
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A is for Alien and Insecure Writers Support Group

I keep abreast on what people believe regarding aliens. The thoughts are as diverse as the human mind can imagine. Keeping this in the context my A to Z theme of The Supernatural, there are many groups who believe the whole alien agenda is really demonic in nature. There are no aliens. The universe exists for the Earth and its inhabitants. 

It’s really demons, fallen angels, who manifest themselves throughout history as aliens visiting ancient humans. They helped civilizations of antiquity build the great pyramids of Giza, the magnificent Mayan ziggurats of Mesoamerica, the Nazca lines in Peru, and dozens others too numerous to list. 

But let’s not stop there. Meticulous and precise astronomical meanings are also associated with these amazing structures, built seemingly by ancient people with technology and tools they should not possess. Add in the incredible mathematics and the possible numerology these numbers and angles might represent ... whew! Mind blown!

According to these groups, the demonic agenda is to confuse humans into thinking we are here by reason other than a Divine design. 

IWSG: Oh, before I forget, my concern for the Insecure Writers Support Group, as it always is this time of year, keeping up on everything A to Z. As a co-host there is much to do. 

So I need to plan my days so I can get proper sleep, eat right, exercise, and be cool with the vino. Gotta be smart about this and be prepared for the long haul. Onward A to Z!

Question: What are your thoughts on aliens? Do they exist? If so, what the heck are they? 

Honorable Mention: Angel, Arch-angel, Apparition, Amulet

Tomorrow: B is for Blessing.

The Great City of Teotihuacán

Great Pyramids of Giza

Nazca Lines of Peru


  1. Even as a Christian, I really don't know. God created the stars, so who's to say he didn't populate them?
    It's on my list of questions to ask when I get to Heaven.
    In the meantime, the science fiction geek in me wants to believe!

  2. I'm agree with Alex on this one. Why would God create all these other worlds and not populate them?

  3. Perhaps we underestimate our forebears, Steve. Yes, some of these prehistoric markings and buildings are amazing, but people may have always been more clever than we now think. As for the existence of aliens, i.e. extraterrestrial beings, why not? Are we to be so arrogant as to think that God created the universe all for us? That's the same kind of thinking that "justified" the subjugation of Africans and the near extermination of Native Americans. Do we really deserve that status?

    What such aliens might be is anyone's speculation. Let's hope they don't also think God created the universe specifically for them.

    1. Well thought out and said, Bob. Wouldn;t that be bad Karma for aliens to think God created the universe specifically for them, then have them visit us.

  4. I'm on the side of science. I think the universe is big enough to accommodate worlds beyond our own. I just hope the aliens don't make pets out of us when they get here.

  5. I can already see the comments will be far superior to the post.

  6. I don't think they are demons. But did God create other life out there? I'd say yes.

  7. I'm inclined to fall in the camp that "aliens' are demons or fallen angels. I think the mankind in the distant past was far more intelligent than many give them credit for. And in support of this argument keep in mind that the further you go back in time if we are looking at the Biblical construct of creation, humans in earlier times were closer to perfection. Adam and Eve were created perfect and I think that would include intelligence. After the fall humans became more corrupted physically and mentally. Their bodies grew weaker so we see the span of life decreasing with each succeeding generation. Their minds were corrupted by sin and thinking also degenerated.

    Ancient civilizations may have been very intelligent on their own without the help of any extraterrestrial intellect guiding them.

    That's my opinion at least.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Well done, Lee. Adam and Eve would have had perfect blood until they sinned. Every subsequent generation their blood and flesh and minds would have become a little more polluted and degenerative.

      So these ancient civilizations could very well have been far smarter than we could imagine, and their means to accomplish such tremendous feats lost in the sands of time.

  8. Joined for another year! Thank you for your devotion to AtoZ

  9. Whether aliens are real or imaginary, good or evil,they are fascinating.

  10. I'm not really sure, but I do agree with what Alex and Arlee said, but then the aliens (or demons) might have done great things in the past, why did they stop doing things now?


