
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

IWSG, Salem's Daughters

IWSG: For this week’s Insecure Writers Support Group, I’m working on three concepts for the Covert Art for my upcoming book Salem’s Daughters. Below are three ideas I have. I’m asking for honest feedback and input. Do you like any of the three ideas, or would you say no to them. And if you don’t like them, do you have any ideas I could use. Take a moment and look at the SALEM’S DAUGHTERS tab at the top for a synopsis. This will help steer you in the right direction. 

Okay, I know I need to purchase this image and I will. Take a moment to envision thirteen cats spread around the living room of Murcat Manor. They're all staring into your eyes as you look at the picture.

This image may work better for the cover of a paperback book rather than an ebook. Something to take into consideration.

Or do you prefer an image like this? Imagine elongated cat shadows creeping into the picture.

How about a simple large house burning in the background?

I appreciate your feedback. Take a moment if you would and read the synposis on the Salem's Daughters' Tab above and tell me what you think would be a good idea for the cover art.

Team Tremp A to Z Badge: Check out the Team Tremp Badge for the 2015 Blogging A to Z Challenge. The alien (A) and zombie (Z) cover it all. If you have not signed up for the event, simply click the badge and follow the instructions.


  1. I think I like the second one best because it shows a murder, which is what your book is about. And it has a sinister feel that matches your book.

  2. I like the second one, as well. The cat shadow idea sounds cool.

    1. Sarah, I like shadows on a book cover. Not sure why. But it illicits something really bad just happened or is about to.

  3. I'm with the first. I like the creepy cats because they're like "stay away or sh*t's about to go down / come in so you don't realize we're evil" Plus, how many cats are chilling in a mansion? Seems kind of unique to me. Good luck!

  4. Actually, I like the third the best. I haven't seen a lot of mysteries with bodies on the cover, but I may only be speaking to my own subgenre. You're doing a great job moving your cover progress along!

    1. Elizabeth, you're right. I did look at images for top selling mysteries and such and rarely do you see a body.

  5. I like the premise of photo one, but the manor is more modern and open than what comes to mind readily. Or perhaps it's too bright and white. Is there someway to incorporate the first two? Something a little darker with all the cats looking at you or looking upon a corpse?

    Keep in mind, I've never done this stuff.

  6. The second one is the one I'd be most likely to pick up! It's the sort of thing I like. It's also already the right shape for a cover. But how about number three with a huge cat's face with evil eyes peering from behind the burning house?

  7. I like the second one. It draws in the eye. Add those cat shadows and it will rock.

  8. I like the first one myself because it looks more inviting to at least pick up the book or look to see what it is about. I might not pick up the second one to look at because of the dead body. But I would be more attracted to looking at the first cover over all the other ones. Interesting synopsis of the book!!


    1. betty, people do judge a book by its cover and the art is to nudge the reader to move onto the synopsis. Thanks for your input.

  9. Thanks all for your feedback. This is very helpful.

  10. I like the second one. It's spooky and mysterious and seems to fit the story.

  11. Keep in mind that when these images shrink down to Amazon ebook size, many of the details will not be clear. Covers should be simple and direct. Not too active because it will take away from your story. I'm inclined to covers that are graphic. Not too much detail, focusing on the title. The first would work. The second too dark it will loose a lot when shrunken down. The third focuses on the FIRE,if this is key in the story, then I would go with it. But perhaps have the type on fire. It would look very cool....

    1. Michael, good point. I think the title is a really good one as the word "Salem" elicits much emotion in a person. We all know what direction the book will be going in.

  12. The first one seems too light and I tend to like covers without people like the last one. But just my opinion.

  13. As much as I love seeing my Rocko in the first one, it is too light. The second one is more mystery.

  14. I thought the burning house had much to do with Salem. though all three are excellent. I know you will choose the one right for you.

  15. I'm thinking the second one but only with the cat shadows! That would rock. The burning house doesn't say enough, and the first one is too big, not creepy enough... My two cents! I want to know who wins, the cats or the people!

