
Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Very Timely Topic and The Weekend Follies

Celebrate The Small Things: I'm celebrating every first and third Thursday of the month I post at the Blogging A to Z Challenge site. Today's post on a very exciting and timely topic. You won’t want to miss this one people. Just click on Einstein’s smiling face at the top right of this blog and a portal will open up and take you there. But first .....
Weekend Follies: My sister in law sent this to me. Glad women have a sense of humor regarding what we men have always known is funny. Enjoy! And don’t forget to click on Einstein’s smiling face.


  1. Funny! That has to be an Internet only commercial. Don't think they could show that on regular television.

  2. This was so funny - and yes women have a sense of humour.

  3. Very funny. Actually beans have never done that to me.

  4. Hilarious! I have to show this to my hubby. He'll get a kick out it.

  5. I got a kick out of this. Should have been a Super Bowl commercial.

  6. I disagree with Alex's comment. I never ceased to be amazed at what's allowed on regular television these days.

    Loved the clip.

  7. Women laugh at men all the time - a good fart joke goes a long way, especially in a house with three boys.

    Too funny!

  8. Hahaha! I'm impressed that someone spent that much money and time CGI-ing a fart joke! Your sister-in-law is definitely cool! :)

  9. I really enjoyed your post on A - Z this week, and the discussion that followed it. Without a sense of humor, we'd all be in trouble. Thanks for the laugh :)

  10. Hi Stephen .. what fun ... I'm just glad I get to see the occasional funny here .. cheers Hilary
