
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Insecure Writers Support Group

It’s Insecure Writers Support Group time again. I’m still on a sabbatical as I write Murcat Manor (I need to start on the cover art too).
I have the first fifty pages off to my editor with another fifty to follow this week! If I didn’t have to pick up a job this summer, I could have this finished. But at the rate I’m going I should have the MS finished by the end of July with the edits ti be completed be Labor Day.
This will be two books in 2014 for me. Actually, I’m going to roll right into two more books. One is another stand alone novel followed by the fourth Chase Manhhatan book.
Oh yeah, my concern. I haven’t been blogging for a while. I needed this time off to gather my marbles (there’s one now under the sofa) and finish Murcat Manor. But I sure do miss blogging. I miss you all and wish I had more time to visit.
But that will happen soon enough. I’ll be back in the saddle again and be the same lean mean blogging machine I once was.
So thanks for not forgetting about me and stopping by and saying hello. You all are the bestest!


  1. Yeah - super productive! Brilliant that it's all going well. Keep at it and well done. :)

  2. Congratulations on sticking to your MS and preparing to publish another book. Success is the best flavor.

  3. Good luck on your newest book. Work hard!

  4. Well done with making such progress!

  5. best of luck with your writing!

  6. I've missed you. Glad you getting a lot done but I'll be glad when I can read your interesting posts again.

  7. Good luck. This writing business takes your full attention.

  8. Here from Alex's blog. I really like your page and am now a follower. I can relate to your post. Blogging takes a lot of time away from writing. Sometimes the author has to choose between the two, and usually that means neglecting our blog. Don't beat yourself up for it. We all do it. Glad you're back. Best wishes with your book.

  9. We've missed you!
    Even if you're writing at a slower pace, good to hear you're still on track with another release this year.

  10. Wow, you're on sabbatical. I just posted on my blog that I was on vacation and that I might be sharing sporadically. Maybe I'll try to sound more professional next year. I get what you're saying though. Being out of the routine of blogging is weird. It's good to have the time to focus on other things, but once blogging becomes a part of you...
    Any, glad to hear you writing is going well. Enjoy the rest of your sabbatical and return to blogging refreshed.

  11. Best of luck with the writing! Glad you're getting it done and no stressing being away from blogging. We'll wait :)

  12. Same story here. I've been on hiatus for so long and it's proving hard to get back into. One day at a time, I keep telling myself. We've got this. Good luck with the editing!

  13. Congrats, it sounds like you're doing well!

  14. We all go through those times. The important thing is to come back. And it's awesome how productive you plan to be.

  15. Gathering your marbles is a very important task. Don't let any escape. That's more important.

  16. Blogging's fun, but we'll still be here waiting for you when you have finished your MS :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  17. Hi Stephen! I'm visiting from the IWSG. Congrats on all the writing you are getting done! Way to go! Keep those marbles corralled! I used to love to shoot marbles when I was a kid ~ Thanks for reminding me.

  18. I admire writers / authors who can write two books at the same time. My marbles would have a serious melt down. LOL

  19. Same here. And happy to have you back!

  20. Hi Steve - glad to see you about, albeit I'm "way" late ... gosh you are making progress ... books rolling slowing of the burner - that's brilliant news .. I certainly hope all slots into place and that 4th Chase novel sounds great ...

    Cheers and have fun with the family too ... Hilary
