
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

IWSG And A Very Long Punch List

IWSG: brought to you by Alex Cavanaugh and his supporting cast of co-hosts.
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
I am a thankful person by nature. I’m thankful to be alive, in good health, and surrounded by family and friends. This helps take the edge of stress and being anxious and places the emphasis of my thoughts in proper alignment.

But I have to admit, I’ve been a bit anxious as I will announce the release date of Escalation, the third installment of the Breakthrough trilogy this Monday, January 13th. There is so much that goes into the writing, editing, and promoting of a book. And I finished about ninety percent of what I need to do over my three week hiatus over the holidays.
Punch List: Yet I’m still anxious as I have a large Punch List. To finish. A Punch List is a construction term referring to “a list of unfinished matters that require attention.” If you’ve ever watched a show on TV about flipping houses, such as Flipping Vegas, after a house is purchased and fixed up, there is a Punch List of a whole lot of miscellaneous and never ending little details that have to be addressed before the open house.
So that’s where I’m at. Finish one item and three more emerge. That’s okay. I’ll be ready for my Open House. I hope you you’ll join me. 
And the good news as it’s not just about me. I believe together we can make at least a small dent in the world’s problem.

So tune in this Monday for more info!


  1. I know the feeling!
    It will all come together. And what doesn't, you can't stress about it. Just invite and we will come!!

    1. Like Field Of Dreams. Build it and they will come.

  2. Sending anxious-calming thoughts your way. :) And seconding Alex on it all coming together- it will!

  3. Hope it all goes well for you and you get everything done that really needs to be done.

  4. Keep up the good work, Stephen! It will all come together and be spotless and wonderful!

  5. You're doing great at tackling those problems head on. There's nothing worse than being blind-sided by something you didn't anticipate. Good luck!

  6. Never hear that term before. Think I'll start using it, sounds much more exciting than a to-do list.

    Moody Writing

  7. Good luck with getting those details done and best wishes for launch day!!!

  8. Sounds like your Punch List is our Snag List over here :) Good luck for the 13th!
    Suzanne @Suzannes Tribe

  9. Nice! Expect a plug on my blog for your book next week. :)

  10. I have to write things down. I work off lists. I marvel at people who can remember their lists. Its a good feeling to cross everything off and say I've done the best I can do and that's all I can do.

  11. As someone who has not written a book, it's affirming to hear that even the experts have to rewrite and edit and fix and that it can cause some angst-- offers hope to those of us still trying to decide if that's the route we want to go. All the best to you!

  12. I'm sure this one will do very well. Your others have. Congratulations.

  13. First time I've heard the term Punch List. Love it. Best wishes on tackling yours.

  14. I like Punch List! I've never heard it before. Best of luck getting everything ready, you being so hands on and trying to tackle everything possible beforehand is already a success in my book. I'll be here on Monday ;)

  15. Its almost a bittersweet feeling as the writing and editing is coming to an end. Its like raising children, then sending them off to college. You're glad they're gone but wish they were still here.

  16. Good luck with your punch list! Release days are always nerve wracking and exciting. Just be proud of all the hard work you've put into this book!

  17. I hadn't heard of the term "punch list" before, but it's definitely fitting. Good luck getting everything done by release time!

  18. Good Luck and much success on your new release! Do you ever find the punch list empty?

  19. Good luck with the punch list. I'm sure you'll get it all together.

  20. Ditto on the good luck for the punch list! I'm sure everything will flip just the way you want it to : )

    1. Thanks Tessa! I'm making great progress every day. I'm really looking forward to Monday!

  21. Good luck with that punch list! (I think it might be what's called snagging, over here)

  22. I think I like the term punch list. You punch the stuff of it right? ;) Good luck with your punch list and the third book.

  23. Thanks for the support! But then again, that's what this IWSG is all about.

  24. Yes, yes, you can do it! You're Stephen freaking Tremp, after all.

  25. With my release date in a week and a half, I'm seeing how true this is. I've got a list of the little things that still need to be completed.

  26. Hope finishing your punch list doesn't stress you out too much. :)

    1. Lydia, I have your and your book Control as Author Of The Week.

  27. I know what you mean. Every time I think I'm close to being done with edits, someone else points out a million things I still need to fix.

    Good luck with the new year!

  28. I have a huge punch list too! Gah! I better get to work on those!

  29. sounds very productive and exciting!! shoot me an email and i'll help spread the word!

    happy friday!

  30. Hi Stephen .. Punch List - never heard of the concept .. but it's exactly where I'm at having had some work done on the flat ... the list is long - guess I need to start to tick off some items! So pleased you got 90% done on Escalation .. and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post and your notification of a release date ... congratulations on getting here. Enjoy the next few months as the trilogy is finished and out there available for us all to read .. cheers and Happy New Year - Hilary

  31. I've never heard of a Punch List either! but I think a lot of it is just setting priorities and getting the most important stuff done first. It'll be exciting on your release day! Congrats in advance, and best wishes. Good for you, doing most of the work already. Onward ho!

  32. I'm another person who had never heard of the term Punch List. Just take a deep breath. Everything will work out.

  33. there is always a punch list, Stephen. Kinda like sunshine and air, lol! I love the cover on this one!

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  34. Thanks for explaining the punch list...I need to watch more HGTV!

    Good luck with the new book.

    Leanne ( )

  35. Many, many congratulations on your release Monday. I'm quite familiar with punch lists. I used to work in real estate for a new home builder company.
