
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Celebrate The Small Things and the Weekend Follies

Celebrate The Small Things: As crazy as this may sound to the many people experiencing harsh winter storms across the world, I'm celebrating much needed rain. We are in a severe draught in southern California, and this rain is most welcomed.
Weekend Follies: What's in a name? I have seen this topic countless times over the years in Blogdom. I've posted on the matter numerous times. So here is a lighter side of getting a name wrong. Enjoy!


  1. Yeah, I would've seen Dumbass.
    Glad you have rain now. We're still floating here on the East Coast.

  2. You can have some of our rain if you want? Some parts of Britain have been flooded for months. From one extreme to the other, I guess.

  3. I like the rain because then I don't have to be out in the morning watering my plants.

    That's a funny commercial.

    1. Medeia, there is a bright side to everything, even a cloudy rainy day.

  4. I was so glad to see on the news last night that y'all had rain out there. Hope there's no mud, though--I know they mentioned that.

  5. We have so much snow here, we're dreading the floods that will come when it melts. So how about I send some to you? That way you get more rain and we get no flooding. :)

    1. Stina, the weather reports say our rain storm will move east and mix with that storm, causing more cold and snow.

  6. I love a good thunderstorm. Great weather to be a writer. Let it rain I say.

  7. Glad you've got rain, had I known I could have sent you tons of snow to water your ground. Floods are a worry here too especially when there are ice jams on the rivers. Lucky for me I live on a hill on the 5th floor.

  8. I love thunderstorms too. We had a great one last week, and now the snow is creeping back in this weekend. Have a great weekend!

  9. Thanks for laugh. As a teacher, I've had lots of experience at trying to pronounce names.

  10. Did you do a rain dance? Go on, tell us.

  11. Names can be tricky. Often I'll wait until someone else tries to pronounce then butchers a name. I'll wait for the person to correct them.

  12. Congrats on all the rain! We get rain here in little 2-hour stretches about 5 times a year. Feel better now? lol

  13. You can thank me for this rain. I've been doing rain dances since January. I also offered my first born, but the rain gods returned him. Just kidding, of course.

  14. Glad you're getting some rain. We're expecting more snow, you can have that, too.

    Did you know my other last name (the one I don't use for writing) is Leszczuk? People don't even try to pronounce it.

    1. LD, did you get that name from an eye chart from the optomitrist?

  15. I too like thunderstorms and rains Stephen.

  16. Good to hear about the rain in California. we've had a very snowy winter. I love it.

  17. A good storm is good for going over edits too. I just love to read and write and edit during storms. Bring them on!
