
Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl, Deep Space, Kepler, Help Wanted and More

Tom Terrific
Super Bowl: Congrats! To the New England patriots for their fourth ring. Loved the look on Tom Brady’s face when Jermaine Kearse mad that incredible juggling catch at the end of the fourth quarter. Brady must have seen ghosts of Mario Manningham and David Tyree trying to rob him of another Super Bowl ring. 

As usual, the commercials were great. Well, most of them. The Nationwide Insurance commercial was a real downer and I’m surprised an exec there signed off on it. 

Did You Know: Deep within the bowels of our Milky Way Galaxy, there is another solar system that is like a miniature replica of our own. Except this planetary system is just a tad older — by about 7 billion years. This is an incredible study thanks to the Kepler Spacecraft. More on Kepler in Wednesday’s post that you’ll definitely want to come back for. 
Kepler Space Telescope

Of course, when discoveries like this are made, the search for intelligent life beyond Earth heats up again. That assumes that there is intelligent life here. Reference 

Fun Fact: Space X Mega Rocket: Now this is a rocket! Space X is competing with NASA on a new generation of rockets that will take mankind into deep space, then return them back to Earth to use again. Checkout this quick video.


Help Wanted: Want to be more than a participant of this amazing yearly blogging challenge? You can by joining the A to Z Team and helping us. 

No heavy lifting required. Each co-host has the responsibility to visit a certain block of participants every day of the event. This way, everyone is visited. This is important as those who sign up later and are at the end of the sign up list are not forgotten. 

So we’re looking for people who will help us visit these participants. For example, I’m looking for helpers to visit a minimum of five blogs each day of the event. That's all. Just five. You can keep the same five or have five new ones each day. 

This will be a great way for you to meet new people, expand your social networking, and gain additional exposure.  So if you're up to this, leave a comment or email me at

Finally: Check out my 2015 Celestial Calendar Tab above. Its a treasure trove of really cool celestial events, most of which can be seen right from your backyard with the naked eye, binoculars, or an average store bought telescope.

Question: Have you signed up for A to Z? Want to help the A to Z Team? Glad the Patriots and Tom Terrific


  1. Hope you get some Minions.
    I didn't care who won - I was just happy it was a close and exciting game.
    That Nationwide commercial was so depressing! Fortunately there were some good ones, like for the Minions movie and avocados.

  2. What an excellent initiative to help out bloggers! An amazing idea! I'm really looking forward to the Challenge as well! Thank you for this great post!

  3. I loved all of the reactions when that interception happened. So funny! And that Nationwide commercial was just awful! I thought there were so many commercials that were trying to make us cry.

  4. That Budweiser ad with the puppy was the BEST! I saw it on FB days before, though. The ads and halftime show are the only reasons I even watch. I'm never paying attention during the actual game.

  5. I agree w/Stephanie on the best commercial! And that Nationwide was super a super downer. I looked afterwards at my husband w/a 'what did I just watch' expression. Sad! But I did love getting to see the Jurassic Park 4 trailer- I can't wait to see the movie!

  6. I only watched part of the Superbowl so missed that commercial. I did catch the end of the game which was super exciting. Good luck getting your A-Z help.

  7. That juggling catch was great! Too bad that last play lost the Sew Hawks that game.

    There's another solar system like ours? That sounds like a good story idea. ;)

  8. I have signed up for the A to Z, and as usual I have no clue what I will be doing. ;)

    That is awesome about the 'replica' solar system. I am fascinated by all things astronomy.

    I don't think we in Australia can relate to anything that celebrates TV adverts. We don't have any sporting event here that you watch mostly for the ads. It's fascinating though. :)

  9. Just think if the 'intelligent life' in the solar system is that many years ahead of us technology wise. Shouldn't they have found us by now?

  10. I might be up to minion with you...if you'll let me continue to call Pluto a planet. Barbara
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  11. I'll be happy to help out with what you need for A/Z, Stephen, if you need the help. Really looking forward to the challenge this year. Just got to come up with a K and U for my theme :) (and then of course write them all).

    Honestly, I was kind of rooting for the Seahawks only because my son's girlfriend was over and she's from Seattle. It was a close game, one that I like, don't like the blow outs by one time or the other.


  12. Glad to see so many people interested in and signing up for A to Z. And thanks to those volunteering to help during the Challenge! You're all a huge help as this is such a tremendous undertaking to pull this event off.

