
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ISWG: Insecure Writers Support Group and QR Codes

IWSG: Like many of you, I have a new book coming out this year. Some of you have already released your latest and greatest. My latest is titled Escalation and is the third and final installment of the Chase Manhattan series.
There is so much going on with the release of a new book. The actual MS and just finding time to write the darn thing. Critique partners. Editing. Cover art. Self publish of find a publisher. Agent or no agent. Promotions. Marketing. Blog Tours.
Then there is balancing work, family, and this, that, and the other thing. Arrrghhhh!!!
Not To Worry Though: There is nothing else I would rather be doing! I'm promoting Breakthrough and Opening as well as thinking some really cool stuff to promote Escalation. One method, among many, are QR Codes.
Example: Right now I'm working with dozens of local mom and pop shops such as coffee houses, bagel houses, hotels, and other establishments where people read books. Orange County, CA currently has just over 3,000,000 people plus tourists from all over the world.
My gimmick: I will consign, or simply give them, copies of my first two books to display. Sometimes we spilt the profits. Other times they can keep it.
What I'm After: The Kindle downloads. I  use a simple 8.5 X 11 display (see above image) by the cash register or at the beach where I sell paperback copies (along with business cards from VistaPrint) to display QR Codes to download my books.

It's so cost effective to use Create Space to print off copies of my books for $5.00 each. It's a small price to pay to see if customers will use the QR Codes to download my books.

I'll roll this out in a week or two.
What Are QR Codes: Quick Response codes. You see these everywhere. Simply download an app to read these codes for your iPhone or Android. I use Kaywa for Android. Your Smartphone uses your camera to see and recognize each unique QR Code, then take you to the Web page to buy or download said product or service (to ensure you are not downloading a virus).
This Is Only Test: Please take a moment to scan my QR Codes above (or download a respective app if you need to) and see if they take you to the Amazon Kindle page where you can download my books. Downloading is strictly optional.
Question: Do you use a QR Code? Do they work for you? Did mine work using your cell phones?


  1. Hi Stephen - what an interesting approach ... good luck and I'll be interested in your results ..

    Cheers Hilary

  2. Wow sounds like you have some great marketing ideas, hope it goes well. I've never used a QR code I've seen them around though.

  3. That's a great idea, I hope it works! Good luck with it :)

  4. I hadn't thought of using QR codes for selling a book. But, yeah, I'll be curious to see your results. Makes so much sense.

  5. My husband uses them all the time, but I've never used one.

  6. That's something I hadn't heard about. How awesome, good luck and keep us posted!

  7. Haven't got the QR app on my phone - sorry. Love the marketing ideas, hope they work :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  8. Hi - my husband downloaded the app onto his mobile and both QR codes lead to Amazon and Chase :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  9. Awesome idea with the QR codes. I haven't seen any other authors do that. I don't have time to check to see if it works right now, have an appointment to get to, but I'll try to remember to come back and see. I have an iPhone.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  10. Great idea-- thanks for sharing what you are doing. Love how you are being persistent and original in your book selling.

  11. You're doing so much that makes sense. Hitting the stores like you have is really amazing. Great post today.

  12. QC codes are cool. I won three iTunes cards by scanning my boxes of Hot Tamales.

  13. QR codes are interesting. I haven't used them outside of a tech training class, but it's a great idea.

    Great IWSG post!

    Kim Lajevardi
    (This Writer's Growing)

  14. I haven't but I've been wanting to learn more about them. Someday.

  15. The QR Codes are really cool. I see them everywhere. Just a simple scan from your cell phone and boom there it is. Its a great marketing and promotional tool!

  16. I've been meaning to pick up an app so I can use the codes. I'm seeing them everywhere now. I hope customers use your codes.

  17. Wow, fascinating concept Stephen. I wish you ALL THE BEST with this endeavor!!!!!

  18. I have had one of these on my business cards for ages now (well, since my book went up on Amazon in December) although I cannot read them myself (no smartphone or app). I'm not sure how useful it has been in that form, because I don't really go anywhere or meet anyone who might want my card. :) Best of luck with your codes. Mine worked fine, for those few who tried it.

    Shah X

  19. I didn't even know about these codes until reading this post. I always learn something new here :)

  20. Every magazine I look at I'm finding these codes that advertisers use. I never really noticed them before. But now that I'm specifically looking for them, they are everywhere.

  21. I've seen these codes but really didn't know anything about them. What a great idea! I hope you have a lot of success with this. :)

  22. My business card has only my name, website and QR code. They're very cool.

  23. Yep! My business cards, promotion cards, and flyers all have QR codes. :)

  24. Hi, Stephen.

    Thanks for sharing your latest promo strategy for the forthcoming book. Aggressive and proactive marketing -- we like it!

  25. I went in for a job interview and sure enough the person interviewing me had a QR Code on her business card. I downloaded all her info with just one click. So cool.

    Oh, and I got the job!

  26. Gosh, you do so much, Stephen. Such a world! And this is the second time I've seen this codes... I'm still learning what they're all about! Technology is crazy to me...

  27. Congrats on your upcoming release, Stephen! Those QR codes are a fantastic idea.
