
Sunday, May 12, 2013

May Monster Madness (Don't Blink. Blink, And You're Dead)

Hi everyone, as always thanks for stopping by. Hope you all had an awesome and safe weekend. And a Happy Mothers Day to all you moms! 

Okay, let's kick off this new week with .....  

My Monsters are ..... The Weeping Angels from Dr. Who. 

When the revival series of Doctor Who aired the episode “Blink” from series 3 in June 2007, a new monster was created. The Weeping Angels are a species of winged humanoids from the early universe, so called because they cover their faces, giving them a weeping appearance, to prevent trapping themselves in stone form for eternity. 

The Weeping Angels have the ability to move creatures back through time with a touch. This allows them to consume the potential energy left behind by the people they send back. What makes them horrifying is that they remain statues if they are looked at but once they out of sight, even in a blink, they can move terribly fast and kill you. Thus the tagline “Don’t Blink” was born.  

Don’t blink. 

Blink and you’re dead. 

Don’t turn your back. 

Don’t look away. 

And don’t blink. 

Good Luck. 

“Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels. The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss, they just zap you into the past and let you live to death. The rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye. You die in the past, and in the present they consume the energy of all the days you might have had, all your stolen moments. They’re creatures of the abstract. They live off potential energy.” Reference 

The Mackinac Bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world.
Did You Know: The great state of Michigan (I was born and raised there) recently celebrated its 176th birthday. 

Fun Facts: The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa meaning "large water" or "large lake." It is the only state with two peninsulas. Michigan ranks first in boat registrations. And although it is called the Wolverine State, there are no longer any wolverines there. Except in Ann Arbor. And Sault Ste. Marie is the third oldest remaining settlement in the United States. Who knew?

Finally: This is my new blog. If you could be so kind as to hit the FOLLOW Widget at the top of my right side bar, and update your blog roll on your site with my new URL, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!!!

Here is a quick clip of the Dr. Who "Don't Blink" episode from June 2007. Enjoy!


  1. Hi, Stephen. I've never seen Dr. Who. Happy Birthday, Michigan! I didn't realize it recently celebrated it's 176th birthday. Cool!

  2. Note to self - avoid Weeping Angels.

  3. Couldn't see your video clip, only available to Americans not to Canadians. Don't like the sound of the Weeping Angels mind you.

    Happy Birthday Michigan.


  4. I've never watched Dr. Who, but I hear a lot of folks talking about it.

    I live in Michigan! Born, raised, stuck. Hah!

    My MMM post is here

  5. Cool ... the "Weeping Angels" are "creepy"...

  6. Those Weeping Angels are intense. I've never heard anything like that. I love the "Don't blink or you're dead" thing. Creepy! :-)

  7. LOVE the Weeping Angels!!!!!!! Too scary for words!! Did you see The Angels Take Manhattan (series 7 episode 5)?!?! All I can say is Statue of Liberty and Cherubs. Lots of cherub sculptures. Ew.

    Well I never knew about Michigan!! Those French eh!??! LOL! Happy birthday Michigan!!!

    Happy Monday! take care

  8. Oooooh, the angels sound positively creeptastic!
    Stopping by with my MMM'S Carmen Jenner Author and Book Me!
    Happy Hopping! =D

  9. I am evil... no really.
    I was OBSESSED with Dr. Who as a child and have seen only a few of the "modern" Doctor episodes. I will have to make a start! Cool post. :-)
    Here's my day III MMM at Design du Jour.

  10. I've never watched Dr. Who *shields self* I know, I know, don't cane me. But they do seem like some freaky angels.

  11. Can you believe I've never seen Dr Who? *feels kindred spirits with Dani*
    I wouldn't even know where to start...hasn't it been around for decades?

  12. I only recently started watching Dr. Who thanks to YouTube. Not even sure its on a channel here where I live.

  13. I have not caught the new Doctor Who Series. I did watch the old one which aired late at night on one of our BBC affiliated channels. I'm hearing a lot of good things about it so I guess I should check it out.

    Thanks for the update.
    The Dark World of MJ Preston
    MJ Preston: Author and Artist at Large
    The Equinox by MJ Preston

  14. I LOVE the Weeping Angels! They're one of the best Doctor Who monsters!

  15. Oh crap. My eyeballs are drying out and I'm afraid to blink.

  16. The Weeping Angels are creepy and rad. Pretty nice combo. ;) Never hopped on the 'Dr. Who' train. I watched a few episodes awhile ago but I just couldn't get in to it.

  17. Honestly, Dr. Who comes on at the same time as the hockey game. Or else I'd know all the story lines and all the characters. I'm following!

  18. 'Don't Blink' is my all-time favourite 'Doctor Who' episode. I love the Weeping Angels so much that I have figurines sitting on my desk. If I won the lottery, I'd have a life-size one created for my backyard! Haha.

  19. The Weeping Angels are soooo awesome. I love that episode!!!

  20. I'm up. They see me. I'm undead! I didn't blink once ;-)

  21. Loved this episode and your post. Love being reminded of gems. :)

    Shah X

  22. Everyone is talking about the weeping angels! I have to see this episode right now!
