
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Y is for Yahweh

Yahweh: The name of the God of the Bible practicing Jews and Christians acknowledge and follow. Yahweh is the proper name of God in the Old Testament. There are other names for God such as Jehovah (along with many derivitives) and Elohim and El Shaddai. 

He is called by Father in the New Testament among other names and titles. I trust my life in the God above. 

Other people believe in something else that helps explain the universe and their place in it. There have been many religions and beliefs since mankind first walked the Earth. I have numerous friends who belong to Alcoholics Anonymous and all they are required to believe in is a higher sources that is bigger than them and can help. Same with the Freemasons as many believe in a Supreme Being of their choice. 

Still, others do not believe in anything at all. This life is one and done. We as a human race are nothing special and once we die, that is all. Nothing else. Zero. Zilch. Nada. 

My theme for A to Z has been The Paranormal and the Supernatural. I hope I’ve presents interesting topics. Some may be controversial, but that’s okay. More fuel for the fire for open dialogue. 

Tomorrow: Zombie 

Question: Do you believe in a higher source?


  1. Some more knowledge I have learnt, Great post Stephen.

  2. This life is it - that's a sad way to live. For them, this is the best it will ever get.

  3. So true we all need to coexist no matter what we believe.

  4. Yes, I believe in Yahweh. Rather a person believes in God, the creator, or not; I think He placed in all of us that desire to believe in a higher power. He gave us a free will to choose who or how to believe. I think we need to love one another despite the differences, and as a Christian I want to show God's light not cast a shadow.

  5. Nope. There is no higher power; or at least none that I have found any compelling evidence for. I do believe that this life is all we get. I was aware before I was born, I will not be aware after I die. And that is fine really.
    It means I have to make this life count. Everything I do or experience is precious and unique. I have to make the most of what I have.

    People have told me "Atheists have nothing to live for." WRONG. We have nothing to DIE for.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

  6. I personally believe in a higher being. I have however questioned religion in the past few years. I was brought up Catholic, but with so many religions, who's to say which one is 'right'. I guess time will tell!

  7. I like that coexist graphic. I've seen it many times on bumper stickers.

  8. I believe in God. I don't have to prove his existence, nor does he, but he keeps trying to save us. People will either seek to find or discredit God. All I can do is tell of my God experience, Jesus the saving Son and my relationship. Seeds planted is the best we can do. The rest is spiritual. Oh and SUPER important is this, I need to love others, because that is the heart of God. I struggle with that one. :)

  9. I do believe in a higher source. I also believe that the Gods people worship in other cultures is the same God. I don't think there's a right one or wrong one to put your faith into, because in the is the same source.

  10. Yes I believe in a higher power, but no, I don't believe in organized religion, even though I was christened Catholic and raised Southern Baptist. The Yahweh name always makes me chuckle because I had a very heated argument (well, heated on her side) with a co-worker (who calls herself extremely religious) and she insisted that Yahweh was a false god and not the True God. I tried to explain to her it is "her" god, but she wasn't having it! It's always their way or no way and even other religions are "wrong". I don't get that. Why can't everyone be a bit right? Besides, it's not like every single religion is not a rip off of another or has very similar points. The more we discover, be it through science or archaeology or other methods, the more religion should change and adapt. Every single other aspect of the world does that...if not, we'd still believe the Earth is flat, that left-handed people are minions of Satan, etc. I like to get all the information I can, then make my decisions based on that, not just what "I'm told" by a group slinging a book at you, but that's just my opinion (and wow, that might possibly be the longest comment I've given during the challenge...well done Stephen!).

  11. I did a play for my final project in my college Jewish Studies class. I played YahWeh. I still think it's cool that they're not 100% sure how it was really spelled since the vowels were always missing.

    Good luck with the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  12. I do believe in one God. It helps get through the rough times. It helps coup with loss. Some people use their beliefs to justify violence or prejudice which is against what I believe God would want.

  13. I've never found a religion that I trusted. They make war. They stir bigotry. They often repress women and ethnic groups that don't fit into their "group." Men create the dogma to suit themselves. In my mind, God resides in the seed and in the heart. I don't need ceremony to come between those and my celebration of this life. I've enjoyed your posts, Stephen. Great AtoZ Theme.

  14. Yes i believe in a higher power. Coexisting would be amazing! Happy to discover your blog , thanks for visiting mine:-)

  15. Yahweh or Jehova; I learnt in high school that in Hebrew, the vowels don't count. You can put in anything you want to make the word pronouncable, and its the same word if the consonants are the same.

    Cold As Heaven

  16. Yes, I believe in a higher source. But I also believe that we can coexist, and whatever someone else wishes to believe is fine. I mean, it won't hurt me any, so why not?

  17. I think whether I "believe" or not in a "higher" power is for me alone, and doesn't really matter to anyone else. Having said that, one of my favorite lines in "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" is Morgan Freeman's answer to a little girl's question, "Why did God paint you?" His response was, "Because he loves diversity." Seems to go right along with your "Coexist" word here! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

  18. Great post! Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.

    Elizabeth Mueller
    AtoZ 2015
    My Little Pony

  19. I would say I believe in a higher power, but I don't subscribe to any particular religion. I like the idea that where all religions meet, that's where I am a believer. God is the mystery, the energy, the is that is, everything and nothing, love and life. If it helps to give it a name and/or a face, that's great, but I do wish people would stop fighting over the one true god. Seriously. We'd all be a lot happier.

  20. I think there must be something higher since almost all religions, even the ancient ones had a high power. I won't truly know until I die and I don't want to know too early

  21. I'm hesitant to use the label God, Great Spirit, or any other name. None of them seem precise, accurate, or correct. I just believe. Good enough for me.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister

  22. I used to prefer the term "the Higher Power," since I thought God was an unoriginal name for a deity, and it's really just a title, not a name. For a number of years now, I've taken to mostly using the name Hashem (Hebrew for "The Name"), which is commonly used to avoid saying or speaking God's real name. The Tetragrammaton, YHVH (Yud Hay Vav Hay), was never spoken by anyone except for the Kohein Gadol (High Priest), once a year, on Yom Kippur. He went into the Holy of Holies in the Temple during one point in the service and pronounced the Name a total of three times, and had a rope tied around his waist. In case he died in there, someone could pull him out without going into a space they weren't permitted. Since it was only spoken by one person and never written down, people today don't know how to pronounce or spell it, which is why the Tanach (Jewish Bible) renders YHVH as Hashem or Lord, in small caps.

  23. I find the study of world religions fascinating. God is very real to me.

  24. I find the study of world religions fascinating. God is very real to me.

  25. Totally believe in a higher source, but also believe we are responsible for dealing with our own problems. I also believe there are many paths to that higher source - my path happens to be Christian, but any path of love works too IMHO.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  26. Hi Stephen ... we certainly need to live together and co-exist ... and I think there's a life beyond ... and I'd like to know more about all the religions, though as Tasha says ... my journey is a Christian one - but they did stem from the same source originally ... cheers Hilary

  27. nice post - smile

  28. Yes sir! Absolutely! Jehovah and the Blessed Trinity.
