
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Susan Gourley, Did You Know, and Cat Fun Facts

Hi everyone, Monday we continue the third leg of Salem’s Daughters’ Blog Tour at Susan Gourley’s Science Fiction and Romance. For a full itinerary of my blog tour, Click Here or simply select the self-named TAB at the top. 

Salem’s Daughters Spooky Fun for the Entire Family. Just not the kids. 

Did You Know Female cats tend to be right pawed, while male cats are more often left pawed. Interestingly, while 90% of humans are right handed, the remaining 10% of lefties also tend to be male. 

Tune In every day I have a Blog Tour stop for more Did You Know and Fun Facts about cats. You'll be glad you did!

Fun Facts The technical term for a cat’s hairball is a “bezoar.” 

Who Am I My name is Stephen Tremp and I write speculative fiction. My fourth novel, Salem’s Daughters, is supernatural thriller. Check out the Blog Tour Schedule 

Short Blurb A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast. 

For a full synopsis and to download a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 Click Here


  1. Always visit my buddy Susan, so will catch your post tomorrow.
    Male cats are left pawed? Interesting.

  2. Hi Stephen - now I shall look at all cats to see if they're right or left handed ... what happens when they're neutred? I'm sure we don't call them bezoars - interesting word though .. cheers and see you at Susan's - Hilary

  3. I had no idea that cats could be left or right pawed. How interesting. Good luck with your blog tour.

  4. I never realized all that! I've known quite a few female lefties in my life but I think most of the lefties I've known have been male, now that I think about it!

  5. Just saw you over at Susan's blog. Fun post! :)

  6. Interesting about the cats and their right, left dominance between male and female. New info I learned today.


  7. I didn't know that about cats. I did know more guys are left-handed than the ladies. Strange. So glad to have you as a guest today.

  8. Neat facts about cats & lefties!
    Heading to Susan's :)

  9. Handedness across species is an interesting anthropological issue. Great to learn about the cats!

  10. That's weird about male cats being lefties. I'm a lefty too!

  11. I never thought about cats (or dogs) being right or left pawed. I thought they just used both the same!

  12. I never thought about cats (or dogs) being right or left pawed. I thought they just used both the same!

  13. Now whenever my cats cough up hairballs I'll call them bezoars. ;)

  14. O-kay... I didn't know cats were 'pawed' to begin with. Goes to show how much I know. *rushes to both female kitties and watches...* Best of luck with the third leg of your book tour!

  15. Interesting. It's true thought. The only people I know who are left handed, are guys. Weird!
