
Monday, October 19, 2015

L. Diane Wolfe, Catnip, Did You Know, and Fun Cat Facts

Hi everyone, today we continue the seventh leg of Salem’s Daughters’ Blog Tour at L. Diane Wolfe Spunk on a Stick. For a full itinerary of my blog tour Click Here or simply select the self-named TAB at the top. 

Salem’s Daughters Not only for the United States. 

Did You Know While many parts of Europe and North America consider the black cat a sign of bad luck, in Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky. 

Fun Facts Catnip is native to Europe, Africa, and Asia and was imported to the U.S. It now grows throughout North America. Cats everywhere give a collective YEAH and, umm ... ah, who are we talking about? And where's the pizza delivery guy?

Who Am I My name is Stephen Tremp and I write speculative fiction. My fourth novel, Salem’s Daughters, is supernatural thriller. 

Short Blurb A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast. 

For a full synopsis and to download a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 Click Here

As always, thanks for your support. Now off to Diane's you go if you’ve not already been there.


  1. I've got a black cat, and she's certainly my lucky charm :)

    1. Laura, I love black cats with green eyes. After all, they're just genetic colors the cats have no control over.

  2. I like that black cats are considered lucky in some places. Great cover, Stephen. Best wishes for your tour!

  3. That's so interesting about black cats. Will stop by Dianne's.

  4. Congratulations! Heading over there right now.

  5. LOL! Where did you find that picture of me, Stephen?

    We have a black cat and sometimes she's just plain evil.

  6. I wonder why black cats are considered bad luck by some?

  7. I am enjoying these cat facts, Stephen. That is interesting about black cats and good luck in other countries. I know some animal shelters won't adopt out black cats in October around Halloween.


    1. betty, I've heard that. Probably because weirdos sacrifice them.

  8. The catnip thing is very weird. They really go crazy for it.

  9. I think I remember someone I know trying to smoke catnip but I don't think it did anything for them. For me all cats are bad luck, but that's me.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I remember people from junior high doing the same thing. Glad I was smart enough to smoke the real thing.

  10. Hi Stephen .. I love black cats - we had one when I was a youngster. Catnip - they do love the stuff .. and roll around in it.

    Great photo of Diane! Cheers Hilary

  11. I'm amazed how many of your facts I used in my fourth Piper Morgan book. I only had one section of "fur facts" dedicated to cats, too!

  12. I don't get how many people in North America can think black cats are a sign of bad luck. Have you seen how many people have one??????

    1. Patricia, I've known lots of people with black cats and they were the coolest cats.

  13. Have you heard the old superstitions about where a cat sneezes in the house? If I remember correctly: in the living room, it's good luck; in the bedroom, someone will be sick; in the kitchen; company's coming.

    1. HR, I have. I remember that from when I was a kid but forgot about it until your comment.

  14. just came from diane's blog - love your international ideas! ingenious!
    congrats on your book and tour - love the supernational thriller possibilities, just in time for halloween!

    and cute kitteh!
    ps - thanks for supportiing my simulation blog tour!