  11. Betty, stay tuned as this stuff is heating up once again. We live in very intestine and sxciting times.

  12. I have never really believed in aliens myself. As to mankind's accomplishments, I think a lot of actual "knowledge" from the past is now lost. I do believe in angels and in demons. Hard to believe in one and not the other and take the Bible seriously. If there are perhaps "aliens" somewhere out there, then all I can say is they have the same Creator I have.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
    A to Z Challenge

  13. I am fascinated by the subject of Aliens. Nice post. I believe that there are a lot of planets out there that must support life. Like, it doesn't make sense to place life only on li'l ole' Earth after building so many galaxies, does it?

  14. I am fascinated by the subject of Aliens. Nice post. I believe that there are a lot of planets out there that must support life. Like, it doesn't make sense to place life only on li'l ole' Earth after building so many galaxies, does it?

  15. Excellent post Stephen, I have often wondered about Aliens, There must be something other than humans I think.
    Have a good day.

  16. Hi Stephen - Aliens and Angels .. both I suspect may be there .. but I fall on the side of science - fascinated recently by the celestial happenings in the universe - though can quite see where mythology came from ... I'm amazed the Egyptians used different constellations to those we use today ... the stars and constellations are constantly moving too .. my post got written last Friday ... so much going on at the moment ... cheers and good to be seeing you through the A-Z .. cheers Hilary

  17. Honestly, I'm open to the idea that aliens MIGHT exist, but I don't understand why that and my faith in God should be mutually exclusive. Seems a bit presumptuous of me. "God is MY God and can't belong to ANYONE else." When He's even more infinite (if that makes sense) than the universe itself.

    1. Misha, a lot of people think along these lines. I'm open to it, although I really want to see or hear something. I think,. Maybe not,.I don;t want to end up as an alien appetizer.

  18. I would be surprised if there were NOT any extra-terrestrials. Science tells us that life emerges spontaneously in many situations so why would life not emerge on other planets? Why is earth so special? And who is to say that other beings are not more advanced, more developed than we are? I sure hope that somewhere out there, there is a race of beings that has learned to live in peace and harmony with one another in an atmosphere that they care for with tenderness and forethought.

    1. Corina, We could find something in our solar system during our life time. Maybe even remnants of life long since past.

  19. There are people that actually believe aliens are demons? Never realised that. Personally I think the universe if far too big for there not to be aliens :). If they've visited and how they'd get here, now that is a whole other question...
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  20. Have we seen God? but we have faith He exists...and I come from a land where there are millions worshiping another million idols, so if God exists so do Aliens :)

  21. It's always seemed a little self-centered of Earthlings to think we're the only lifeforms out there. I do think there are aliens, yes, although I don't know if they're intelligent or not. Love the cartoon!

  22. I believe in aliens AND mermaids, but that's probably because I want fairies and elves to be real and the former are more possible. Plus, how BORING would it be if there weren't any aliens (or mermaids) so yes, I believe in them. Do I think they're demons? Ask me after they invade.

  23. I agree with Alex on the aliens. Good luck with your busy month.

  24. There is so much on what "aliens" are, could be or were... I see them all the time... oh yeah all the time.... I hope someday we get the answers.

    Welcome in the "A"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  25. I find it very difficult to believe that ours is the only populated planet in the universe - it just doesn't make sense. There must be something else out there.

  26. Despite all the stuff I write, I don't believe in angels or demons. But I also HATE the ancient alien hypothesis. Just because WE can't figure out how people built these things (and for a lot of them we actually do know) that doesn't mean aliens did it.

    Stonehenge and the Pyramids are engineering marvels. BUT equally marvelous was the mathematical construct of zero. Many ancient cultures came up with this and the math we take for granted.

    I would like to think there are aliens out there. The universe is far too vast for it just to be for us.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

    1. Timothy, archeologists are still digging up massive and brilliant tools the Romans used to build expand their realm. Not so much for other civilizations though. Hopefully they are not lost to the sands of time.

  27. I'd never seen the Nazca lines. They're neat.

    They were smart, those ancients. I think it's doing them a disservice to ascribe all their marvels to aliens!

  28. Great comments. Thanks everyone for stopping by and for your thoughts. Very interesting.

  29. I don't think we're the only ones here, exactly. Aliens...I tend to think of fallen angles=devils here to temp us. I think the structures from other cultures are other civilizations not aliens. Happy 1st day of the challenge.

