
Saturday, April 18, 2015

P is for Paranormal Vs. Supernatural

Google Paranormal and Supernatural and you’ll get a wide range of definitions. The terms are not synonymous, although many like to blend their definitions and borders in popular literature and entertainment. 

I'm reading the Percy Jackson Series
Paranormal Activity is phenomena popular in culture and often refers to vampires, werewolves, and ancient gods rearing their heads today (Harry Potter, Twilight, and Percy Jackson). The protagonists have magical powers that help keep the evil forces at bay. It’s not something that needs to be explained scientifically. Romance is often introduced into this genre. Sex can sometimes be to the extreme. 

The Supernatural would also indicate no explanation by normal or scientific means. However, the activity is attributed to a supernatural source such as God, demons, angels, and so on. The supernatural has a spiritual tone and was once a part of our world and had a place in it. 

But it has transformed itself and returned to our world to defy it. There is a fear brought on by something like a housing development built on an ancient Indian cemetery (Poltergeist) or someone sees dead people (The Sixth Sense) or something traumatic has happened like a murder of an innocent person with more murders on tap (Ghost). 
Because Poltergeist (Noisy Ghost) Was Runner Up Today

The supernatural often has the element of horror (Pet Semetery and The Shining) but it's not necessarily a staple (Field of Dreams). Behavior and events have been influenced by the intervention of supernatural beings with secret powers that influence earthy affairs. 

But the emphasis is mainly on suspense rather than horror, although there can be some horror in the story. A paranormal setting is usually less violent and often relies on a romantic theme. You won't find too much of the latter in a supernatural thriller. less violent and often relies on a romantic theme.
The Blending: Today, we see a blending of genres. That's the norm. And it's okay. It's not critical to draw lines in the sand and say this is paranormal and this is supernatural. Hollywood liberally slaps the word "paranormal" on a movie that is really a supernatural thriller. But it is important to draw at least a few distinctions so we can write better stories and know when it's appropriate to combine these genres and when to differentiate between them.

Question: What are your thoughts regarding paranormal and the supernatural genres?

Honorable Mention: Poltergeist, PAN (Paranormal Activity Network)

Monday: Quantum Physics


  1. Hi Stephen - not happy about experiencing either!! But the genres really draw people in .. and they're hugely popular .. and I can quite see the genres being combined or crossed over .. cheers Hilary

  2. To be honest Stephen I didn't know there was a difference between the two. Great post,
    Have a good week-end.

  3. I never realised they were different - I describe some of my writing as 'vaguely paranormal', but I'm possibly 'vaguely supernatural' instead!

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  4. I think the genres are so mixed up in the audience's heads that no one realises there's a difference any more :). Paranormal seems to be popular when connected with romance, but I have seen supernatural applied to the exact same books. To be honest I didn't realise there was supposed to be a distinction.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Natasha, so true. The lines of genres have been so blurred and I think its great. Makes for such interesting books.

  5. I agree with Natasha. I didn't realize the distinction between the two either. And Hollywood doesn't help. The Paranormal Activity movies are about demonic possession, or is it witches? I've only seen the first and part of the third.

    1. Tamara. the Paranormal Activity movies fit much better into the Supernatural genre. But the word Paranormal is what sells today, so Hollywood slaps it on the movie titles to better sell tickets.

  6. I've defined these before and I still get them confused. That's why I like that you can blend the genres and no one will be mad about it.

  7. There was a time when it was taboo to blend genres. But today anything goes. I like it better this way. Cowboys vs. Aliens is a good example. Not necessarily a great movie, but a definite blending of genres.

  8. When I think of supernatural I don't think of horror and with paranormal I feel it can go someplace between sci-fi and fantasy. Maybe horror is just something I don't want to think about.

  9. I don't get too hung up on the terms. Supernatural or Paranormal - it's all good.

    Precious Monsters

  10. I am not really into either genre but I know the kids love these, at least in the middle school my sons attend. I volunteer in the library and they can't get enough of these books.

