
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Release Date For Escalation and 2014 Wormfest

It’s Time! And I don’t use that term loosely as time is a very important element in my latest book Escalation, the final installment to the Breakthrough trilogy.
Okay, let’s get right down to business. The release date for Escalation is Monday, March 10th. I wanted to release it before the holidays. But the timing just wasn’t there and I recognized that. No sense fighting it.
I then set my sights for Albert Einstein’s birthday which is March 14th. But that is on a Friday, and Monday is the best day for a book release. So Monday, March 10th it is!

Another Awesome Badge By Carrie Butler!
And that same week we’re holding the 2014 Second Annual National Wormhole Week Blogfest, hosted by Captain Ninja Alex Cavanaugh, L. Diane Wolfe and myself. We’ll call if 2014 Wormfest for short.
2014 National Wormhole Week Blogfest: Name one thing where science advances mankind, and one where technology with unforeseen consequences will go too far and set mankind back. Example: De-Extinction, or bringing back extinction species through back breeding, genetic engineering, and cloning.

Science Running Amok
Feel free to reference movies and books too. Speaking of de-extinction, the book and movie Jurassic Park comes to mind where science takes a huge leap forward, but also backfires.
With all the breakthrough discoveries mankind is on the cusp of, are we playing God?
Escalation ARCs: I’m looking for about ten people who want to read an Advanced Review Copy (ARC) of Escalation: The Adventures of Chase Manhattan. This will be an e-version you can download and will be the equivalent of 320 – 350 pages, depending on the font size I use. I’d like to have reviews up on Amazon and Kindle before the book is released. My editor is doing a final once over edit and I’ll have it back by the end of January. Then I’ll email you a code to download the e-copy. If interested, please email me at or leave a comment.
Escalation Synopsis: “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” - Albert Einstein I

Flashback: 2013 Badge
In Escalation, the final installment to Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Trilogy, a seemingly innocent discovery in Einstein-Rosen Bridges, or wormholes, becomes a Pandora’s Box—opening doors to other unexpected and unpredictable realities such as parallel universes, time/space travel, and an evil hitchhiker from another dimension.
Chase Manhattan has survived attempts on his life from numerous sources in his effort to destroy the technology. But he is far from safe. Now Chase and his comrades must not only break world renowned physicist Professor Nicholas Fischer out of prison a second time, but also smuggle him across hostile borders in Europe and the Middle East to prevent events threatening to spiral into World War III.
At Stake: an end to Western civilization as we know it. The result: an epic clash where science and the supernatural take center stage, vying for mankind’s destiny. The setting is global as the world divides into an East vs. West climactic battle. The action is swift, adrenaline-charged, and non-stop. Unending twists and turns will keep the reader turning pages and wanting more.
Together, Breakthrough, Opening, and Escalation follow the lives of the unlikely participants from innocence to a coming of age through sacrifice, betrayal, passion, lust, unconditional love, and hope. Escalation will appeal to fans of modern-day science fiction, action, young adult, horror and a little romance.
Looking Ahead: I’ll also have a Virtual Blog Tour following the 2014 Wormfest. More on that in a near future post. There will be a theme that goes above and beyond promoting my book, and will focus on helping the youth of today. I’m very excited about this!
Author Of The Week: Lydia Kang and Control. Click the badge at the top of the right scroll bar for more info!
2014 Wormfest: This will be fun Bloghop. This is a passionate topic and I’m looking forward to all the amazing responses everyone will have. Sign up with the Linky List below.

And feel free to copy and use the code and help spread the good word, or click that Tweet button below. Thanks!!!


  1. Ready to announce tomorrow morning early! Thanks for letting me co-host.
    Jurassic Park - excellent example.

  2. Congrats, Stephen. I'm glad to announce your book release in follower news when it releases. So excited for you!

  3. Exciting stuff here, Stephen! You amaze me with how much you do!!!!

  4. Yay! Release date is March 10th! Woo Hoo!

  5. Alex, it's going to be out of this world!

    Natalie, thanks for your support!

    Morgan, I'm glad I took all that time off at the holidays to get stuff done.

    Susanne, I second that!

  6. Congrats on the March release! Sometimes these launch dates get out of our hands (I've got one of those myself---thought it would be a March release, looks to be an April one).

  7. Congratulations on your book release-- hope your success is beyond what you imagine.

  8. Congratulations, Stephen! All signed up and rarin' to go!

  9. Looking forward to the book. Sounds as though it encompasses a wide variety of events. I hope its successful.

  10. I'm joining your hop! I look forward to sharing your release! :)

  11. Thanks for the well wishes! And your support. This is the fun part of writing a book.

  12. Congratulations! I love the idea of timing the release to coincide with Einstein's birthday.

  13. Congratulations! I too, like the timing idea. Very clever. Wishing you all the best!

  14. It's an exciting time for you, Stephen. I hope all goes even better than you hope. You deserve much success.


  15. I had a blast with the last wormhole-fest. Looking forward to another go. Your book sounds fascinating. I'm going to add your series to my to-reads. Lovin' that Einstein snowboarding graphic, too.

    1. Glad you remembered last year's event. This will be an annual event. No shortage of material to keep things fresh every year.

  16. That's one of my favourite Einstein quotes - such a brilliant man in so many different ways!

  17. Thanks everyone for signing up for 2014 Worrmfest! We had a blast last year. It was out of this world!

  18. Congrats on the release date. Looking forward to Wormfest. It sounds great. I love that quote for Einstein.

  19. Replies
    1. Thank you Carrie for another top notch badge. Everyone likes it!

  20. nice...i like the premise of your book...need to check out the previous ones in the series...
    wormfest sounds its not til march but you are signing up now
    is that how it works?

    1. Brian, yeah we thought we would get an early start. Just the way things worked out with the launch date release and all. Also, March is a popular month for Blogfests as people want to get them in before the April Blogging A to Z Challenge. So had to get in and grab that slot early.

      Glad you like the premise of the book! I think I've carved out a nice little niche here.

  21. Your release date is going to sneak up so fast!!
    Congrats, Stephen!

  22. I'm not at all surprised with your idea of releasing on Einstein's birthday, lol!

    As for the Wormhole hop, I'll have to think on it. Right now me brain is mush. The guys have brought home the creeping crud and I'm fighting it off with everything I have. Not sure if I'm winning yet. :-)

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

    1. Sia, I sure hope you can join us. Just keep it simple and have fun!

  23. Congratulations on the perfect release date!

  24. Hi Stephen .. that's great - pity about the date tie in .. but 4 days before is a great idea. Congratulations on getting to this point ... I too will think re the Wormhole hop ..

    I'm clambering out of my dustsheets ... good luck with tying all those loose ends up and here's to a very good 2014 .. cheers Hilary

  25. Good luck Steve :) Congrats on getting it all together, and for completing the trilogy.


    1. Thanks Donna! As I noted in Escalation from one of the characters at the end, "What a loooooong strange trips it's been."

  26. This is awesome news, Stephen! I will buy and review a copy of Escalation.

  27. Stephen, what if we recreated some ancient extinct species that it thrives so well it threatens to make mankind extinct? Probably not a new idea, but hey--it's new to me! ;-)

  28. I'm in for the Wormfest. How did I miss seeing this? Thanks for dropping by my blog. I enjoyed this bloghop last year very much. Got to keep a scifi frame of mind.
    Good Luck with Escalation!

  29. Looking forward to the Wormfest and good luck with the book :)
