
Sunday, February 23, 2014

L. Diane Wolfe, The Science of Book Formatting, And The 10k Experiment

The Science of Book Formatting Since Stephen is the Science Guy, I thought I would share some of the details of book formatting. Consider it the “science” of the craft.
First, you need to understand all of the different formats. Print is simple - most printers require a PSF file or a Word file. But when you get to eBooks, it can overwhelm. Wikipedia lists dozens of formats - CLICK HERE. The basic formats though are Mobi, EPub, PDF, and RTF. If you know how to format for those four - or use a service or company - you have most of your bases covered.
What programs will you need to create these files?
For print books, Microsoft Word can be used to create either a Word or PDF file. For a more professional appearance, InDesign is what traditional publishers use to create PDF files.
With eBooks, there are many programs. Word can be used to create PDF, RTF (Rich Text Format), and HTML files. Mobipocket formats for Mobi. InDesign formats for ePub. There are also free programs, such as Calibre, but they don’t always create a clean copy.
If you’re just starting out, look for tutorials. For eBooks, start with Smashwords’ Style Guide. (Steve Insert: I’ve been going over this in great detail over the past weekend) It will give you a basic handle on eBook formatting. InDesign comes with a very easy to follow guide. You are probably just a Google search away from the formatting answers you seek.
And if not, call me! If Stephen is the Science Guy, then I’m Format Girl. Have InDesign, will travel...
L. Diane Wolfe Professional
Speaker & Author
Known as “Spunk On A Stick,” Wolfe is a member of the National Speakers Association and an author. She conducts seminars on book publishing, promoting, leadership, and goal-setting, and she offers book formatting and author consultation. She is the author of seven books, including two non-fiction titles and a NA/YA series, The Circle of Friends. Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains numerous websites & blogs, and contributes to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group site.
The 10K Expirement: Tim Grahl, originator of Out:Think and Author of Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book has a unique promotional strategy in place to promote and sell his book to the tune of 10,000 in one year. Tim also offers a free 30 Day Course where he discusses the role of social media in online marketing along with many of the myths that surround it. He also discusses his #1 thing every author should be doing with their email marketing.
I signed up for his newsletter and he emailed the first video of his free 30 day course. It was about sixteen minutes long and I can see the potential in this program. I’m looking forward to the next video.
I’ll let you all know my thoughts after Tim sends me the last video.
Author Of The Week: Tim Grahl. Click the image at the top of right my right scroll bar for more info.


  1. Diane knows so much about so many things. Never heard of Tim but I might check it out.

    1. Susan, I've received the first couple emails in the series and so far so good. I'm gleaning quite a bit from what he has to offer.

  2. Thanks for all the tips on formatting, Diane. I'd definitely need to study your book and Susan Quinn's advice before tackling something like that. It's great how those of you who have done it are willing to share your knowledge and advice.

  3. Diane knows her stuff! Excellent book.
    Will sign up for Tim's newsletter as well.

    1. Alex, So far so good. We'll see what the next few videos hold.

  4. Diane is a treasure trove of knowledge, wisdom, and experience. I highly recommend her book How To Publish And Promote Your Book Now,

  5. Hello lovely Stephen and gorgeous Diane!! And hello to Tim - nice to meet you!! Thanks for all the tips and information with formatting and getting to grips with publishing and marketing!! So much to learn!! Take care

  6. Great info, Diane! Thanks for sharing with us some understanding on how formatting works and the programs we can use to format (or to edit something that's already been formatted).

  7. Not being an author, this is somewhat beyond me.

  8. Great info, thanks so much! Thinking about heading back into the self publishing realm, so this will come in handy.

  9. The verdict is still out on the 10K Experiment. But I'm looking forward to the next few videos and will go from there.

  10. I just went through learning how to format for Bloodlust. Wow was it not easy at first but now, I think it would be easy for me to do it again for another novel.

    1. Nicole, same here. I tried it for my second book and had to give it up and pay someone to do it for me. I did Smashwords fine, but will need help with Kindle Direct Publishing.

