
Thursday, April 2, 2015

B is for Blessing

Blessing: Everyone wants to be blessed. The basic concept here is to give or receive favor. Blessings are administered via words. Words are far more powerful than we realize. We have the ability to bless and to curse with the words that leave our mouths. 

There is a Proverb that states, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” 

Another Proverb states, “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” 

Jacob Stealing Esau's Blessing
Guard Your Blessing: Blessings are so desired that some will stoop to deception and trickery to receive another person’s blessing as with the story of Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament. 

So it is not enough to give and receive blessings. One must also guard them with diligence, as there will always be those who try to talk us out of them by telling us we’re not good enough. Or they will try to steal the blessing outright. Oh yes, they will.

Honorable Mention: Bible, Bermuda Triangle, Big Foot 

Tomorrow: C is for Cursing


  1. So true about words having power. Looking forward to your post on cursing!

  2. Great post, it's good to be blessed and also to count one's blessings.

  3. Blessing ... what a great topic. Oh, and Cursing is tomorrow? Awesome.

    2015 A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Matthew MacNish from The QQQE

  4. God spoke the world into existence - and we have the same power with our words.
    And yes, ironic cursing it tomorrow!

    1. Alex, we can do the same over ourselves and loved ones. Speak out loud those blessed words of life.

  5. Hi Steve - Blessings are truly blessed - and they do come along, but more importantly we can give them and nurture them ... cheers Hilary

  6. So true! I often gauge how important things are by how much the enemy of our souls tries to keep us from them, and blessings definitely tops that list.

  7. Thought provoking I've never thought about guarding blessings. Will have to read up on the Jacob and Easu story.

  8. Some are blessed more than others, it's not true... some just found their way to being blessed.

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

    1. Jeremy, very true. We try to position ourselves to receive blessings. There are things one can do so this happens.

  9. I am SO blessed. Thanks for bringing this up today. I never want to take my blessings for granted.

  10. Love this! A lot of people forget the true value of someone blessing someone. I also wrote about blessings today, but from a way different angle. :-)

  11. "The tongue has the power of life and death..."

    I've never been one for religious speak, but truer words have never been spoken. I think there's a saying, something like "people can only hurt you if you let them..." or something along those lines (sorry, i don't remember exactly)... And I always think it utter nonsense. Words are powerful, and human beings are social. Its in our nature to want to be liked, and it hurts when someone is unkind. The digital age has ushered in a new generation of speakers: People who are not taught to Think before you Speak.

    Good luck with the A-Z challenge!
    @Get Lost in Lit

  12. When I was younger I did not think a blessing could be stolen. Now I look back at promotions someone snaked from me or a co-worker. Could be relational. Financial too. Blessings and favor are stolen all the time. Be vigilant.

  13. So true about words being powerful. I think that's why the Bible has so many scripture on controlling the tongue!


  14. And the reverse is true as well. I'd hate to be cursed by someone. It might have some serious repercussions. Have a blessed day.

    1. Cheryl, there is a proverb that says, "A curse without a cause shall not land." That proverb is a real keeper.

  15. Scary to think about how superstitious people believed simple words could cause good or ill fortune.

  16. Interesting post, the 2nd of the day I've read for the letter B. Great minds perhaps.

  17. Interesting choice for B. I remember reading about the story of Jacob and Esau and being shocked over the betrayal and trickery done to get that blessing.

    1. Chrys, the Bible offers so much in inspiration for writers like us.

  18. Great post! Our words are so important! Some people throw them around carelessly ...

  19. The name Jacob, at least in this context, means “one who grabs the heel,” or “one who trips up,” or “one who supplants.” Jacob and Easu were twins and Esau came out first while Jacob has grabbing a hold of his foot.

  20. Hello there.
    James 3:8, 10 - no human can tame the tongue, it is a blessing and a curse.
    Jacob valued spiritual riches, Esau despised them and sold his birthright (the blessing he would have received) for a miserly bowl of stew! (Genesis 25:32-34) As a result, the blessing rightly then went to Jacob as he was the one God loved. (Genesis 28:10-15; Malachi 1:2, 3)
    Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the visits too.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. Thanks Entrepreneurial Goddess! This event with Jacob and Esau runs so deep it could fill up a month's worth of posts.

