
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

IWSG, A New Title, and Cute Fuzzy Meerkats

IWSG: Hi everyone, my name is Stephen Tremp and this is my post for the monthly IWSG hosted by Alex Cavanaugh

I’ve been blogging for about five years. I am a self professed writer with my fourth book in the final editing stage and two more on the drawing board. I embrace science and the supernatural and believe that together they explain the universe and our place in it. I also use this premise to write one of a kind thrillers. I live in Orange County, CA with my wife, kids, dog, parrot, and hamster. 

Warm and Fuzzy Meerkats of Meerkat Manor
My concern this month is the title of my book Murcat Manor. I chose the word Murcat because it’s a combination of “murder” and “cat.” It is also the name of the bed and breakfast where everything takes place.

But I surveyed a group of people who felt the name needed to be changed as most thought of those cute and cuddly Meerkats from the hit TV show Meerkat Manor. So I’m hoping to get some ideas here for a new title. 

Below are two quick blurbs of the book. A full synopsis is on the Murcat Manor Tab above if you want to take a look. 

A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when disembodied souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular bed and breakfast owned by a young unsuspecting couple. 

Murcat Manor
Spend a summer at a present day bed and breakfast called Murcat Manor, and you too could become a victim of thirteen gifted and malicious killers from late seventeenth century New England. 

The name of the bed and breakfast will remain Murcat Manor. But I do need to find a new title for the book. My editor suggested these titles: 

* A Manor of Murder 
* Nine Lives to Murder 
* Some Witches Never Die 
* The Cats 
* Bed, Breakfast and Death 
* Your Cats Want to Kill You 

If you feel so inspired, please leave a title in the comments. 

Finally: Once again I've put together a Celestial Calendar and made it into a monthly newsletter. 2015 promises to be an exciting one for astronomy buffs. 

Many rare and notable heavenly events will occur in our night sky that can be seen right from your back yard. So take a moment to see what's on tap as this year will be full of awe and wonder as we explore our solar system and continue to unlock the secrets of our universe. 

Simply click the 2015 Celestial Calendar Tab above or CLICK HERE.


  1. Nine Lives to Murder! I think that one is awesome. Clever and plays into the fact cats always end up in Murder mysteries. Make it so...

    1. Alex, that's at the top of my list. I really like that. And there is such a huge market for everything "cat" including books that this is an additional audience open to me that otherwise would not look at the Chase Manahattan series.

  2. I agree with Alex. I like that one best.

    I remember when you were just beginning, Stephen.

    1. Diane, I remember those days. Before Google erroneously shut down my first blog I looked at the commentors for the first few months. You were right there. Remember Susanne Kennedy? She commented on my first post.

  3. I like "A Manor of Murder." Or how about "Dead & Breakfast"? Good luck. Titles are always difficult for me.

    1. I also thought of "Dead and Breakfast" straight away. It was the title of a movie in 2004 (on Googling). Probably safe to use again after 11 years :-)

  4. I love your blurb! I'm a sucker for ghost stories. I like A Manor of Murder. Other possibilities: Murder Manor, Fear Manor, The Ghosts of Victims Past, Reservations for Murder. :)

    1. Wow! Thanks Lexa. Reservations for Murder just might work.

  5. When I read the titles listed I see a cozy mystery, but the synopsis and the blurb don't sound like a cozy - it sounds deliciously scary. So, I'm thinking 13 Cats, Soul Bound, Retribution...I dunno but something more spooky.

  6. Just checking in and love the ideas. Thanks everyone. Nine Lives to Murder. A Manor of Murder. Reservations for Murder (sounds like a Murder She Wrote Story) and Soul Bound. These are great! And Southpaw, in a sense it is a cozy mystery, but yeah, it is also scary.

  7. Thanks for the celestial calendar. That is so cool. I always hear about these cool occurrences too late to see them for myself.

  8. Hmm. I'm too tired to come up with good titles but I will say that yes, I like Nine Lives to Murder--just like the sound of it. Most of the titles, while cute, don't seem to fit the blurb which is much darker that the titles indicate.

    Celestial calendar is pretty cool!

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  9. Nine Lives to Murder is pretty catchy and unique. I also like the one right after it.

