
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Salem's Daughters Blog Tour Kickoff, Fun Facts About Cats, and Question of the Month

Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by! Monday morning bright and early I’m kicking off my Salem’s Daughters’ Blog Tour at Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh’s blog. Thank you Alex! 

For a full itinerary, click the self-named TAB at the top. 

Salem’s Daughter’s Creepy fun for the whole family. Except the kids. 

Question of the Month Who would play me in a movie? Tough call. But I’ll have to go with The Most Interesting Man In The World. This is a fast and fun once-a-month Blogfest brought to you by Michael G. D’Agostgino and you can sign up by Clicking Here.
Did You Know Cats are mystical characters that have delighted and terrified people for thousands of years. Recent research shows cats may have been first domesticated in Mesopotamia. 

Bad Cat From Murcat Manor
They lived in close association with humans in Egypt four thousand years. In ancient Upper and Lower Egypt, religious acts were centered on animals, including cats. The females were revered as goddesses and received the same mummification rites as humans. 

They were highly regarded in Rome and Greece, but not worshiped. However, in China, the myth was that the gods appointed cats to oversee the beginning of the world and were granted the power to speak. 

Fun Fact There are over 500 million domestic cats in the world, sub-divided into 33 major breeds. The cats in Salem’s Daughters are American Shorthairs

ReTweets Help a brother out this week. When you're on Twitter and if you feel so inspired you can stop by my Twitter Page and simply Retweet my Tweets for Salem's Daughters. Thank you in advance!

Short Blurb A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast. 

 For a full synopsis, reader reviews, and to download a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 Click Here.

Smashwords, Nook, iStore Salem's Daughters is in the pipeline and should be available anytime between now and the end of the week.


  1. Sounds like a great book. Coming at the right time of year!

  2. I will check it out on my Nook.

    1. joeh, might be a few days as Salem's Daughters is still in the review stage. Hopefully end of this week.

  3. Cat looks really p.o.'d I would steer clear of that darling.

  4. Happy to host you tomorrow! All set to go.
    If cats could talk, they would just boss us around.
    And we'll help re-Tweet each other's book promotional stuff!

  5. Here's to a successful book tour :) Got your book downloaded on my tablet; going to read it closer to 11/18 so I can review it when you are guest host :)


  6. Hi Stephen - have fun .. sounds like you're very well organised ... and Salem's Daughters should be a good read. The tour will be fun - see you around - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, I'm looking forward to stopping by on your side of The Pond!

  7. Congrats on your book. And so interesting how cats have been revered in the past.

  8. Congratulations!

    Interesting background on cats. I think they still like to be worshiped. :)

  9. Congratulations, Stephen! I've retweeted!

  10. Good luck on your release! Bad cat looks so grumpy, but I still want to pick 'em up for a squeeze.

  11. I have no idea who would play me in a movie. I'm rubbish at figuring out those kinds of things.
    Also, I gave a RT. Glad to help. =)

  12. I love those 'most interesting man in the world' commercials. Perfect fit for you.

  13. The fourth book in my chapter book series was about pets...and I had a fun facts section about cats. I was surprised to learn that cats are the #1 pet in America...mostly because most people who own cats own more than one, whereas those who own dogs are more likely to own just one.

    1. Stephanie, I struggle with this as I love pets and have always had a wide array of animals in my house me entire life. I had to tell myself they were really people living inside cats bodies.

  14. Of course if you're going to be someone, be someone interesting, lol. Love love the cat picture too. I'm a cat lover. Don't worship them, unless I need a mouse caught.

  15. Those cats have been darned important over the centuries.

    1. Cheryl, more material for writing. I incorporated lots of stuff like this in Salem's Daughters.

  16. Salem's Daughter looks cool! I like cats, just wouldn't ever own one.

  17. I was intrigued by Salem's Daughters when I saw the synopsis at Alec's. And I am currently ruled by two felines who consider themselves to be demi-gods (at least).

  18. The most interesting man in the world... Is that you?

  19. Cats still think they rule the world.

  20. Congrats on your new release. Books about animal characters aren't usually my thing, but this story intrigues me.
    Oh, and of course, The Most Interesting Man in the world would play you. Duh.

  21. Ooh Salem's Daughters sounds very interesting. Love the blurb, just my kind of book :).

    1. Sarah, Salem's Daughters was a fun book to write. It was set for release Memorial Day and I'm glad I postponed it.