  30. Aliens are an interesting topic. I believe they are already among us and far more intelligent. I don't think I would freak out if I ran into one as long as it didn't probe me or kill me. I'm pretty easy-going. I might ask what they do for fun. ;)

  31. That's an interesting view point. I had not thought of this before, but it really makes sense. Satan wants to divide a person's mind. What better way to go about it than to use his minions from the pit of Hell placed on earth. A supreme creature, a fallen angel with wisdom beyond a mere man's thinking with advancements in ancient time which forged confusion to worship for thousands of years. This is totally a conceivable idea that Satan concocted such a successful scheme ~ a master plan by the master of deceit! I think if God created "Aliens", then He would have told us in His word. Awesome "A" post!

    1. Cathy, thanks for the thorough comment. A lot of people think along this very line.

  32. I personally think that aliens won't look like the typical scary monster we believe they would look like. I see no reason why other humans like us don't live on a planet like ours somewhere out there, and that if there are aliens, it would be them.
    Dan Brown A-Z

  33. We're entering the age of deep space travel so expect things to heat up as visits to other planets, moons, and asteroids become the norm. Especially with private industry.

  34. Aliens have always scared me. Or at least Hollywood's interpretation of them. I don't like watching alien movies because I saw a very disturbing scene from one my parents were watching when I was a kid. I still get creeped out thinking about it. I like to watch the show Falling Skies though. :) As for real aliens, I think they exist and I don't think they are scary or out to hurt us. I think they'd be beautiful.

  35. Aliens have always scared me. Or at least Hollywood's interpretation of them. I don't like watching alien movies because I saw a very disturbing scene from one my parents were watching when I was a kid. I still get creeped out thinking about it. I like to watch the show Falling Skies though. :) As for real aliens, I think they exist and I don't think they are scary or out to hurt us. I think they'd be beautiful.

    1. Chrys, that is the big question. If they exist, would the be friendly and beautiful. I tend to think so if they were to survive and be an advanced species. Violent aliens would long ago kill each other off.

  36. Many years ago, I watched a physicist on British TV talking about the whole alien thing and he gave a bunch of statistics, I no longer remember the figures (if I ever did, not good at figures) but the statistic for alien life which was more intelligent than we are, was huge. I therefore figure there have got to be one or two populated worlds out there which are more advanced than we are. I had friends who definitely believed aliens had helped with the buildings and designs you mention above. I tend to agree.

  37. I love your theme this month, being a fan of scific/fantasy books. I believe aliens are aliens. Not demons or angels, fallen or otherwise. And, yes, the forward leaps in humankind's understandings and technological achievements could well be seeded by them. I am compiling bits I can put together for a book centering on the Voynich document, which has fascinated me for some time. I'll be back to see what else is coming on this blog.

  38. Great way to start this challenge!

  39. Great topic, Stephen! I have no doubt there is life beyond our rock somewhere. Whether they have the means of traveling to our corner of the universe is another matter. :)

    1. David, that's the million dollar question. Although if intelligent life exists out there, I think they will have mastered traveling around the galaxy, if not from one galaxy to another. Maybe they're avoiding us on purpose.

  40. I'm not an alien believer. . .make that a believer in aliens. But I love to pretend. Great A post.

  41. Once we start colonizing Mars, who know, maybe we'll find relics there when digging around.

  42. I think aliens exist in the 'there IS other life out there' sense, but they may be so different from us that we wouldn't even recognize them as 'life.' Maybe they feel the same about us.

  43. Great start for your A to Z challenge. As for aliens, I try to ride the line between wearing a tin foil hat and spouting conspiracy and being open to possibilities should evidence arise. Call me Scully. :-)

  44. Green goobily aliens? No… but life on other planets? Yes…

    And holy A-Z… too epic for me… huge props to you, Stephen!!!! :)

    1. Morgan, we may find life on the moons of other planets in our solar system during our life time. Maybe not intellifent, but life just the same. How cool would that be!

  45. I can quite believe in aliens but then there are some unexplained things. I just feel there would be more evidence than ancient mysteries. I'm a little stressed about a to z also.

