
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Wednesday I'm over at Nutschell's blog The Writing Nut for her Wednesday Writer Workspace. Take a moment to stop by and get to know me a little better! 

Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle: Need motivation and inspiration to self-publish or sign that contract with an interested small press? Have you done all the research you can, but still feel ambivalent about the idea? Jessica Bell brings you Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle: experiences of 28 indie authors —their passions, their insights, their successes—to help you make the leap into indie publishing. 

This is not a how-to guide. This is the best of the indie tradition of experienced authors paying forward what they’ve learned, giving you information to help you on your journey. The personal essays in this book will leave you itching to get your work into the hands of readers and experience, first-hand, all the rewards indie publishing has to offer. 

All profits from Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle purchases will be donated to 

I am privileged to be one of the authors for INDIESTRUCTIBLE. Thank Jessica for the opportunity to not only share my story, but to inspire aspiring writers to Thing Big and Persevere! (that's my theme).

Did You Know: For the more than 500 space tourists who have signed up for a trip into sub-orbital space on Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, last  Monday was a milestone: the spaceship that will be carrying them aloft made its first powered flight and broke the sound barrier for its first time. Space flight for the common man via private industry is right around the corner. For a price, of course. 

Check out my V is for Virgin Galactict post more more on this. And to sign up to take a ride in outer space. Who'd a thunk it just a few short years ago? Not me.  

Fun Fact: Jupiter has 63 moons! While Saturn has 60 and the planet with the 3rd most moons is Uranus with only 27 moons, but that's still a lot compared to Earth with only 1. 

Member Spotlight: I'd like to take a moment to spotlight Jo Wake at Jo On Food, My Travels, And A Scent Of Chocolate. Not only is Jo one of the most faithful bloggers to stop by and comment, but she always has a tasty recipe to share. Take a moment to stop by Jo's blog and say hello!

Okay, off with you now. Stop by  The Writing Nut on Wednesday and say hello. See you there!


  1. Will look for you tomorrow at Nutschell's site!
    Honored to be a part of Jessica's book as well.
    And Jo always stops at my place. She's cool.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the Shout out Stephen, appreciate it. Thanks for calling me cool to Alex, don't think anyone's ever said that.


  4. Hi Stephen .. I'll be over to see you at Nutschell's. Jo always has tasty tempters in her recipe section .. and I enjoy my visits there ..

    The trips into space - we are moving forward at such a fast rate ... it's interesting to stand on earth and watch as science moves forward!

    Cheers to you .. and Jessica's book sounds excellent and for a good cause .. definitely it will be interesting to read .. Hilary

  5. Hello Stephen will see you at Nutshells.

    Space travel seems to be improving fast,but I think I will stick to the plane.


  6. Will definitely check out your interview on Nutschell's site.


  7. I'd kind of like to sign up for one of those rides into space. :)

  8. I'm looking for ward to reading the rest of the writers chapters once Jessica's book comes out. I think this is a great idea. And the charities are awesome too!

  9. Jessica's book sounds great and I'm on my way over to Nut!

  10. I'm giving you a Super-Sweet Blogger award, Stephen. You're one of the nicest people I cyber-know!

  11. Good luck to all who want to self publish...hope it works out for them.
    Making my way through the road trip.
    I have thought it might be nice to publish the a-z challenge in like a notebook form...a couple of the visitors made that suggestion in their comments.
    Road Trip from A-Z

  12. Nice to meet you. Sounds like Indiestructable is a really valuable read. Thank you for sharing. Also, I love the fun facts about moons :)

    Heading on over to Nutschell now. Stop by a visit me if you get a moment