    1. judi, my next series will be for this age group. MG/teen/Ya.

  11. No I didn't know there was a difference. But I am also not really into the genre. I know horror is very popular these days, however it is achieved but I avoid it like the plague.

  12. In publishing I have definitely heard of paranormal being used as a genre (paranormal romance, especially) but I've never heard of supernatural having it's own genre. Usually it would fall under horror or urban fantasy or something like that.

  13. Some of my favorite shows fall in the supernatural, like the show, Supernatural, Haven, and some other spooky series.

    1. Susan, the Supernatural is on my list to watch. Just need to squeeze out an extra hour a day.

  14. I dig both:) I find both appealing and never thought of the differences between the 2 but I guess there is. Thanks for explaining it:)

  15. I enjoy a good paranormal story once in a while.

  16. I try to stay away from them, LOL, I have a very imaginative mind :) However, I did enjoy Field of Dreams.


  17. The gods and such are my favorite, so I lean more toward them

  18. That was an excellent explanation. I think a lot of people use the terms paranormal and supernatural interchangeably and assume that they both just mean "not explained by natural laws/causes".

  19. Personally, I don't think paranormal or supernatural should be placed in the science fiction and fantasy section.

    1. Alex, I agree with SciFi. There has been a blending of fantasy and paranormal like Harry Potter.

  20. So here is how I'm going to keep it straight, based on our descriptions. Para is beyond what is normal. And "super" will be other worldly, not natural stuff. Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

    1. Barbara, super can include other dimensions while para is stuck in our world. In super, ghosts and angels and demons can move back and forth from our world into a dimension such as where the dead go, for better or worse. In para, characters such as vampires and werewolves are stuck in this world.

  21. While I never consciously thought about the differences before, reading the list of example, my teens love the paranormal, where I have always been fascinated by the supernatural.

  22. I had thought 'paranormal' and 'supernatural' were almost the same. Thanks to your clear explanation, I now know the difference. However, I'm likely to avoid watching both kinds of movies and dramas.

  23. Those two genres hugely are popular, but I prefer paranormal over supernatural. Cause I don't like horror... :)

  24. Paranormal is one step back from supernatural. Paranormal can be seen while supernatural is known to be around through noises made but not seen.Great prose! Thanks for your previous visit Stephen! Hank is here for P



  25. Funny, I totally would have defined them the other way around... Paranormal for ghosts and horror, and supernatural for werewolves and gods...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  26. I prefer paranormal...spooky but at least somewhat plausible. Once people star having magical powers, I get bored. (Although I did like Bewitched as a kid!)

  27. I'm more likely to watch or read something with Supernatural vs. Paranormal, especially when they're more like Field of Dreams.
    Play off the Page

    1. Mary, I do like the light version of the supernatural more so than the heavy. Field of Dreams and Ghostbusters are prime examples.

  28. See now I never though of Werewolves as paranormal. I think of ghosts when I think of paranormal and supernatural when I think werewolves. Guess there is confusion. :)
    History Sleuth's Writing local history - Blogging A-Z

    1. Cindy, these days people including sriters and publishers and studios are into making money. Genres? Whatever. They need to make $$$ and will cross genre one book to another if it makes financial sense to do so. Its all about the money these days.

  29. The interbreeding of the genres is confusing. Now there is a show called "I Zombie", worth a look see.

  30. I stay clear of these genres. Not my thing, but if I have to, I'll take Paranormal over Supernatural.

  31. And that's why they created a new word: Speculative Fiction.
    So people could just slap that label on and cover a larger range.

    Great post. I would say the tv show Supernatural has a bit of paranormal going on.

  32. Wonderful post! This is so intriguing to me. I think the two categories bleed one into the other - but in my foray during A to Z into ghosts I have come to think of supernatural as a broader category into which paranormal is a sub-category. So things more of the spirit - like ghost sightings are paranormal (but also supernatural) where monsters, like yetis or werewolves, are supernatural and not paranormal. Just an opinion.. Happy A to Z, looking forward to reading more of your stuff! - Jeri from