  13. Haven't watched a Super Bowl in years, but I did read about the solar system that's older than I am. :) Wish I were up to the A-to-Z this year, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Hoping everyone who participates has fun and makes good friends.

  14. I'm still vacillating about doing the A-Z. I tend to be super disorganized and never write posts in advance, and with a new job and writing and kids and life, I'm not sure I can commit to writing a post every day and visiting as many blogs as I can. But I might give it a shot….

  15. I will certainly be back for more on the Kepler. That miniature and way older solar system is very intriguing, and might just support an idea I have about what is really going on in the cosmos. And did not watch the Super Bowl. It was on my tv and I have a vague recollection of what happened. Talked about it all day at work like I actually saw it, but really I have no clue. It happened right in front of me, but haa haa. I was blogging.

    I am signed up for the A to Z Challenge, and of course want to help the A to Z team, but not quite ready for formal responsibilities yet. I am helping in my own way this year. Have been doing that for a while now and will keep it up. You can find a blog I run at #94 on the list and my personal blog at #101. Our positions haven't changed in days, so I am assuming we are good until people start dropping out. Perhaps next year someone I will be ready to try being a minion and see how that suits me.

    And just in case I did something wrong and failed to convey all the POSITIVE REGARD, have even more good vibes and do continue your awesome blogging!

  16. Well, I'm a Dolfan so I'll give the Pats their due but I ain't celebrating. :-) I think I'll miss the A to Z again this year. I hope to buckle down and do it in 2016, Stephen. And yeah, shame on Nationwide. What was that about? ACK. Happy Blitz Day. Make it a good one! :-)

  17. I'm actually contemplating returning to the A-Z again. The vote's not quite in yet...but the lean is definitely in that direction.

    Thanks for the science facts. I'm a little bit smarter today! :)'re being BLITZED! Enjoy.

  18. I've never done the A-Z Challenge. That's a lot of blogging! lol

    Happy blitz day!

  19. Already stopped by but wanted to say Happy Blitz Day!

  20. That's a neat rocket.

    Happy Blitz day, Stephen.

  21. Very cool rocket. I love learning little facts about our universe. Happy blitz day!

  22. Happy Blitz Day!

    I did not sign up for A to Z this year. I'm just way too busy and I know April is going to be even worse. So no blogging fun for me

  23. Good morning, Stephen. I'm signed up for the A to Z Challenge.

    Oh, yeah. HAPPY BLITZ DAY!! : )

  24. Don't follow the game but the science news was interesting.
    Will catch up on Wednesday and during the A to Z. Happy blitz day!
    Hope you have a good one.

  25. Don't follow the game but the science news was interesting.
    Will catch up on Wednesday and during the A to Z. Happy blitz day!
    Hope you have a good one.

  26. The Super Bowl was an excellent one, even though I don't care for Belichick OR Carroll. Still, as much as it pains me, I have to give credit to the Pats for a great win, and still scratch my head at Carroll's choice to throw the ball at the goal-line.

    LOVE to see the broadening interest, discoveries, and renewed effort in space exploration! I'm old enough to remember Apollo and the moon landing, and I'm hoping to see humans on Mars in my lifetime!

    And YES -- I'm all signed up for A-to-Z!!!

    Happy Blitz Day!

  27. Space really is amazing!

    Happy Blitz Day!

  28. Ya know, I don't follow football, and pretty much know next to nothing about the game, and even I knew not to pass the ball on that last play.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  29. Being from New England, I was swept up in Patriots excitement. It looked like it could go either way many times in that game. I thought the Patriots had lost... and then they won!

    Happy Blitz Day!

  30. You do come up with some interesting information Stephen. Fascinated with the idea of a second system in our Milky Way.

  31. That email address doesn't work Stephen.

  32. I wonder if there's life in the solar system, not that they will ever reach us or we them... but still, one wonders. Happy Blitz Day!

  33. Hey I'm being blitzed. Thanks everyone!!!

  34. Hi AZ buddy!! Happy blitz day!
    Your comment about this assuming that there is intelligent life here cracked me up :)

  35. I'm signed on to help Lee McKenzie this year. She is running the Muffin Commando Squad- how do I say no to that?!

    It's exciting to think there are other galaxies...sort of makes me think of a CS Lewis sort of world.

