
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Anti Blogfest Gary Fest, Escalation Cover Art, 100 Amazon Reviews, and Attention Navy Veterans

Here are my three PG-13 rated blogfests I would never join and their descriptions:
National Wormhole Day but The No-Wormholes Allowed Blogfest: This is my annual March 14th (Albert Einstein's Birthday) National Wormhole Day Blogfest. But without wormholes? The horror! The horror!
The Alien Abduction Blogfest: Meet me in the cornfield of Friday the 13th at midnight. There we will all be abducted by aliens, drugged, probed, then set free with a hundred abducted cows. No thanks!
The Get Really Drunk and Get a Really Bad Haircut and Tattoo Blogfest: This is a three-part Blogfest. Meet at Millers Low Life Bar, get really hammered, get a really bad haircut and tattoo next door, then wake up with serious regrets.
Escalation Cover Art: I’m still looking for people to volunteer to help me announce the cover art for Escalation. I hope to have it finished in a week or so. Then we can raise it up a flagpole later in August.
Thanks to all who have volunteered so far. If you would like to help, simply leave a comment or email me at
100 Amazon Reviews: My good friend Bob Sanchez, who many of you know, is celebrating his 100th review on Amazon for When Pigs Fly. That's 100 reviews!!! And I was one of them. Great job Bob! What a milestone to reach. To can check out When Pigs Fly CLICK HERE
Attention Navy Veterans: Are there any men or women who have served in the U.S. Navy? Or do you know someone who has? I have an incredible battle between the Seventh Fleet and China in Escalation and I’m looking for a few people to critique this particular scene for accuracy and awesomeness. Thanks in advance!
Writers4Writers: A reminder this month Wednesday August 21st is Writers4Writers (W4W). We will spotlight a couple amazing writers: Carrie Butler and  C. Lee McKenzie.


  1. I'd love to help with your cover reveal. yolandarenee(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Oh, and I won't be participating in the Worm, Alien, or Tattoo, party blogfest! Great Anti-blogfests though! :)

  2. Ok just the picture on the Tattoo fest left me with the heebie jeebies! Yeesh-- fun titles.

  3. That tattoo picture is horrifying!
    Congratulations to Bob! That's a lot of reviews.
    Hope you find someone who can check for accuracy in your book. Looking forward to the cover reveal.

  4. I believe I'll skip your blogfests, too. What good's a wormhole day without a wormhole?

    Wow... one hundred reviews. That's awesome. I haven't even hit double digits yet.

  5. Yolanda, thanks!!!

    Julie, amazing people actually do things like this to their bodies.

    Alex, I hope so too. I'm trying for the most accurate scenario as getting a scene like this wrong can cause some readers to put the book down.

    Susan, oh c'mon, just one at last?

  6. Oh my gosh! Dying, Stephen. DYING. I definitely wouldn't participate in any of those fests... You are too clever!

  7. You're very creative, Stephen. I'm wondering how you found the perfect picture for the third blogfest.

    Thanks for joining the party.


  8. That tattoo picture is wrong in so many ways!

    Happy to announce your cover art if you want :)

    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  9. Hi Stephen .. great photos - and I too definitely will not be participating in those blogfests ... the Greek Hydra has always 'worried' me! What amazing choices ... yugh!

    Great your cover reveal is nearly scheduled - fantastic you've done so much achieving your trilogy and seeing it to its completion (so near now) ...

    Cheers Hilary

  10. Yeah, that third one is quit a mess. But he's smiling and seems to be happy. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

  11. I don't know, that last one would have lots of participants, I think!

  12. You might be surprised how many turn out for that alien abduction one.

  13. Holy Cats! Information overload!
    where to start...Yes, I'll help with Escalation cover, Going to Bob Sanchez's site now (well not 'now' but pretty soon), and No to alien abduction blogfest.

    Once was enough.

