps but they were actually paw steps..darn cat

  40. As a child I woke up many times in the middle of the night to heavy footsteps outside our apartment door. And these were not casual walking footsteps. They were more like sprinting up and down stairs. We lived in the top floor of an old building. My bedroom was closest to the main door. It freaked me out and I can still hear them in my head now like it was yesterday.

  41. I've never heard footsteps. If I did I don't know how I'd handle it. It sounds pretty scary.

    Scribbles From Jenn - Visiting from the A to Z Challenge

  42. There better not be any footsteps where I live :)