  36. What happened did my comment disappear in a wormhole? This post makes me crave the series-Sliders. My son loved
    this series about another world that replicated ours.

    I took a blogging break, so Cheers to 2015 and Happy Blitz Day to you~

  37. I never really have time to join in the A-Z, maybe one day.I enjoy reading some of the posts though and seeing what everyone is blogging about.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day.

  38. I would like to challenge myself with the A-Z blogging. Happy Blitz Day!

  39. I love the concept of there being life out there on another planet. I am joining the A-Z craziness, after having not taken part for a few years. Happy Blitz Day. Julie.

  40. That was reeeeally a good Super Bowl game, but since I didn't have a dog in the race, I didn't care who won. (I wore a Falcons shirt during the game... HA!) That bobbled catch was amazing, but then the Seahawks pretty much gave the game away with that pass at the end. What WERE they thinking? (Looked like something the Falcons would have done...)

    Rather than participate in the A-Z, I took the month of April off from blogging the past few years, but I haven't decided about this year yet. I thoroughly enjoyed it the one year I did it, but it took up sooooooo much time. (Or maybe that should be I gave it so much time?) Anyhow, guess I'd better get it in gear.

    Anyhow, how ya feeling? A little wobbly, maybe. Ya should, because you are getting BLITZED today. Enjoy!

  41. Loved the super bowl. My team won and the exciting 4th quarter was worth it all!

    Science fiction is my new newest obsession:)

    Happy Blitz!

  42. I didn't get to see much of the Super Bowl, since I was busy chasing my kids around. I went and looked up the mentioned commercial. Dang, that's depressing. :(

    Rocket X looks cool!

  43. The Celestial Calendar is neat and a great way to learn new things. Happy Blitz Day!!!

  44. Being over the pond we're not really into the Super Bowl, but have heard about the Nationwide advert, the right time and place springs to mind :(

    I've signed up for the A-Z. Was a minion last year for MJ but don't think she's a host this year, so if you need another body, happy to be a minion :)

    And happy blitz day!! x

  45. Glad to see so many people signing up for A to Z. It's going to be great. Just be sure to prepost before the event begins!

  46. I have been following news of that other solar system. So interesting! And great for inspiring the imagination. Happy Blitz!

  47. The ads got mixed reviews but most people found the insurance one a downer. For those of us cheering on the Seahawks, it was a sad day. Always next year...for my Chiefs. (This is a common refrain for us Chiefs fans...) Happy Blitz Day!

  48. I miss football already!

    Hi Stephen!

    How are you?

    Good here.


    You've been blitzed!

    Have a great, great day!


  49. I "watched" the Super Bowl on Twitter. I kept refreshing to see the score and comments about the plays. I was babysitting my grandsons and they were watching one of their movies, then another, etc. I tend not to watch anything when I'm there so that I don't get caught up in what I'm watching and forget about who I'm watching! I'm signed up for the A to Z challenge for the first time and am looking forward to it. I'm not sure about helping out with reading blogs but my mind is open to it. I'll be reading the blogs anyway so maybe I can help someone out with reading designated blogs. BTW, this keeps saying Anonymous is posting. I'm not anonymous although sometimes I'm ignored. :) I'm Corina at

    1. Corina, you came out loud and clear on my end. So you are good to go. And great that you signed up for A to Z.

  50. Great post to get blitzed on, eh? You might pick up a few A to Z volunteers and even distribute some to the others who need help.

    Happy Blitz!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  51. I signed up for the challenge. A mini solar system like ours? I'm down for a visit. :)

  52. I don't like Tom Brady, so I'm not happy they won. My favorite expression of his would have been a confused frown, but oh well... I'm not a fan of the Seahawks, either, but I could just kick whoever made that bone-headed call at the end. Next year I hope there's at least one team I like in the Super Bowl. Like MINE! Hahahaha!

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

  53. Yeah, I'll be back to look at the other solar system.

    You've been blitzed!

  54. I admit, my only interest in the Superbowl was the eating I did while watching it. And Lenny Kravitz was the highlight. Now if the Yankees get to the World Series, on the other hand....
    Happy Blitz Day!

  55. I was a tad shocked by the Nationwide commercial-- it made me cry right in the middle of a party. But maybe it got the message out and some kids won't meet with accidents who would have otherwise.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  56. I can't say I'm happy about the end of the Superbowl but it was an intensely exciting game all the way through. The "yes" to "NOOOOO" moment at the end for all of us Seahawk fans kind of sucked, but it was definitely memorable.
    Happy Blitz Day, Stephen!

