
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Insecure Writers Support Group: It’s Finally Show Time.

Hello everyone, and as always thanks for stopping by. It’s that time of month again for Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writers Support Group. This month’s co-hosts are TB Markinson, Tamara Narayan, Shannon Lawrence, Stephanie Faris, and Eva E. Solar

Be sure to stop by and give these awesome people a hug!

And thank you Alex for helping me kick off my Salem’s Daughters Blog Tour in style. The momentum is much appreciated! 

What’s My IWSG: Well, not a whole lot. I’ve prepared all my Salem’s Daughters Blog Tour posts and my Blogging A to Z blogs where I post ever first and third Thursday of the month (just click Einstein’s smiling face at the top of my left side bar. Preparation is the name of the game. 

I still remember the Boy Scout’s motto: Be Prepared

You can check out the Salem’s Daughters Blog Tour on the tabs above or scroll down a couple posts. And don't forget I post every first and third Thursday at the Blogging A to Z site. Just click Einstein's smiling face at the top of me left side bar. You'll get a good laugh as I spotlight Sulu from Star Trek.

ReTweets Help a brother out this week. When you're on Twitter and if you feel so inspired you can stop by my Twitter Page and simply Retweet my Tweets for Salem's Daughters. Thank you in advance!

Who Am I: My name is Stephen Tremp and I write Speculative Fiction and embrace science and the supernatural to help explain the universe, our place in it, and write one-of-a-kind thrillers. You can read a full synopsis and download Salem’s Daughters by Clicking Here

Short Blurb: A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast. 

Next Tour Stop: Friday October 9th at Susan Swiderski’s website I Think Therefore I Yam. The topic: Dark and Snarky Humor. Hope to see you there! 

Question: While we’re on the topic of haunted and cursed places, have you ever stayed in a house you swear must have been haunted?


  1. Be prepared and stay ahead of the game!
    Never stayed in a place I thought was haunted. But I can think of some creepy places that might be.
    Glad we kicked off your tour in style.

  2. Blog tours are a LOT of work. I never thought I'd make it through writing all those posts! But it's fun work...and it's so exciting to see the word spread about your book, so it's worth it!

  3. Yes, I lived in a house that was I thought was haunted; think I might have mentioned it here before :) It is so true to be prepared, no matter for what the writing assignment might be :)


  4. Good to be prepared.

    There are times I think my own house might be haunted. I caught the dog barking at nothing recently, and sometime before that something fell off the shelf even though no one had touched it.

    1. I've seen the same thing. I was attacked at a house we stayed at an our Yorkie barked madly in the middle of the night at nothing. Or so we thought. An evil entity landed on me and our dog tried desperately to protect me. Crazy story I'll have to expound on some day in a blog. But it was intense to say the least.

  5. No, I haven't had any experience with haunted houses. Not saying I wouldn't mind, though. Sounds kinda fun. :-)

  6. I think there was a ghost in my last house, the house where I grew up. When I was younger, I used to hate going into the kitchen on my own; I used to beg my brother or sister to go with me. I always just felt like there was someone there.

    1. Laura, that is creepy. I've heard similar stories especially when people were kids.

  7. Good luck with your tour. Your new book in right up my alley.

  8. That's great you're prepared. it's so important. Congrats on your book!

  9. The house I grew up in WAS haunted. I could list dozens of weird things that happened over the years.

    1. Diane, you should post about this particular experience(s) some time soon. Very interesting.

  10. Staying way way ahead is the way to be, we're in June of next year for posts haha Congrats on the release.

    1. Pat, that's insane in the membrane. But in a good way I must say.

  11. I think the key is to be prepared to plunge ahead. Go, Salem's Daughters!

  12. Hi Stephen ... being prepared is definitely such a help - also having an option or two extra ready in case plan a) doesn't work, then plan b) can come into play. Good luck with the tour and I'm on the list at the beginning of next month. Cheers Hilary

  13. Congrats on the new publication! I would be happy to help you with your blog hop. Let me know if you want to share on my own blog - even if it's just a copy and paste of your ad above. BTW, if you want to read more about haunted places, check out the Whaley House in San Diego, California.

    1. Thanks Sylvia. Give me a few days as I'm crazy busy on my end. Job, life, fam and such.

  14. Great blog tour! And as to the haunted house, I live in one. It's not actually that bad.

  15. I'm pretty sure the house next door to where I grew up was haunted. That or all us kids in the neighborhood had active imaginations. Who knows? :)

  16. You would impress even the boy scouts with all the preparations you've done for your tour. I always felt like a part of the attic in the old farmhouse I grew up in was haunted. We were all scared silly of it.

    Susan Says

    1. Farm houses. The very setting of Salem's Daughters.

  17. Retweeted for you and good luck with the blog tour. I'm a history nerd. Do you know why the motto is Be Prepared? The founder, Baden-Powel went by his initials BP and so their motto starts with the initials. Sorry if you already knew that.

  18. Given I am a wuss, I like to stay away from haunted places. I can scare myself well enough, thankyouverymuch.

    1. Ha! Love this comment as it represents a lot of people.

  19. Good luck with the blog tour! It's good to be prepared. I've never been anywhere that seemed haunted and probably would never want to/

  20. Good luck with the blog tour! I'll check out the list and pay some visits. I'll also 'hook a brother up' with some re-tweets. :) Enjoy the rest of IWSG day! Eva, IWSG Co-host

  21. Retweeted Have my copy to read and its on my reading list, which hope to read before end of month, I've been to place I felt were haunted, but not actually stayed all night.
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  22. I've lived in two homes I'm sure had ghosts. One had a very malevolent feel, the other just seemed bored and lonely. Good luck with the tour.

    1. I thin they had ghost issues and are in need of counseling.

  23. Blog tours are a lot of work (as I wrote last month for IWSG). Worth it for the connections. Not so much for sales. But who knows? Everyone experiences different results.

    Best wishes on the tour.
    IWSG #94

  24. I've never stayed or lived in a house I believed to be haunted, but I did have an unexplained experience in my teenage years. I was on a school field trip at Slapton sands in Devon. We'd stopped at an old building, and as soon as I walked in an ice-cold chill gripped me and a terror I've never experienced before or again. I had to leave and refused to go back in.

  25. I've never stayed or lived in a house I believed to be haunted, but I did have an unexplained experience in my teenage years. I was on a school field trip at Slapton sands in Devon. We'd stopped at an old building, and as soon as I walked in an ice-cold chill gripped me and a terror I've never experienced before or again. I had to leave and refused to go back in.

  26. I think it's awesome that you're prepared. I live in a constant state of unpreparedness. I end up scrambling to get things done because I didn't do them ahead of time. I hope you have a lot of success with Salem's Daughters! I'm looking forward to reading it.

  27. Best of luck with the blog tour! And I stay away from houses I think may be haunted. I stayed in one that had past reports, and woke up to the feel of someone pressing down on the bed as if they were leaning over to look at me as I lay on my side. I popped open my eyes and turned one there. Freaky.

  28. Retweeting in action. Have fun on your blog tour! Thanks for co-hosting. Cheers

  29. Well, it's interesting that you'd mention a bed and breakfast here. Once my husband and I stayed at a bed and breakfast. We checked in during the evening and we opened the door to our front room which contained a mannequin in an old wedding gown. This was all in the dark. I wouldn't say the place was haunted, but the first sight of our living quarters made me a little jittery!