  11. Hi Science Guy and Diane!
    Great tips thank you so much~
    Happy Monday to you both!

  12. Nicole, that first book is always a steep learning curve. It does get easier.

  13. Great stuff, Diane. I tried to do my own formatting, but I'm too much of a novice. I wanted something a little "fancy," so that's probably not the best way to figure it out.

  14. thanks for the advice, Diane! she always has some great words of wisdom to share.
    and Stephen, thanks for introducing me to Tim. Both of your spotlights are spot on for me today!

    1. Tara, thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Long time no see.

  15. I'm going it alone this week formatting my MS for Smashwords and Kindle. The first few times through was frustrating. But I think I'm getting the hang of it.

  16. When it came to formatting, it was the patience that I was lacking. But slowly, that is being worked on lol! For things beyond my comfort zone, I do enjoy having a go-to person so thanks, L. Diane. I'll note you for my go-to list :-)

  17. I haven't tried formatting yet, but when I do need to I'll refer back to this article. Great info!

  18. Thanks for the insights Diane. Hi Steve :)


  19. Thanks for this great info Stephen. I need to format a collection of short stories. I will bookmark this post.

  20. Jay, when you know you're in over your head, that's when you just get someone else to do it.

    Thank you, Angela.

  21. Formatting is a lot harder and far more frustrating than what a lot of people think. I'm living proof.

  22. I managed to format my books for Smashwords, but then I got so bogged down with everything else, I shopped out that task for Amazon. Thanks for the tips. I'll store them away for another time. :-)

  23. Formatting can be tricky, especially since there are so many rules. :0

  24. So much good advice and information in today's post, Stephen. Looking forward to learning more of your thoughts about Tim's video.

  25. I don't attempt to format my own books. Things like that make me crazy in a heartbeat. Kudos to those of you who do.

    Hi, Stephen!

  26. I thought about learning all this stuff then trying to supplement my income by helping others. But there is so much involved I just can't do it at the moment. I'd rather be writing.

  27. L. Diane...LOVE HER!!! we are red head sistas! my friend sends me stuff in ZIP and I can never read it on my iphone! agh! that program has irked me.

  28. There's so much formatting information out there. Thanks for the tips in one place, Diane!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  29. Great post and tips on formatting. I downloaded Smashwords Style Guide written by Mark Coker which has a lot of useful tips. When working with Amazon you have to be careful too and make sure that you upload it in the correct form. If I can remember correctly on Amazon if you upload your document as .rtf your formatting can become distorted.

  30. Lee, formatting for Amazon is actually much easier.

    Carol, it takes patience.

    Thank you, Tammy. Redheads have to stick together.

    Gossip Girl, html is a good Word file to upload to Amazon. If there are images, upload it as a zip to preserve them.

  31. Ah, formatting - it is definitely a science. I learned a bit from a free smashwords guide and a free kindle guide, and then I asked my hubs for helped and he cleaned up my hanging threads. Thanks for the encouraging info!

    Stephen - would love to hear more about that 10K Experiment.

    1. Tyrean, I'm going to download the book this weekend when I have some free time. I'll post on it soon.

  32. Jutoh is a great program for ebook formatting and making a more profressional product. It's worth the $40.

    Waving at Stephen.

  33. Good way to put it Diane, the science of formatting. I've helped, but lord have mercy, it's not a job I'd want. I don't have the patience and I get frustrated. Fortunately there are those, like you, who love it and have it down to a smooth routine. :-)

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  34. Hi Stephen .. great to have Diane here - and I have her book on my shelf.

    Tim Grahl's newsletter and informative approach to helping us .. sounds great.

    Then Mary mentions Jutoh .. cheers - sounds like lots of helpful tools here ... Hilary

  35. Great info Diane! Formatting makes me weep! I just popped over to subscribe to Tims newsletter but it wouldn't let me :( I'll try again later. Thanks for a dual post of awesomeness Stephen :)

  36. Mary, thanks for the tip. Anything is better than Calibre. It's free for a reason.

    Sia, I have no patience, but I love detail work.

  37. Thank you all ... such useful info for when the time comes.
