
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Return Of The Friday Follies

Celebrate The Small Things: We live close to the ocean and love to go there, relax, and do next to nothing. I can't think of a better way to shake off all the junk from the week and recharge. And this is what we will be doing this weekend. 

If you are not participating in the weekly Celebrate The Small Things, then stop by VikLit's Writing Blog and sign up today! 

W4WS: We are back in full swing this month with Laura Eno  and Susan Oloier. W4WS is picking up steam as we move forward into 2013. If you would like to participate and help your fellow bloggers and blogettes reach new audiences with one big blitz, then click THIS LINK and sign up! 

A to Z Summer Road Trip: I'm taking the plunge and just signed up. If you'd like to continue working your way through the list to visit all the participating blogs from the A to Z Challenge, sign up to accompany Tina Downey, Nicole Ayers and Shannon Lawrence on the trip. There are no strict rules, no required number of visits. Take it at your own pace and visit who you like. CLICK HERE to sign up!

May Monster Madness: How does May Monster Madness work? It's a Blog Hop featuring posts about monsters. Anything you can think of, as long as it has something to do with monsters ..... crafts, lists, movies, funnies ..... anything.

Just click the badge on my left side bar to sign up! This looks like a real fun Blog Hop. I have mine posted for Monday and ready to go.

It's the return of the Friday Follies! A great way to cap a week of hard work and enjoy a quick laugh. Today, we watch as Jose Conseco gives up a home run the hard way. Enjoy!


  1. Right off his head!
    Ready for the Monster Blogfest and W4WS.
    Will join the road trip in a couple weeks. Still trying to get myself together.

  2. Great events coming up! Thanks for keeping us informed.

  3. That's a lot of stuff coming up. Thanks, Stephen, for the links.

  4. Great things coming along in Blogland. I celebrate that I reach another age, mind you next year may be a differnt story it will be another decade......ouch!!!!!!!!

    Have a great week-end.

  5. Can't forget Writers 4 Writers this month.

  6. I love that vid clip.

    I tried to click on the Writers 4 Writers link and Blogger told me I don't have access to view that page. ????

  7. MONSTERS!!! I love monsters!!! Where do I sign up? Oh, I see it!
    Followed the link and am signed up for the blog hop. Yay! Thanks so much for the tip. :-D

  8. Alex, I can relate.

    Julie, thanks for stopping by!

    Stina, hope to see you at the Blog Hops!

    Yvonne, every day is a gift, even these birthdays we don;t want to see.

    Diane, thanks for your support!

    LD, I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know it didn't work/

    Lexa, Glad you signed up!

  9. Sorry, not doing any of these blog hops. Just don't have the energy after A2Z.

    Loved that video, bit frustrating for him though.

  10. That's awful about Goggle shutting down your blogs! Grrrrrr! Thanks for giving me your new link. Hope that never happens to you again. Now I need to get up to speed with W4W. Thanks for the blog info!

  11. Hi Stephen .. good to see you back and around .. and I just bought Opening - amazing I got the Kindle set up and working finally! I'm definitely doing the Route 66 route journey of A-Zers ..

    Cheers Hilary

  12. Yea for the return of Friday Follies!

  13. I'm signed up MMM too!! I saw that World War Z is on your TBR list-it's an awesome read! I'm super excited to watch the movie!!!

  14. Jo, glad you enjoyed the video!

    Elise, great to see you stop by again.

    Hilary, thanks and enjoy Opening!

    Susanne, I'm glad they're back too.

    Dani, I think I'll move it up and read it next week.

  15. I'm all signed up for the monsters blog hop:)