  16. It's hard deciding on the cover art. I'll have to decide soon. Maybe by this weekend.

  17. Go with the woman on the floor. The first one is too tidy and beautiful, although I do love the cats. Can you add in an elongated cat shadow over the woman's body?

    1. Cheryl, I've also thought about a chalk line, although I think that has been overused as I see this type of cover all the time.

  18. Am I the only one who likes #3? Here's why: #1 looks like it was taken from a design magazine. #2 is okay, but it didn't make me feel anything except, oops, someone was killed. OTOH, #3 elicits an emotional reaction. Fire is deadly. Losing a home is horrific. Getting caught in a house fire is terrifying. I felt the impact of the fire, how it destroys so much. Do I get the cats if I win???

  19. I really like the second idea. It feels like a book cover and is intriguing. I was going to suggest the same thing as C Lee about adding a cat shadow.

  20. I think the second one would be best, not only because it shows what your book is about, but because the first picture wouldn't show well in a thumbnail, which is what most people see when they're buying online.

  21. I guess I like the second one best. It seems to portray the theme better at a glance.

  22. I tend to agree with the majority. The 2nd one!

  23. The second book is starting to pull ahead of the pack.

  24. I agree with Joylene and Elizabeth: #3. I have a problem with the first two, not because I dislike them, but because they both say cozy or traditional mystery, even with the dead body—particularly if you add cats. My understanding is this is a supernatural thriller, so #3 seems to best fit the genre. As Joylene notes, it elicits an emotional reaction missing from the first two. In the first, there is no action. In the second, the action has already happened.

    VR Barkowski

  25. Wow. The comments are so varied.

    #3 doesn't work for me, only cause the fire already happened before they get the property. (Unless you are doing another fire)

    #2 with the cat shadows could be awesome.

    #1 would be amazing with 13 cats draped all over the furniture.
    Maybe some sticky tape on the floor, a blood stain and those little numbered forensic markers.
    I like it bright and cheery, cause that's probably the kind of place they built to bring in B&B guests.

    Best of luck with your decision!

  26. My vote is for #2. It looks more like how I would picture a bed and breakfast, not like #1 which is pretty contemporary and clean looking. (I don't mean the B&B owners are bad housekeepers, but I picture it as an older home.!) I think all 13 cats will be waaaaaaaaay too busy in the book cover especially when viewing the thumbnail online. #3 is eyecatching and probably would do well when shrunk down to thumbnail size for online purchases, but it's just a fire, not mysterious to me. And maybe your readers shouldn't know there's a fire? Book covers are so important to grab a reader's attention. Good luck with making a choice.

  27. I like the idea behind #3 the best. A small suggestion - and I don't know if it's possible. Because the fire already happened, could you have that kind of faded and superimposed over (behind??) a picture of a complete house?

  28. I like #2 the best, just seems to really set everything up from the get go

  29. The idea of a book cover is to simply hook the potential buyer to read the synopsis. The latter will hook them to buy the book or download. So that's what I'm after. And thanks again everyone for your help!

  30. I like #2. Think #3 gives too much away...

  31. I do like the first one best. But is there any way to add something flashy to some of the cats or somewhere prominent in the room? Maybe a talisman that the witches us, a spice shelf full of jars; something that implicates witchcraft along with the familiars.

  32. Hi Steve - I like the 2nd one .. but it reflects a different age - and that may not be appropriate. Love the idea that you're working on another Chase Manhattan book ... whenever it snows in Boston I think of your descriptive passages of Chase there ... Good luck with all things - cheers Hilary

  33. From a marketing standpoint, #1 is better if it's a mystery, #2 is better if it's horror. People who read suspense/mystery generally like the "idea" of a dead body more than seeing/reading about it in graphic detail. Also mysteries sell better than horror, so you probably want to lean that direction in the marketing.