  10. So...this is paranormal mystery?

    I'd bring up the witches and the ghosts in the title, if that's so. Need to get a feel for the genre in the title if you can. My brain isn't completely fired up yet, though. I'd probably keep away from anything too cozy-sounding.

    1. Elizabeth, I guess it is. I didn't consider that but now it seems so obvious. I just write and worry about the genre after the fact. I'll gave to make the adjustments in the synopsis and query.

  11. I like the Nine Lives to Murder, there's a hint of cats there. I do get the reasoning for changing it, I suppose it's just I've known it as Murcat Manor for so long, anything else seems like an interloper LOL x

  12. I love Christine's suggestion of "Dead and breakfast." What ever you decide to call it, it sounds like it will be a great read. :)

  13. Thanks all for the suggestions. I also need to work on the cover art.

  14. Your new book sounds awesome!!! I like Manor of Murder because of the play on words, manner of murder... and Bed, Breakfast and Death. The Bed and Breakfast for Mayhem and Murders--too long? Good Luck and Much success!

  15. Your Cats Want to Kill You is intriguing, but I fear the book might be taken as a non-fiction warning rather than a fictional novel. I'm pretty sure that cats want to kill us.

    Let's about something like Salem's Legacy? Purrfect Revenge?

    Good luck with this endeavor.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, after all this I'm leaning heavily toward Salem's Legacy. I really think the word Salem needs to be in the title. Thanks!

    2. Wow, that would be cool! I think the Salem connection in the title would be worthy.

      By the way, if you do a print run of this book make sure to contact the bookstores in Salem, MA and especially the gift stores in and around the Witch Museum. I'd bet they might be interested in selling copies at least on consignment if not buying them outright. Salem gets a lot of visitors who eat up that witch stuff and a lot of them have money to spend!

      Tossing It Out

    3. Great idea ... I'll put that on my Promo and Marketing sheet toward the top.

  16. Nine Lives to Murder is the best. It leaves you with a question and alludes to cats. Isn't choosing titles hard? For me it always is.

  17. Can't help but want the name Salem in the title. It provides instant reader identification that your book involves spookiness. Good luck fine-tuning the title.

  18. I like the first two titles best. Trust your editor. They know what they're talking about.

  19. You know what? I really like the title about nine lives to murder. It eludes to the whole cat thing, but totally creeps me out and makes me curious. (No pun intended - curious cat.) From a few other comments, I do like Salem. And Salem is often used as a cat's name, so you might be able to incorporate both, while still alluding to the suspense of the murders.

  20. Nine Lives to Murder is great and I love A Manor of Murder. This story sounds so good!

  21. Getting Salem into the title will be tricky. I'll have to kick that idea around today and maybe come up with something.

  22. I can see that the association with the meerkats might be confusing to readers and your editor has come up with some great suggestions. Personally I was drawn to Nine Lives to Murder, but I also quite liked Bed, Breakfast and Death. It sounds like a great story, look forward to hearing what you decide to go with.

    1. Suzanne, having those critiques groups can be a real life saver when it comes to offering feedback. This thread is a critique group. Thanks for your input!

  23. Nine Lives to Murder; Bed, Breakfast, and Death; and Some Witches Never Die are my faves. Please, just don't go with the "cats want to kill you" title . . . the only one that I really didn't like.
    Best wishes with your book and Happy 2015!

  24. I like Bed, Breakfast and Death. I'm lousy at titles though, and liked Murcat Manor just fine. Perhaps you could title it Murder Manor or Witches Last Resort.

  25. I liked Murcat Manor, or perhaps something equally direct Murder at Murcat Manor. The other titles seems to be trying too hard. Do cats do the murder? If so, A Murder of Cats (like a murder of crows?) But that feels far away from the premise and confusing. I like the earlier poster's suggestion as well: Witches Last Resort.

    Good luck!

    1. Corinne, thanks for the ideas. I like the play on words of resort in Witches Last Resort.

  26. I like Christine's suggestion of Dead and Breakfast.
    At the same time, if you go with your original title, it might appear as an intentional spoof of the TV show name. I actually haven't watched that show, but if there's a theme in that show that parallels what you're doing in your book, that could possibly work too.