  57. And still the blitzes keep coming. Very cool! Thanks every one.

  58. Happy Blitz Day, Stephen! I'm participating in A-Z again this year, and am happy to volunteer to read 5 postings per day. I'd rather read 5 different ones per day if that's okay though. -Samantha

    1. Thanks you Samantha! I'll send you an email with a bit more info.

  59. I'm signed up for A To Z however I'm not very good when it comes to blog visiting... I fall behind very quickly, so you'd be better off without me as a helper. :)

    Happy Blitz Day

  60. I didn't watch the Superbowl but saw that commercial online! holy harshness--terrible! happy blitz!

    1. Thanks Beth for stopping by. I tried to leave a comment on your blog but was not able to.

  61. Came back to comment again and say Happy Blitz.

  62. You've got a great Speculative fiction blog! I'm hoping I live to see that long range space exploration. Competition for NASA is a great idea. Put a little pressure on everyone to outperform the other space explorers.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  63. That juggling catch was pretty amazing, I must say. :)

  64. Interesting facts, Stephen. I'll be putting out a call tomorrow for helpers myself.

  65. Happy blitz day! Interesting solar system info. One day I hope we know a lot more about these systems.

  66. I'm glad the Super Bowl is over cause that means Walking Dead is next Sunday!! Woot!!
    Happy blitz day!!

  67. I love the idea of a solar system being 7 billion years older than ours. I can't help but think of the limitless possibilities of what we might discover out there. Happy Blitz Day!

  68. Happy Blitz Day!

    One of these years I will sign up for the A to Z, it looks like a wonderful time. But it always seems to be when I'm in the middle of drafting a new novel and my time and creative energy are completely consumed. I do enjoy reading so many amazing posts.

  69. Ooh, love universe facts! So interesting! Happy Blitzzzz!

  70. Fascinating about the Kepler discovery!

  71. The Kepler is an amazing piece of technology and picks up where the Hubble Space Telescope left off. We'll talk more about this tomorrow.

  72. Happy Blitz day!

    Very interesting post. Another similar solar system so close by- that's awesome. Space is so fascinating.

  73. Were you speaking Greek in that first paragraphs? Didn't understand a word (hehe) Ug, I'm still in the wondering if I can even participate in A to Z this year phase. :/

    A galaxy like ours sounds pretty cool. Gets the imagination going!

    P.S. Happy Blitz Day!!!

  74. Wow, that is amazing about a miniature galaxy! I just have to believe there is life there - maybe it's Whoville! :)

    Happy Blitz Day!!

  75. I am very happy the Patriots won because I had bet a dollar with each dwarf, hahaha. Happy Blitz Day!

    1. Al, I hope they don't pay in dwarf dollars. I heard the exchange rate is very low.

  76. Well, I'll have to refrain from discussing the super bowl - except the ads! But, awesome site. I'll have to visit for A to Z (and beyond). Happy Blitz Day!

  77. Did you know you'd be getting BLITZED today? :O)

    Wonderful celestial calendar. My daughter is enchanted by all things astronomical, so I will pass this along to her as well. She just turned twelve, is starting to write stories of her own and got a 4th BIG wall clock for her birthday.

    For us, though, football season ended the moment the Cowboys crapped out...again. *sigh* Oh well. I guess I can be happy for my friends who are Patriots fans!

  78. People still talking about the game and many really upset. I don;t blame them. People are passionate about their home teams. But at least Seattle didn;t go down by a bad call from the refs.

  79. Happy Blitz Day, Stephen!

    Another solar system like our own is cool, but I want to know more about those new planets they've discovered in our own solar system. And why doesn't Planet X have a name yet? They've been calling it that since I was in grade school, which was .... wait, never mind how long ago that was. ;)

  80. I was just here and I'm back! Must be a Blitz thing, right? Have a great one.

  81. I no longer live in the states, and have been camping. I hadn't even realized the Super Bowl took place. My hubby in a rocket scientist, so he might enjoy that video. As for AtoZ, I volunteered with Alex last year, and it was fun to help out.

    Happy Blitz Day.

