
Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween and Write With Fey

Hi everyone, today we continue the eleventh leg of Salem’s Daughters’ Blog Tour at Chrys Fey’s Write With Fey. For a full itinerary of my blog tour, Click Here or simply select the self-named TAB at the top. 

Salem’s Daughters Spend a summer at a present day bed and breakfast called Murcat Manor, and you too could become a victim of thirteen gifted and malicious killers from late seventeenth century New England. 

Did You Know Cats caused the Black Plague. That’s right. People associated cats with witches and got rid of the cats, enabling the rat population to escalate and spread the disease. 

Fun Facts In America black cats are considered bad luck. But in England and Asia they are considered good luck. 

Who Am I My name is Stephen Tremp and I write speculative fiction. My fourth novel, Salem’s Daughters, is supernatural thriller. 

Short Blurb A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast.

ReTweets Help a brother out this week. When you're on Twitter and if you feel so inspired you can stop by my Twitter Page and simply Retweet my Tweets for Salem's Daughters. Thank you in advance! 

For a full synopsis and to download a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 Click Here. And as always, thanks for your support. 


  1. They got rid of the cats that would've killed the rats. Figures.

  2. Congrats Stephen. Love the title and cover of your new book.

  3. Looking forward to hosting you next month Stephen :) Have a great weekend!


  4. Another interesting tidbit about cats and the spread of the plague. People do dumb things that come back to haunt them. As cats in a B&B!

    1. Susan, superstition has cause so many blunders throughout history. This might be the biggest of all.

  5. I would say LACK of cats caused the Black Plague!

  6. Interesting about the plague. Cats got their revenge that time.
    Just got your book on sale and can't wait to get started on it. :)

  7. Awww, man, black cats have gotten a bad rap. It wasn't them that caused the plague - it was a combination of the disease on rats and the stupidity of humans in getting rid of the cats! *sheesh* Salem's Daughters sounds really interesting!

  8. Guess we can't blame the cats for the plague, but the people who got rid of them. Hope the book sales are going well. I retweeted for you.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  9. Hi Stephen - see you tomorrow. Interesting facts about cats and the black ones - I had a black one .. she was special! Cheers til tomorrow - Hilary

  10. Hope your book is doing well. I want to visit Salem someday. That's my kinda place!

  11. I loved having you on my blog, Stephen! :D

    1. Chrys, you have a great group of people who stopped by. I met a lot of new friends.
