
Monday, October 26, 2015

Arlee Bird, Did You Know, and Cat Fun Facts

A Present From Me to You. You're Welcomed!
Hi everyone, today we continue the ninth leg of Salem’s Daughters’ Blog Tour at Arlee Bird’s Tossing It Out. For a full itinerary of my blog tour Click Here or simply select the self-named TAB at the top. 

Salem’s Daughters Spend a summer at a present day bed and breakfast called Murcat Manor, and you too could become a victim of thirteen gifted and malicious killers from late seventeenth century New England. 

Did You Know Most cats give birth to a litter of between one and nine kittens. The largest known litter ever produced was 19 kittens, of which 15 survived. 

Fun Facts The biggest wildcat today is the Siberian Tiger. It can be more than 12 feet (3.6 m) long (about the size of a small car) and weigh up to 700 pounds (317 kg). 

Who Am I My name is Stephen Tremp and I write speculative fiction. My fourth novel, Salem’s Daughters, is supernatural thriller. 

Short Blurb A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast.

Retweets Help a brother out this week. When you're on Twitter and if you feel so inspired you can stop by my Twitter Page and simply Retweet my Tweets for Salem's Daughters. Thank you in advance! 

For a full synopsis and to download a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 Click Here

As always, thanks for your support. Now off to Arlee Bird’s Blog.


  1. 19 kittens! Whew!~

    And that Siberian tiger is gorgeous. Hope your tour is going well, Stephen!

  2. Wow! That's a lot of kittens. Amazing so many survived. Hope you're having a good blog tour.

  3. Our cats usually only had five kittens. Thank God!

    Siberian tigers are so gorgeous. My favorite cat.

  4. That was interesting to know about the size of the litters. It always makes me wonder how a "small" animal like that can have so many babies :)


  5. That looks awkward holding so many kittens.

  6. Thanks for the present. I want to be the one holding all those kittens! <3

  7. Those kittens are cute. Tigers are scary big.

  8. Love the cat facts. Here's another one -- white cats are more likely to be deaf.


  9. Tigers are awesome. Who wouldn't love a giant cat? :)

  10. Salem's Daughters has been rocking BlogLand!
    Congrats once again!

  11. 19 kittens at once. YIKES! Congrats on your successful blog tour.

  12. I love the facts. Cats are awesome. Happy to help Retweet.