  27. I get the desire to change it since the first thing I thought of when I read the original title was Meerkat Manor. I like Nine Lives to Murder and Bed, Breakfast and Death.

  28. Hi, Stephen,

    Sounds like a intriguing premise! All the best for 2015! I like Nine Lives to Murder....

  29. Thanks again everyone for your feedback. Nine Lives to Murder and a Manor of Murder are leading the way. And I really like some of the new names people are posting.

  30. I vote for Bed, Breakfast and Death. My dwarves vote is for Nine Lives to Murder.
    Happy 2015, Stephen!

  31. Hello good Sir....
    We wanted to thank you for joining us at the "Crypt"....
    We were reading over a few of your past posts ... Thanks for the "laugh" (Spock's observations about Christmas Tree...)

    1. Dr. Theda, our blogs share the thread of humor. I'll have to stop by more often.

  32. I can see how it may confuse readers too. But I like the title. But nine lives to murder gets my vote out of the others

  33. There's a line from a James Bond movie that occurred to me as I read your list of titles: Death for Breakfast. Of your titles,like 9 Lives to Murder. Good luck.

  34. For the record, I'm not sure "cute" is the right word. There's seriously a show called Meercat Manor? I'm the worst at titles, but I like any of the titles with "murder" in it.

  35. I was surprised when I Googled things like Top 100 Murder Mysteries and the word "murder" appeared less than ten percent of the time. And looking at the cover art, it was almost impossible to find any with a dead body.

  36. Murder Most Familiar
    Witch Will Die
    Manor of Death
    Revenge Has Claws
    Nine Lives to Murder (or Nine Lives to Kill)

  37. Stephen, I'm awful with titles. You've gotten lots of great suggestions so far. I do like the first two titles that you listed. I look forward to reading the book when it comes out.

  38. Hi Stephen .. I've never been happy with Murcat Manor either .. but I do like Christine's Dead and Breakfast ... or Breakfast with the Dead ...

    But so good to know you're well on the way to six books that's fantastic .. congratulations .. and have a brilliantly successful 2015 - cheers Hilary

  39. Murcat Manor threw me for a loop at first glance too. I love Christine's Dead and Breakfast. Funny how difficult names can be.

  40. I'm terrible at titles. But I would also go for Nine Lives to Murder. Good luck with the book.

  41. Of the titles listed here, my preference is A Manor of Murder. Good luck!
    I also thought of Witches of the Manor.

  42. Hi Stephen, I like "Nine Lives to Murder" because it sounds very mysterious but then again, they all do. For some reason, though, this title stands out.
    Best of luck to your final decision!

  43. I see I'm not alone in having trouble selecting a title. it's not easy. But thanks everyone for your input! And once I do select a title then I'll be able to better work on the cover art.

  44. Hey Steve, in my humble opinion, there's nothing wrong with Murcat Manor. Heck, I never even heard of the tv show. My When Pigs Fly has been confused with a children's book, and it's still done fine. Of course, there's always Purrcat Manor. Or Murder Manor.

    1. Thanks Bob. I've found the title to be the hardest part of writing the book. And in the past it's only been one word. Breakthrough. Opening. Escalation. Really, the title can be a real brain bender.

  45. I like 'A Manor of Murder'. When I very first saw the title of your blog, I did think about Meerkat Manor....but only because I watched it so much - it was my first and only foray into reality TV, so it stuck! What a fun blog! Look forward to following!

  46. Dead and Breakfast
    Nine Lives to Die
    Murder Manor
    Salem 13
    Witch Manor
    Daughters of Salem
    All Manor of Evil

  47. How about a blending of previous suggestions? All Manor of Murder.

  48. I like Nine Lives to Murder or Bed, Breakfast and Murder the best. Good luck!

  49. Nine Lives to Murder jumped out. It is absolutely the best!

  50. I prefer Bed, Breakfast and Death of those listed. Nine Lives to Murder made me think initially that nine people had to die. I like A Manor of (or for) Murder too.

  51. You're all awesome for helping. Lots of votes for None Lives to Murder and Bed, Breakfast and Death, but I'm leaning toward using "Salem" in the title.
