
Monday, February 9, 2015

Dream On, More Really Cool Rockets, and KickStarter

Dream On: Over the weekend wifey and I went to see one of our favorite Christian music performers Jake Hamilton and his band The Sound play at a local church. Hard to define his genre but it’s a combination southern gospel, rock, blues and sometimes hard hitting and edgy. 

We met his family at the table where they sell CDs and such. Jake has written and illustrated this book titles Dream On for his amazing daughter. 

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Every little girl has a dream. Maybe it’s to be a princess, a pilot, an astronaut, or a ballerina. But some dreams require a little more effort and a little more time. But no dream is too big and no dream is impossible. The story of Gigi, a little girl with cerebral palsy won't let her physical disabilities limit her dreams. She knows that anything is possible. Join Gigi and be reminded of your dreams, no matter how young or how old you are. 

The book is such a delight I wanted to take a moment and share it. If you know someone with a child with special needs this is an amazing book they could share with that child. 

Jake Hamilton
Jake Hamilton’s credits include work with the Jesus Culture Movement music and sound tracks for the Darren Wilson’s DVDs Father of Lights, Finger of God, and Holy Spirit. 

After a little research I saw Darren used KickStarter to help fund his work. For those of you wondering about KickStarter and other such organizations, check out this clip of Darren Wilson doing a shout out for this funding platform for creative projects: KickStarter 

Now That's A Rocket!!!
Did You Know: Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) was scheduled to attempt to land its Falcon 9 rocket on a floating barge in the Atlantic for the second time Sunday, but the launch has been scrubbed because of issues with a first stage transmitter and a range radar. The launch has been postponed until Monday evening. Reference 

A successful landing would mean SpaceX would be able to reuse the rocket in future missions, which could save millions of dollars over time. No more space junk. No more reentry back to Earth and crashing into the Pacific Ocean. This is huge, especially in the private industry where financial accountability to shareholders and investors is high priority. So stay tuned. Deep Space, here we come! Private industry such as SpaceX will more than likely lead the way. 

Fun Fact: SpaceX designs, manufactures, and launches advanced rockets and space crafts. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets. You have to have vision, folks. And the founder of Space X, Elon Musk, has no shortage of that.

Don’t believe me? He also started up PayPal and Tesla Motors. Deep space, here we come! 

Finally: If you haven’t checked out last week’s post on Space Telescopes at the A to Z Website, go ahead and click on Einstein’s face at the top of me left side bar. Go ahead. He likes it. 

Finally Part Deux: Finally: Check out my 2015 Celestial Calendar Tab above, or CLICK HERE. Its a treasure trove of really cool celestial events, most of which can be seen right from your backyard with the naked eye, binoculars, or an average store bought telescope.


  1. Aw, Dream On sounds like an incredible book. The artwork is super-adorable, too!

  2. Glad you enjoyed the concert. And Dream On sounds like a great book.

  3. What a multi-talented person...writes, illustrates, sings, plays an instrument? That's amazing. Thanks for sharing this, Stephen. Hope you have a good week.

  4. What a wonderful idea for a book. Glad you went to the concert, not only for the performance but for the book.

  5. Sounds like a great concert and what a sweet book! I think I'm going to have to check it out!

    enjoy your Monday!


  6. It was a great Saturday night. Mow I'm inspired to get back to work on my kids series that's been on the back burner for a few years.

  7. Jake sounds like a talented and inspiring artist. Love the private space mission ideas. Here we come, ET.

  8. I've never heard of that band, but the book sounds wonderful.

    I hope they land the rock tonight.

  9. I'm going to have to read more about SpaceX. Thanks for the link.

  10. Dream on sounds like an amazingly inspiring and I love that it's based after his daughter. I want it!

  11. What a precious dream for little Gigi. And then, I know of several people with a God-given talent who are not using it. Perhaps one has to work for something to really give it the appreciation it deserves.

  12. Awesome purpose behind Dream On. There is so much talent waiting for just a chance to flourish. Just reminded me of Andrew.
    Now THAT is one huge rocket! I wonder if I could make it part of my rare treasure collection.

    1. Al, you'll need wormhole to get it out and into your Dragon Cave.

  13. Dream On sounds awesome - I'll be checking it out for sure!
    Eliminating space junk is important - glad they're working on it!

  14. Space junk. That's a post for another day in the near future.

  15. Dream On sounds like a wonderful book for children. :) Holy rocket, Batman! Here's hoping SpaceX makes it.

  16. Jake Hamilton sure sounds like one multi-talented guy! There are way too few books out for special needs kids, so I'm glad he dedicated some of his talents in that direction.

    So, ya saving your pennies to book a flight on Space X? Something tells me it'd be a dream come true for you.

    1. Susan, Virgin Galactic may be the first to offer commercial spaceflight. Only a\$100,000. So yeah, I'd better save that loose change.

  17. Never heard of Jake Hamilton, but I don't keep up with Christian music like I used to--or any music for that matter. Looking at that Kickstarter page looks like they did quite well. I've known a few people to try raising funds this way, but usually with little or no success. But when it works it's pretty cool.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  18. I for one am all for exploring outerspace, its such a cool place but realistically we need the cash and the technology and plenty of trusting souls to take that giant leap.

  19. Reusing a rocket makes so much sense!!
    That books sounds so wonderful! Kickstarter has helped so many people do so many great projects that might not otherwise have happened.

    1. Lynda, they made it happen tonight after a few delays. This is truly an astounding accomplishment when you stop to think about it.

  20. That looks like a great book, and a good use for Kickstarter! And Elon Musk is one smart dude!

    1. Loni, i have another post on tap dedicated to Elon Musk. Sir Richard Bronson and a handful of other entrepreneur visionaries too. These guys are putting out government officials who oversee our hard earned tax dollars to shame.

  21. Nice to see some forward progress in space technology. Too long it has been just in the hands of military.

  22. What a beautiful book and concept! I had a special needs brother, taught special needs children, and get to hang with a couple of adorable down syndrome twins once a week. They're the best!

    I love the whole effort behind this new space launch. So cool.

    1. Crystal, we housed a special needs person for a few years as we have a spare bedroom and bathroom. We may do it again someday.

  23. Elon Musk is such an innovative thinker. I think we're seeing just the beginning of what he will accomplish. The concert sounded great!

  24. Elon Musk has also proposed a high speed rail system whose price pales in comparison to what California Governor Jerry Brown is promoting. Brown said this will cost at least $60 billion (that's a b not an m) and you know with the government involved the price will at least double. And much of this is through flat desert land. $60 billion??? Musk can do it bigger better and cheaper.

  25. What a sweet story! it's so inspiring to see someone who refuses to let an illness or disability stop them from going after their dreams.

  26. I'm going to follow up on Jake, his music and that book. Thanks for sharing this.

  27. Tons of great information here! My brother recently bought a telescope - but not to look at the sky. He bought it so he could check out the conditions on his favorite ski hill before driving over there. Oh. My. ;)

  28. A very nice and interesting read. Enjoy the weekend.(smile)

  29. How wonderful that he wrote a book for his daughter, and it looks like one that will inspire lots of other kids too!

    I also always love hearing about space happenings. :)

  30. Never heard of kickstarter until yesterday, and then land here and you've mentioned it as well - spooky!
    Our Ella has always had dreams and aspirations - but we really discouraged her wanting to join the army, there is limitations lol! x
