
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kibbles And Bits

The Monster Blog Hop was a lot of fun. And it's still going on all week. Just click the May Monster Blog Hop badge on my left side bar to sign up and join the fun!

And we have a few more Blog Hops on tap. 

Best and Worst Movies Remake Blogfest: Don't forget, this Friday is the Best and Worst Movie remakes Blog Hop , the brain child of Captain Ninja Alex J. Cavanaugh and sponsored by the co-hosts Livia Peterson, Al Diaz, and myself. If you haven't already done so, you can sign up by clicking the badge on my left side bar.

Jewel of Shaylar: Congrats! to Laura Eno and her latest and greatest release! 

Archaeologist David Alexander investigates the cave where his father disappeared and hurtles into another world, one filled with magic and bizarre creatures. The mad ravings in his father's journals of icemen and dragons may not be fantasies after all. 

Convinced his father may still be alive, David begins a treacherous journey to find him and discover a way home. Along the way, he encounters a few unlikely friends. A Dreean warrior, a beautiful thief and a satyr join him as he searches. 

David's arrival into this new world sets off an explosive chain reaction of events. Faced with powerful adversaries and few clues, he may not get the chance to rescue his father before disaster strikes, condemning both of them to death. Or worse. 
Good Luck Laura!!!


Purchase at:

Ray Harryhausen With His Creations

Did You Know: Ray Harryhausen, special effects legend, died last week? Harryhausen was the pioneer in stop-motion animation. You've seen his work as a kid, or on late night television. His credits include The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans, and other sci-fi and fantasy film classics that made him a cult figure. 

Still don't remember his work? Think of the prehistoric flying reptile that carries off Raquel Welch, clad in an animal-skin bikini, otherwise known as Miss Fuzzy Britches.

Harryhausen inspired later generation filmmakers and special effects artists like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and James Cameron. Spielberg said, "Without Harryhausen's effects works over the past five decades, there never would have been a Star Wars of Jurassic Park."

In Pixar's 2001 animated feature Monsters Inc., a Monstropolis restaurant is named after Harryhausen. He was 92.  

Fun Fact: I don't have any tatoos. But if I did, I would have Ray Harryhausen's skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts charging out of a wormhole on my right arm. I think that would be awesome! Or dumb. Not sure. Probably a good thing I don't have tats.

Bonus Points: I mentioned Raquel Welch as Miss Fuzzy Britches. Give the reference and get a gold star next to your name.

Passing Time: Nine Short Tales of the Strange and Macabre is **FREE** on Kindle until May 17th. If you haven't got it yet, now is your chance to read it for free! 

“Fans of Poe, Lovecraft, and King will love this dark smorgasbord of beautifully crafted tales, while readers who prefer lighter fare will delight in the wonderful prose and fine storytelling. Just remember, these are not tales to lull you to sleep…unless you enjoy checking under the bed before you turn in.”


  1. The short stories sound interesting. Man I wish I had a kindle right about now. Interesting tidbit about the tattoo. Looking forward to reading some intriguing posts in the blogfests.

  2. Harryhausen was a great artist. I'm sorry to hear he's dead. Raquel's movie was "One Million Years B.C." :-)

  3. You can download a Kindle for PC for free. I have a Kindle and one on my laptop.

    Didn't know Harryhausen but sounds like a great man.


  4. Congratulations, Laura!
    Harryhausen was an amazing man. We'd just watched one of his films.

  5. M;J, yes, a Kindle should be on your list to reward yourself sometime in 2013.

    Lexa, I think I need to rephrase my question.. That was the original movie bit the quote is from a follow up movie.

    Jo, the Kindle app is awesome and its amazing how many people are not aware it exists.

    Alex, I was confident you knew of his greatness.

  6. Hi Stephen .. thank goodness I now have a Kindle - at least the book shelves aren't overflowing - just need to take my eyes out of my sockets and get reading!!

    I didn't know of Harryhausen .. but he's been written about here .. and just his ability to think out of the box and create imaginative objects, then animate them .. those early film makers were so clever .. are so clever ..

    Cheers to you - enjoy the Monster madness .. Hilary

  7. Harryhausen, RIP!! What a great artist - loved loved loved his skeleton army battle fight - never ever bested and never will!!!! Take care

  8. Oh I love the sound of Passing Time! Thanks for sharing!
    Stopping by with my MMM'S Carmen Jenner Author and Book Me!
    Happy Hopping! =D

  9. Ok, here goes... I believe the reference to "Miss Fuzzy Britches" is "Loana the Fair One" Raquel Welch's character in One Million Years B.C. She is dubbed "Miss Fuzzy Britches" by the warden in Shawshank Redemption???
    Here's my day V MMM at Design du Jour.

  10. Wonderful post Stephen and contgrats to Laura.

    I have come off FaceBook thought I'd let you know as someone reported me for adding on people I didn't know, which included my blogging friends.

  11. Congrats to Laura Eno. Nice to see Ellie's book here.

  12. I know this one! My Fuzzy Britches was what the warden called Raquel in the poster on Andy's cell wall in The Shawshank Redemption. Right? (I deliberately didn't read any of the other comments in case someone else got it before me.)

    I didn't know Ray Harryhausen by name but I've sure enjoyed his work over the years.

  13. The owl from Clash of the Titans was one of my favorites. I don't think I'll ever forget his work.

  14. The Best and Worst Movie Remakes Blogfest should be interesting.

  15. Harryhausen was a master artisan of the silver screen. His work is everywhere. I wonder if he has a start in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  16. I remember watching Jason and the Argonauts over and over again with my kids. I think we had it on VHS

  17. I was a bit unsure about getting a kindle but I had one for Christmas and I love it! Still never enough time to read all the great stuff out there but I can at least download it!
    Enjoyed reading your tribute to Harryhausen.

  18. Thanks for the awesome shout-out. A blogfest by Alex that I didn't know about? There's something very wrong in my world...

  19. I think that would make an awesome tat! Anything coming out of a wormhole would be awesome. Love me a wormhole!
    What would our world be like without Star Wars??? The two plus hour bonus feature about the making of is a masterpiece of history and film making. I appreciate those movies more and more every time I watch them. Which is of course often.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  20. Yay for Laura and Ellie! Have fun festing!

  21. Congratulations to Laura!

    I don't think I've ever watched a Harryhausen film. But I get the impression his contributions were landmark.

  22. My remake post is ready to go.

    I grew up on Ray Harryhausen films and was a big fan. Actually I thought he died several years ago and didn't realize it had just happened. He was a big influence in the film industry.

    A Faraway View

  23. Great stuff going on-- thanks for keeping us informed. Already have Ellie's and Laura's books. Yay me!

  24. Oh, I watched Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans. Very good effects at the time. :)

  25. Thanks for the shout out! I have Ellie's book too. :)

    I don't know about a tat (looking at my aging skin) but those skeletons coming out of a wormhole would be tres cool!

  26. I've been checking out Harryhausen's work on YouTube videos. Its fun taking a trip down memory lane and watching these clips from movies I liked as a kid.

  27. Hi there! Well I just learned something new--about Ray Harryhausen!

  28. New follower here! Which sounds crazy because I thought I was already following. Major fail on my part.
    Sorry to hear about Harryhausen. Wish he had been able to make one last film after Clash of the Titans. Or more.

    Congrats to Laura and good luck to Ellie!

  29. great happenings! and i never knew who harryhausin was, bug i remember that was the sushi restaurant in Monsters inc. wow!
