
Saturday, April 11, 2015

J is for Judgment

Do You Believe In A Final Judgment? One where you will have to give an account for what you say and do in this life? Just about every civilization has believed in an ultimate judgment in the afterlife that will determine where and how they spend eternity. 

Charon ferrying newly deceased across River Styx to Underworld
Greek Mythology: You went to the underworld ruled by Hades and were judged by three judges, Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus. They passed sentence based on an individual’s deeds during their life on Earth. The good went to the Elysian Fields, others were singled out for special treatment. 

Reincarnation: Hindus believe the soul is immortal and people are reincarnated back on Earth. Others think that when we die, that’s all she wrote. Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die and there is no afterlife. 

Bema Seat: I’m of the Christian faith and believe I’ve been atoned for, although I will still be judged at the Bema Seat of Christ. People who are saved during the period from the Day of Pentecost to the Rapture will go to heaven, but that’s were all their works (good and bad) will be tried by fire. Whatever survives, if anything, they will be rewarded for. 

Great White Judgment: This is where all of the saved that have died before the Day of Pentecost, as well as all of the unsaved regardless when they lived, are judged. Those whose names are found written in the Book of Life will inherit eternal life with God. Those whose names are not found will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever. 

Question: Do you believe in a final ultimate judgment for the afterlife? 

Recommended Reading: I love Dante’s Inferno. You have to find a good translator to understand and appreciate the Divine Comedy. Much like Edgar Allen Poe. Don’t try to read it on your own. 

Honorable Mention: Jamais Vu

Monday: K is for Key Cards


  1. Hi Stephen ... crumbs I sincerely hope not! Boring it would be ... interesting about Dante's Inferno - just heard someone talk about .. it was so funny and she really did the talk that made it totally accessible ... I've got her transcript and might turn it into a blog post at some stage ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, a true classic and one I'll probably read again soon as this post sparked some great memories of that story.

  2. Great post Stephen, interesting topic.

    Enjoy your week-end.

  3. We will only ever truly know what awaits us on the other side when we get there. :)

  4. I don't believe in judgement day, I believe our actions in life are judged as we go along - in my experience most nasty people are not happy individuals.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  5. I like to think Karma works--mostly on the days when I'm hoping someone gets what they deserve. ha.

    1. L.G. I'm posting on the main A to Z Blog on Monday and that's my topic. Yeah, I have to admit, I like to see bad people get what they deserve.

  6. I believe in the Judgment Day. I think that's why I stay so calm and peaceful in this CRAZY world. Keeping my eyes on my Savior!

  7. I think we die, then get reborn again... and then die... get back again. No honestly I would like to know, if we only have one shot at this thing called life.

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  8. I believe in the judgement day of Revelations. And I'm really grateful for the Rapture.

  9. I think everyone will be forgiven for their mistakes, but will spend eternity with our own guilt.

  10. I don't think there'll be final judgement. God already knows everything we say and do. Why would we have to account for it all?

  11. I'm not sure what I believe in how that judgement will happen. I just hope my good acts out weigh the bad.

  12. I believe my name will be found in the Book of Life :)

    I'm also very curious about what a Key card could be


  13. I am completely undecided as to what I believe about what awaits us after death, if anything, but I am fascinated by all these different views. Good post!

  14. Since A to Z is now on a global scale it'll be interesting to see what people have to say. I would think there is a diversity of opinions as well as those who believe life is one and done and that's it. Lights out. There's nothing beyond this life.

  15. we are being judged every moment of our life and the judge sits somewhere within us,but we often fail to hear his judgement.

  16. I'm with Chris. God knows what we're doing all the time, so final judgment seems like an antiquated notion rooted in a time when it was important to strike fear in people.

  17. I think the reincarnation beliefs are the nearest - it says the sins of the father unto the seventh generation. Why should kids suffer for their father's sins. However, if the sufferers are actually reincarnations of the father, then it is more just.

  18. I'm of the Christian faith - struggling a bit, but still a believer... I hope St. Peter will let me in the Pearly Gates, but we'll see what happens... (in the meantime, I plan to apply for a license to work a food truck for those waiting in line to see St. Peter...

    1. Mark, I heard St. Peter loves a really good carne asada burrito. That should chalk you up a few points with him.

  19. We have the whole weekend for this. Hopefully on Sunday there will still be bloggers from around the globe out and about.

  20. I honestly personally believe that it all comes around to us after death...but it's more complex than our discretions simply being listed to us.

  21. Then, there is the Ancient Egyptian judgement in the Duat where your soul is placed on one end of a scale and a feather in the other. Some politicians with their empty souls would have a hard time even with that feather!

    The Pharisees studied the Torah all their lives for generations, yet when Jesus came, they didn't recognize Him. I think the Judgement will be like that: we think we know what will happen, but we will be surprised. I think God wants us to trust Him. If we do, then we have nothing to fear. What did that old country preacher say: "Love God, and do what you please." Of course, if you love Him, you will live so as to not make him sad at your actions or hurt his other children, right?

    1. Roland, I do just that and can do as I please. But that's because it's what I don;t want to do that keeps me on the straight and narrow.

  22. Yes, of course I believe. Too bad I lent my copy of Dante's Inferno out to someone. I liked the way the red cover looked on a white bookshelf. LOL. Love Roland's comment. LOL

  23. Believer Here!!! Holy Roller Catholic!!!

  24. I'm leaning toward the eastern philosophy, but am still exploring and asking questions.

  25. Although there seem to be a lot of competing thoughts, one continuity is we need to be held accountable for what we thing say and do. The question is, can we atone for our shortcomings ourselves? Or do we need an outside help.

  26. Interesting summary of various beliefs...

  27. I am a Christian! I do believe there will be a final judgment. I don't know that I will do well when that time comes. But I don't know that it will really matter!

  28. Here's one from South Africa! Thanks Stephen for the brief summaries of the ones you've chosen. It's a HUGE topic. I love Dante's Inferno - a real journey, and also applicable to modern man. I think about these sorts of things all the time. All the traditional 'religions' East West North South have something to teach us.

  29. Fascinating subject, and more so when one is as old as I am :0)

    1. Carole, as they years go by we start thinking more and more about things like this.

  30. I do not think there is anything afterwards - our afterlife consists in how those left behind remember us. And hopefully we leave good memories.

  31. What a complicated subject! I believe in karma and that one must atone for his or her actions whether in this life, future lives, or in the afterlife.

  32. Great post. J..Judgement. Its a great segway to K...Karma!

    1. Sangita, tomorrow is actually a double header as I'm also posting over at the A to Z blog.

  33. I do believe in the Great Final Judgement. Jesus died to pay for our sins of the world. John 3:16 says it all. Great "J" post!

  34. Interesting post. I literally just had a conversation with my daughter today about what would you do if your entire life were played on a giant movie screen when you died. Would you want people to see the things you've done? Would you be proud of your actions towards other or would you want to hide? (I was basically trying to help her figure out how to react to a situation with a friend.) So I found it pleasantly coincidental that I found this post while surfing through the A to Z list.