  46. I have always been blown away and completely stupefied as to how the pyramids and other such structures were built. I never thought of the alien angle! Thanks for a thought-provoking post. Happy A-Z
    Michele at Angels Bark

  47. I do believe in life outside of ours on Earth. But no aliens in the traditional, Hollywood sense.

  48. A lot of people do believe in E.T. The question is what shape and form do they come in. Would we even be recognizable to each other. Maybe not. We could pass each other by in the night and not even know it.

  49. I definitely believe it's possible for aliens to exists. The universe is so huge, after all!

  50. I honestly believe aliens exist. Why would we be the only ones in the vast universe? Whether they have visited Earth is another matter.

  51. I really don't know if aliens exist or not. However, God created our univers and us, He could create others if He wanted to.

  52. Aliens?
    We are alone. :)

    We will get it all done!


  53. Sometimes I want to believe there is intelligent life outside our earth...and sometimes it looks like a big deal of nonsense...I'm confused! :)

  54. You'll do great at A-Z Stephen. I love your energy.

    I have a hard time believing this entire universe is just to make Earthlings look up. Just doesn't make sense to me.

  55. I do believe that we are not alone in the Universe, but aliens as demons somehow doesn't feel right. Dropping by from the A to Z.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Wow, now that I've managed to visit your blog Stephen, I'm so very glad that I have. I'm totally intrigued with numerology, to a degree the supernatural, universal energy (I'm attuned to reiki 1 - soon to be level 2 - very excited!). There's so much on your blog that I WILL explore but first I have a handful of AtoZs to schedule for the back end of the alphabet! In the meantime, aliens... yes I think that they must exist. Be they in the form of demonic angels/etheric spirits or a whole new race - I'd err on the former. Visiting from #AtoZChallenge - Carol Cameleon at @AllSortsHere

    1. Carol, great to have you stop by. Numerology was a fun post to put together. Many of these topics such as numerology cam straight out of the book I'm writing. So the timing of A to Z is perfect.

  58. A lot of people have said that the universe is too danged big for their NOT to be aliens and I tend to believe them. I don't buy into them having done fly-bys here, though. If there were a civilization with technology that advanced I'd think we human would seem like ants to them- so much less advanced they wouldn't even give us a second thought.

    1. Beverly, I tend to think they would take an interest in us simply because we are an intelligent species. maybe not too bright. But intelligent because we can think and reason. At least a passing glance our way.

  59. I'm not well versed in aliens, but this is the first time I've heard a theory stating that aliens are demons or angels. Interesting.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  60. Thanks everyone for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Never a dull moment when the topic is aliens.

  61. I've always believed there are other civilizations out there. The universe is so vast, we can't possibly be the only ones. I also witnessed a UFO sighting back in 1968. As for angels and demons, that's pure fiction, in my opinion, although the theory expounded in Chariots of the Gods seems plausible.

    1. Debbie, I haven't seen that movie in many years. i'll look to see if it's on Netflix/

  62. I really don't know if aliens exist or not. I'd believe that life exists on other planets, but is it necessarily intelligent life? Until we actually find something, all we can do is speculate.

    I heard one of my friends say that demons could come and pass themselves off as aliens. Since I do believe in angels and demons, it's a bit freaky to think about.

    Thanks for visiting me.

  63. I liked what I saw in your list of topics for the A-Z Challenge. They are all quite intriguing topics. I enjoyed this out of the world post Stephen. :) I think the (non) existence of aliens would be an eternal debate here on Earth till either we are all wiped out or some form of what we presume as life contacts us in the way we can comprehend. Is there a rule for aliens to follow our recipe for carbon based life? Can they not exist in some other form and shape which we humans have zero clue about? I love Science and these topics excite me very much. You have a regular visitor to your blog from now on Stephen and thank you for visiting my blog too. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known of your existence :)

  64. I believe in Aliens. Entirely. I even think they exists among us in disguise :D.
    Great post Stephen.

  65. Even the Bible records that man was accomplishing things at an alarming rate. Remember the Tower of Babel? At that time mankind spoke one language and communication flowed at an alarming rate, probably not exceeded until this century. God gave them all different tongues at that time. There was mass confusion. They separated out and went their separate ways and dispersed across the earth at that point. So, I believe it is totally possible mankind did those things by themselves. But Satan is intent on deceiving people and causing them to doubt God and His existence, so I wouldn't doubt some help by him to confound.
    Stopping in from Life & Faith in Caneyhead