  82. I've got all the A to Z posts for my main blog written and mostly edited, though I still have to finish and finalize my list for my names blog. Since those posts will be super-short, they won't take so much time to research and write.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  83. Happy Blitz Day. Carrie-Anne, how in the world. I haven't even thought about a topic yet. ;)

  84. I can't wait to see what Wednesday's post has in store. Happy Blitz Day! :D

  85. Wednesday's post is merely the beginning. Thursday I'll be posting at the A to Z blog about Space Telescopes, not just the Kepler. You won't want to miss that!

  86. Love hearing news from Kepler. Hope you had a great Blitz Day!

  87. Love hearing news from Kepler. Hope you had a great Blitz Day!

  88. Happy Blitz day and thank you for volunteering to help with the A-to-Z! It's my favorite blogfest. :)

  89. Late to the party again. Been one of those days. Fortunately, I let everyone live. It was hard tho. :-)

    I honestly thought the Hawks would win--they have an amazing, stomp them in the ground, offense. Kinda reminds me of a certain 70's team.

    To tell the truth, I was still rooting for the Pats and for Brady to get his ring. (Alas, my beloved Packers were ignomiously stomped into the ground) and the Patriots were my next choice--that's what happens when you marry a New Englander, lol! Pat's have a great running game and of course Brady is no slouch and if they played smart maybe... Fourth quarter I was groaning, not again. Hawks had it up until they passed. It was one of those OMG moments. So yah, I'm thrilled that Brady got the ring. :-)

    Cool about that solar system within the Milky way!

    A-Z...I'll probably be someone's minion and I don't mind helping. I know I can't do the whole A-Z but I'll participate in my normal quasi fashion of three times a week unless Kat (my co-host) wants to play. Haven't heard back yet.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  90. Absolutely couldn't believe Seattle lost the game. Tell us more about the twin grandpa solar system! Swagger Writers will help out with A to Z. We love The Challenge.

  91. Happy Blitz Day! First time for me. Nice to meet you. ☺ You have an interesting site and I'll be back tomorrow, to read more about the galaxy. It must be so rewarding to be part of the A-Z management team! This is my second year and I've committed time to a couple of groups already, otherwise I would offer to help. Bet you'll get plenty of volunteers.
    Debbie @ The Doglady's Den

  92. Holy Moly, this is sure a post jam packed with information.

    Not a BIG football fan, but I did watch the game. Can't say that I was excited to see the Pat's win. I admit to feeling pretty bad for the Hawks - what were they thinking?

    Cool, infor about the second solar system. What will they find next?

    Not sure I'm up for the A - Z in any fashion, but my hats off to those of you who participate and especially those who make it happen.

  93. HA! I forgot to say...HAPPY BLITZ DAY! enjoy yourself.

  94. I love anything space and science related. Definitely going to be following you. Almost gave it a second thought after seeing you a Patriot fan, but we all have our little faults. :D

    I'm signing up for the A-Z for the first time ever this year; it's about all I'll be able to handle. BTW, Happy Blog Blitz Day to you!! WooHoo!! Have a great night and enjoy your Super Bowl victory. Eva

  95. *Tad* older… 7 billion… hahaha… tad… ;-)

    All awesome stuff here, Stephen. Always enjoy your posts. :)

  96. You're getting a double whammy BLITZ from me today Stephen! It's Eva again... I'm blitzing you from lilicasplace's sister blog. I like to let out my blitz aggression in twos. :) I hope you enjoyed all the comments coming 'atcha. I'm sure there will be more. I was a tad bit late myself. :D

    Have a wonderful night and once again HAPPY BLOG BLITZ DAY!!!!! Eva

  97. If there is another human compatible planet in our solar system it would sure help with some population control. Give my vote to privatizing the space race.

  98. I know I'm a bit late - Happy Blog Blitz Day!!
    I'm all signed up for my 5th A to Z Challenge, and I'm an assistant too! Can't wait!!

  99. I'm a bit late too. Michelle Wallace and I were up late last night, partying and getting into trouble. You know, the usual. ;) Anyway, belated Happy Blitz Day! I'm not sure if I'm going to do A-Z this year.... it all depends on the alignment of the stars and whatnot. :D

  100. Happy belated blog blitz day! I *love* your celestial calendar!

  101. Sorry for being late, but happy blog blitz to you! I'm still deciding on my topic for A-Z this year, but I'm definitely doing it.
