
Sunday, May 5, 2013

A to Z Reflections Post and More!!!

A to Z Reflections: I had a truly amazing theme to share regarding the latest and greatest breakthroughs that science was on the cusp of discovering. The WOW! factor was there for all to behold and be amazed. 

But as you know, Google shut me down days before A to Z (see previous post). I had to rewrite almost all my posts on the fly as I was traveling the first two weeks of April. And I had numerous other challenges I had to overcome once I came home. What a crazy month. Ugh!

Long story short, I think I was going through a test. No way all these events could ocurr by themselves. Call it a mid-stream gut check as to what's truly important in life as I near the end of my third book Escalation. And I think I passed. I've been restored.

Although my A to Z was a shell of what it could have been, the posts will give birth to some awesome and amazing mini-series. These will take me through the rest of the year and challenge your perception of your world and your place in it. Be prepared!

Blog Hops: We have three awesome ones to choose from for the month of May (there may be more I'm not aware of). In order by date we have: W4WS, the Best and Worst Movies Remake, and the Get Healthy Blog Hop. Just click the icon on the left side bar to sign up!
NASA depiction of a GRB

Did You Know: According to  NASA, on April 27th a record-setting blast of gamma rays from a dying star in a distant galaxy has wowed astronomers around the world. The eruption, which is classified as a gamma-ray burst, or GRB, produced the highest-energy light ever detected from such an event. The GRB lasted so long that a record number of telescopes on the ground were able to catch it while space-based observations were still ongoing. 

NASA believes this GRB heralded the death of a star 30 times the mass of our sun and will likely birth a new black hole. Cool stuff!!!  

Fun Fact: Scientists believe we can only see about five percent of all matter in the universe. The rest is made up of invisible matter (Dark Matter) and a mysterious for of energy (called Dark Energy). Yes, this is another mini-series in the making. Stay tuned!

Author of the Week: L. Diane Wolfe. Check out her awesome book How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now! Just click the icon at the top of the right side bar.

Writing Through The Seasons: Sarah Allen, Jennie Bennett, Julie Luek, and Patricia Stoltey will share their thoughts and outlooks on writing, growing, and facing their particular season in life. The series begins today at Sarah Allen’s blog.

Friday Follies: We will see its return this Friday. Stop by and enjoy a good laugh to end the work week. 


  1. I think this was the year of testing for most of our Challenge Team. I'm grateful the worst I had to face was the meltdown of all my clones.
    Diane's book is great - good choice.
    Ready for all upcoming blogfests!

  2. You certainly had many challenges, but the good thing you got through them. I was surprised my blog went smoothly after all the trouble I had previous to the A to Z. I was going to say have a rest but with two blog hops ahead not much chance of that.
    Well done.

  3. Stephen, I think you're the man I've been looking for. What's the scientific name of those really big antennas that are seeking for signals from outer space?

    1. Al, you are probably thinking of SETI ... check out their Web site at

  4. Wow, you really did have a lot to overcome in April, and you did it with style. Congrats on finishing the challenge.

    And that Dark Matter has all the tingly mystery of a good story seed built into it. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Stephen-- Welcome back-- so glad to see your posts again. Sorry for all the crud you went through to get back here though.

    I love little facts about space and science in general. I would have loved to had a glimpse of what they saw through the telescope.

    Thanks for mentioning the Writing Through The Seasons. It begins Monday, May 6th and will continue through the remainder of the Mondays in May. I'm excited to explore the writing journey and our growth as writers from different perspectives. And just a short correction, the second contributor will be Jennie Bennett, mom of 3 kiddos and a writer (wow!).

    Thanks again, Julie

  7. It's nice to see you back to full strength Stephen, No accounting for Google at all.


  8. The universe is so fascinating! I love that there's so much we have yet to understand, because that leaves room for our imaginations to play!

  9. Glad to have you back, Stephen! Loved the GRB info, and that pic is really cool. :-)

  10. I'm going to continue the Did You Know and Fun Facts throughout 2013. I want to get back to my roots while maintaining a balance of keeping up with the latest and greatest in what's going on with others in the Blogosphere.

  11. Stephen, thank you so much for featuring my book!

    I am so sorry your blog went down right before the A to Z began. I hope you've found some of your followers again.

  12. Your ordeal and how you bounced back shows how good you are as a writer. But, I'm sure you would rather have not been tested like that.

  13. But you recovered and that's all that counts. That's why we have these little tests, to see just how much we can take before we crumble. You didn't crumble! Yay for you.

  14. I have a theory. I believe cats can see a greater percentage of the universe than the rest of us ;)

  15. glad your survived! phew! l.diane is one great woman!!

  16. Sounds like April was challenging! But you made it! L. Diane is wonderful- yay to her. I'll be taking a look at those bloghops. Have a great evening.

  17. Hi Stephen .. well done on getting through - the blog scenario is a pain. Long may this blog last!

    Wonderful that Escalation is nearly ready - that's great news ... I must now get Opening and read it - I should get the Kindle set up this week (finally!) ...

    I shall look forward to your mini series on science and scientific goings on .. love the learning .. cheers to you - Hilary

  18. How awful you lost your posts. I usually do mine in a Word Doc, but I don't always save them. A to Z is enough work without technical issues!

  19. April was definitely a testing month, but we'll be better for it.

  20. Stephen Tremp!!! I was totally wondering where you were and started to feel like a stalker stalking the A-Z blog and others asking about you! LOL!!!! I'm so glad you are back now!! What is wrong with Google!??! Why did they shut you down? Never mind!!! You're BACK and that's all that matters!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Mother's Day!!!! Take care

  21. "...and will likely birth a new black hole." Great. Just what I need. Something new to suck up space and time. LOL

    Your A-to-Z was great.

  22. Hi Stephen, feel bad about your blogger trouble. Happy to be following you again. I just need to add this blog to my favourite bloggers icon :)