  21. And with the use of 'blessings' comes the use of positive words, in my opinion. Consider that you can crush a confidence (a child's and adult's equally, perhaps) by using negative words. And yes the use of flattery or 'blessings' to get what you want... I do wish people woudn't stoop so low. #AtoZChallenge - Carol Cameleon at @AllSortsHere

  22. Words are so powerful, for good or ill. I just finished my post on the letter D and that's where my thought train ran too. Visiting from the A-Z today : )

  23. Meeting lots of new people today. Welcome and thanks for stopping by!

  24. I agree, words have untold power. Maybe that's why idiots like ISIS burn books.

  25. Yes. It's very important to watch what we say because most of the time, it will come true (that's why I try speaking positive things only!).

  26. My fave is simplest: "count your blessings". Giving gratitude is the fastest path to happiness.

  27. Words can be powerful. It's good to be mindful of what you say. Also we need to count our blessings everyday.


  28. Important to take account of your blessings and bless them on to those who need some. :)

  29. I'm lucky that I'm very aware of how powerful words can be. I wish more people had that awareness.

  30. Interesting point about the stolen blessings... Mindfulness over words is important to me, but a good blast of bad language has its place in my life (not publicly!) Happy A-Z-ing :-)

  31. Hi there, I'm stopping by from the challenge. It's very nice to meet you! I think words are a great and powerful weapon too.

  32. Blessing is a good B post! Can't wait to see Cursing.

  33. I totally agree. Our words are often more powerful than we realize. I like your spin on blessings. It is good to offer our blessings and kindness to others , but yes , we do need to guard them with diligence . I never really thought of it that way before . Thanks

  34. Thank you very much for your blessings and great power to bring good words !!

  35. Thanks again everyone for stopping by. I love this yearly event and this time I'm throwing myself head first into it.

  36. Jacob and Esau! A classic story of what brothers will do to each other (sisters are just as bad).

  37. I count my blessings every day and am so grateful for them.

  38. I'm interested to hear what you have to say about cursing. I imagine it's against cursing. I dedicate a few words to cursing on my about page; a little warning that my posts might contain curse words in English and Spanish. I'll leave it at that and look forward to reading "C".

  39. Think of it: God spoke the Universe into being. Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb. Words are very weighty things we all take much too lightly.

  40. Great post! Blessings are truly needed in all of our lives.

    1. Gregg, long time no see. Thanks for stopping by!

  41. I found your post very eloquent. I believe in the power of words. I never thought about having to guard your blessing, but it's so true. You can lose them if you aren't careful. I'll be back for C :)

    You can find me here:

  42. Great post, Stephen. I wonder what you have in store for tomorrow's post about cursing. On the subject of blessing and cursing, it reminds of the verse from James 3:10 "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be". Haha! Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing. :)

  43. The power of the word is great, we should all count our blessings.

  44. You see the evidence of others (politicians) stealing others' blessings (earned income) all the time. The thing is many people don't care to notice this because they have come to think it's normal. What about one's health? I am happy we now have smoke-free environments, but still you have to deal with smokers in public ~ smokers in cars, in the park, near a store entrance, ...These people with a bad habit fail to realize they are infringing on someone's health. I really pity small children who are in this is situation and can't speak for themselves. We do what we can to guard the blessings of good health by avoiding smokers or people who we believe are sick. Of course, each of us are given certain unique blessings that I call talents ~ singing, musician, artist, writer, chef, DIYer, ... My parents taught me that if you don't use it, then you'll lose it. God gives us these talents for a reason and it's up to us to take advantage of this natural ability for His glory and our satisfaction.

  45. I think saying something nice and encouraging to someone who really needs it is a blessing!! We need lots more of that in the world today!

  46. Blessing for B is thoughtful post. " May God bless you, and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you.."
