
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunflowers For Tina, Selfie Blog Hop, and Bouchercon 2014

Sunflowers for Tina: As most if not all know, Tina Downey recently passed. She was an amazing blogger, writer, and a co-host of the Blogging A to Z Team. It’s always difficult to lose someone from our blogging community. 

Tina’s Motto is (I’ll leave it in the present tense) Life Is Good. This is part of the legacy she left behind. Simple yet powerful and effective. 

If Tina had a visual to be remembered by, it is the sunflower. And for those so inspired, we are planting a sunflower in her honor. If you want to contribute donations to the Downey Education Fund, simply click the icon on the left column. 

Selfie Blog Hop: Sponsored by Tara Tyler and a host of co-conspirators (click the Selfie Blog Hop Badge on the left column). The objective: Take a picture of you and your book(s) - your favorites or your own novels. Or you can just arrange the books in a special way and take the picture - but you do get extra points for being in the photo. 

Well. I’m not in the photo as a good friend of mine Bill Buzzo put this awesome image together of my books surrounded by some of Michigan’s (where I was born and raised) finest sports venues. And if you’ve read any of Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind books, he’s also from Michigan. Thanks Bill! 

Writer Conferences: Have you gone to or will be going to any conferences this year? I’m going to the Bouchercon Conference (Murder At The Beach) in Long Beach, CA November 13-16. I may even participate, depending on the cost of a booth. I wonder if authors can share a booth and split the costs? 


  1. Stephen, the link on Tina's badge doesn't work.
    That's a cool pic of all of your books. :)

  2. Lots of love to Tina!!!! Beautiful, Stephen. And fabulous pic of your books. :) :) :)

  3. It's nice to see so many tributes for Tina. I like your selfie, even if you are not in it.

  4. Hi Stephen .. Tina was a great co-host and I was honoured to work with her .. she will be sadly missed ...

    Love the various photos and update on your book, the "selfie and books" - then that's great you're going to the Boucheron conference .. enjoy - cheers Hilary

  5. Awesome you're from Michigan. Me too and I live in Ann Arbor.

  6. That was cool of your friend to take a picture for you.
    There are so many sunflowers across the Internet today...

  7. I love seeing all the sunflowers around the net. Really nice tribute.

    "Shelfie" is a cute idea!

  8. The sunflower tribute is wonderful today. Like your shelfie.

  9. Lots of sunflowers today.

    If the booth is expensive, you should split it with someone. Check the rules, but most conferences and conventions allow it.

  10. Thank you for all the kind and true things about Tina... she is smiling down on all of us!


  11. I hope Tina's looking down and smiling as she sees all the sunflowers we've bought and planted in her honor. Life is Good.

  12. Thanks for including Tina's sunflower tribute in your post today. The selfie blog hop with books sounds fun. I'll check it out.


  13. The net has been flooded with sunflowers and wonderful tributes to Tina!
    Life is good!
    That shelfie blog hop has really taken off... I like your display!

  14. Very nice post, Stephen.
    Thank you.

    I hope you entered the contest! What a great photo!
    Thank you,

  15. That's exciting to go to that conference. I have a friend who writes suspense and he wishes he could go.

  16. Tina will be missed. Loved your book collection. And good luck at the conference.

  17. Tina will be greatly missed. Thanks for the great Shelfie! Have fun at the conference.

  18. It's so wonderful to see all the sunflowers brighten the internet to remember Tina.

    I'm curious about the booth thing, if authors can share. That would be nice.

  19. Wow. Still can't believe she is gone.

  20. sorry! totally thot i commented days ago! thanks for joining the shelfie fest! great pic!

    and i appreciate so many bloggers remembering tina, its a wonderful tribute

  21. Tina's motto was wonderful, and will stick with many of us. There's a bumper sticker that says Life is Good, and I see it all over Colorado (not sure if that's a Colorado thing or a national thing). Every time I see it, it reminds me of her, which was true even when she was still here.

  22. Very cool to see all your books in print form, there in the photo :) Nice Shelfie!

  23. Very cool Shelfie, Stephen. And major congrats to all of your published works! I'm checking out everyone's Shelfie's, thanks to the awesome Tara Tyler.
    Life is Good... indeed it is. I didn't know Tina but I can see how much of a light she shed on others within the blogosphere. May her light continue to bring sunflowers and sunshine to everyone's writing.

  24. Hey, Stephen. Cool shelfie! Yay Michigan!