    1. Update: When Pigs Fly looks amazing. Checking out the sample pages now. Well, not 'now' but...

  14. Love the idea of National Wormhole Day! The pic with all the piercings made me wince, though. I'd be happy to help you announce your cover art. Just let me know when. :D

  15. I was wondering if the Alien Abduction Blogfest would be a hit. You know, I think I might have stumbled onto a real winner with this one.

  16. Except all the cows are fried to a crisp. Well, at least you get dinner with your probe.

    Great non-fests, Stephen.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  17. No wormholes on National Wormhole Day? Whatever will I tell my pet earthworms? Is that a real person with all those piercings etc.? OMG, too funny!

  18. No wormholes? Say it isn't so! Great picks for bad fests!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  19. And thanks to all for helping with my cover release! Should be finished real soon.

  20. Really good baddies. Meet me in the cornfield... hahaha

  21. You might get some takers on the drinking/tattoo hop, hahahaha
    That's a trendy thing I think people might regret a little later. ;)

  22. always drunk, that is my middle name... oh yeah!

    The Blog-fest that make me want to say "NO"...
    Jeremy H.

    New Look, New Name and Same Stuff...

  23. Loved your anti-blogfest choices, LOL! No tattoos for me yet :)

  24. Any event that meets in a cornfield at midnight is a no go for me. I think of the short story The Lottery. No thanks.

  25. Blah to the probe, no way to that, they'll have to chase me all over the globe.

  26. Hahaha Pat you have an.absolutely amazing talent with words!

  27. A triple no-no to your blogfests!
    The Bad Haircut and Tattoo one is ewwwww! That picture is gross *shudders*
    Writer In Transit

  28. I think that last one is my favorite, but they're all really funny.

    As for the Escalation reveal, just tell me wehn and what to post and I'm IN!

  29. I am pretty well booked for blog posts through the fall, but would be happy to give you a shout out when the book is released. I'll have several posts that include news and notes and whatnot, and the info will fit right in. Congrats!

    Have a great week,

    1. Thanks Karen! It will be just the pic and a very quick blurb.

  30. Oh, come on. What's wrong with a nice little abduction and some probing on a Friday the 13th? *snicker* I will go along with the bad haircut and tattoos though--always best to not make large changes (or facebook posts) when drinking.

  31. Alien abduction intrigues me, but I don't want to be the one taken! Great suggestions. I'm all ready for this month's W4WS. And congrats to Bob!

  32. I have to say reading the comments regarding aliens am probing that I'm a bit concerned about some of you. I'll have to check back in later on this thread.

  33. Quite a funny alien idea, and he's quite cute, not!

  34. Oh man. I don't want anything to do with any of your blogfests. Ever.

  35. Your blogfest ideas are classic! But I'm with you in that I don't plan on joining any of them if they get picked up by some desperate blogger in need of 'fest ideas. ;)

  36. Great bad blogfest ideas! Looking forward to seeing your cover!

  37. Those are awful blogfests. Creepy.

    I'll help with your cover reveal if you need, but I know nothing about the Navy.


  38. Hey, Stephen,

    Ah, very interesting and DESCRIPTIVE choices here... Non are very pleasant!!!

    COUNT ME IN... I'll do a great intro for your new cover!

  39. The Bad Haircut and Tattoo Blogfest is the most terrifying of all to me! I've had a few bad haircuts where it looks like aliens have taken over my body! One hundred reviews is amazing! Good luck with your reveal Stephen!


  40. Thanks all for your help with the Cover Reveal! Much appreciated!!!

  41. Wonderful to Hop in spite of what Gary says. Looking forward to W4WS! Sorry don't know any ex-navy.

  42. Greetings Stephen,

    First of all, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar sends you pawsitive wishes! :)

    Three superb non-choices. The early wormhole catches the bird. Makes no sense, then again, blogfests make no sense. The second one is actually a fantasy of mine. However, my moment of weakness has passed. The third one looks very much like my neighbour.

    I wish you well with your cover reveals. I'm very busy with a huge amount of commitments. However, I shall take the liberty of sharing your posting. Even on 'Farcebook'.

    Thank you for this and the irony.

    Gary :)