  34. I'm partial to the third one. When I think of Salem, I think of burning witches...and fire is in that 3rd pic. :)

  35. Just when I thought number 2 was pulling away .....

  36. I'm voting for number 2, with a dead cat beside the woman. The shadows also get my vote!

  37. I think you need to consider what the title will look like on the pictures. Where would you incorporate on each example, and what font to use etc. My vote would be #2, however I like the idea of the cats with scary eyes. What about 13 sets of eyes staring out of a cover, maybe with the manor in the background?

  38. I think number two might be the best course. Shadowing the lower half where you can add the title would help to highlight the "body." I think it could do with the guy on the left, just to offer a bit of mystery. :)

  39. Of the three I like the middle one best....instead of cat shadows how about a cat casting a witch's shadow? I think you could lose the man leaning over the railing and perhaps make the body look a little more 'human'...right now it looks like a Barbie doll.

    1. Delores, a cat casting a witch'es shadow? That's brilliant. I can run with that. Thanks!

  40. The second one is cool, especially with those shadows you described. In the first one, it seems the room is the feature, not that cats.

    1. Thanks Lynda. I really need the focus to be on the cats.

  41. The first one was too cheerful. Even with the cats, nothing about it creeped me out. The burning building is just your back story. What about using the staircase but not centering on the body? I don't suppose anyone dies by hanging in your story. The shadow of someone hanging with cat shadows near by would be really effective.

  42. I prefer #2. It has the creepy factor you're looking for. Perhaps with cats peeking through the railings or sitting on top of the railings looking down at the body. Or like you said, cat shadows. They'd look pretty awesome and sinister.

  43. Thanks again everyone for taking the time to comment. Your feedback really helps and I appreciate it it greatly.

  44. I like the idea of #2 with cat shadows creeping in. It conveys a lot of the summary.

    1. Oops, posted too soon. Good luck with querying and getting the cover art done!

  45. I prefer the 2nd one best, especially if you put a cat by the body at the bottom of the stairs.

  46. The house burning in the background would be good, perhaps better than it just a single image. I like the idea of the cats staring at the reader-to-be. As long as you have semi-evil looking cats, or at least make their eyes glowing or really intense, like they have a hidden agenda. Some of the ones you have posted are a little too friendly and fluffy looking. LOL Cat shadows would work well too on the middle one. The second one definitely shows it's of a murder-type story, so with the cats added in somehow (like, as shadows), that would be great. If you do use the first concept, I'd go with a less modern/bright/perky looking interior--you need the mood of the story in there somehow more.

  47. I like the second one, and I like the idea of the focus on the staircase - mentioned in a previous comment. I think the first one is way too light, and the last only works for part of the story. If you could get the cat shadows mixed with that dark staircase, I think that might be cool - or it might be too much - I'm not entirely certain.

  48. I prefer the burning house, but I crop out the ground and the left side of the house and use only the right side, the treeline and sky as the cover. And be picky about your font, too.

  49. My vote is with the second one. It's mysterious with the murder and all. Did the person on the stairs kill her or found her?

  50. I vote for the second one--the staircase with the woman's body at the bottom. It's visually compelling and simple.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  51. Cool Team badge, Stephen. I also like the second image with the staircase. :)

  52. Well, looks like number two has once again pulled away. I'll work on it and thanks again everyone for your feedback.

  53. I haven't read everyone else's comments because who has time to read sixty plus other people's opinions? So as a former realtor I'm pretty sure I sold the house pictured in #1, and #3 with the fiery image is far too sensational, looks like a cheap horror flick. Which leaves you with #2 by default, and I see from your last comment, it's the winner with the rest of the people weighing in. It strikes me as a cover for an old noir book, maybe a Patricia Highsmith crime thriller. On the other hand, do you want your book cover designed by default? Isn't the cover the single most important thing that gets your audience to take a look at your book? Maybe you shouldn't settle for default, maybe you should consult a pro? If you don't want to spend the money, you could see if a young design student might want to work on it to earn a credit for their resume in lieu of dinero? #Justsayin
