
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

IWSG, One Million Dollars, I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

IWSG: The brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh. ThePurpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Here’s My Advice: When you are about to release the finished version of your blood sweat and tears, you need to make goals. And one of those goals is how much do you want to be paid for all your hard work and sacrifice. Well, how much?

That’s the big question.

For me, I like to think big. So I wrote myself two checks. One is for $100,000 for the first month. The second is for $900,000 for the rest of the first year. Total: $1,000,000.00

Hey, you have to dream and think big. Right? Go large. Supersize. Make it a double double with extra cheese. And don’t forget that cherry on top.

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends: If you are not part of my Blog Tour but still want to help in some way, you can do a shout out on March 10th, or any day of that week.

Just let me know so I can stop by your blog and thank you and leave me a note in the comments so I can keep track. You can simply do your own shout out with a link to my blog or Amazon. Or you can copy and paste the synopsis or one of the blurbs on my Escalation Tab at the top of this page.

Finally: Don't forget to stop by Friday for The Weekend Follies. This is a great way to cap off the week with a good laugh.


  1. Most blog tour trains deliberately reroute themselves to avoid any blog I'm involved with!
    I honestly wouldn't even know how to be part of a blog tour. But I do wish you luck with yours.

  2. So awesome to think big. Good luck with your book release.

  3. That is thinking big! Didn't Jim Carrey write himself a check for $20 million and it came true?

  4. Yes he did! He told that law of attraction story in Oprah :)

  5. What a great idea with the checks! Love it.

  6. Definitely good to supersize dreams!

  7. Hmmmm ... maybe I should have made them bigger. Time to add another zer ot them.

  8. I like the way you think, Stephen. My big dream was annihilated with my first royalty check...Good Luck with the release of your book.

  9. HA! I would LOVE to get a million dollars! Just never occurred to me to write the check to myself... teehee--I love it!

  10. Well, "If I had a million dollars" is one of my favorite songs. Vizualizing the cash seems like a good idea. Also glad to see someone else who sees the world through the filter of great philosophers Paul McCartney and John Lennon. I hope you dreams come true.

  11. I think I might write a check for myself too! Virtual visualizing is a great tool. :)

  12. Love the way you think big!!! I would love to write myself those checks. :)

  13. I'm also writing up a simple contract for a movie deal, signed by a famous director and A list Hollywood stars and starlets.

  14. I just love the way you think big Stephen. Crossing my fingers for you. Good luck with your book release.

  15. I love that you're thinking big and hope you reap that and more!

  16. I guess there's something wrong with me because I never expect to make a decent amount of money writing. Yet, I keep trying... Good luck, Stephen!!

  17. Don't stop at a million, but it's a decent place to start. Ready for Wormfest!

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  18. Thinking big. I like it. I'm only posting on Wednesdays these days but I'll be happy to give you a shout out next week. Best of luck.

  19. I like your thinking big. Good luck with it. I'll spotlight your book on Monday, March 10, and use your blurbs. Thanks.

  20. You have to think big big big! And with a little help from my friends, I really think I can do it.

  21. Love the think big philosophy. It's true, I've heard if you write down your goals they're much more likely to happen. You've got some very clear goals!!

  22. A million? Why are you aiming so low, my friend? I do wish you all the success you can handle.

  23. Don't go to the ocean with a spoon. Bring along a bucket. Don't hold back and dream big!

  24. Well I've talked about llinking to the Google + profile in a negative way in my latest blog post. You're lucky your last post was this one! Thinking big is a great motivation.

  25. Okay, so I'm aiming low. I'll raise the periscope right now.

  26. now that's BIG! is that gross or net? ha ha!
    i think i will set a goal of a number of books... and i will be a little more realistic =)
    yay for goals!
    and i'll give you a shout , just send me the info!

  27. I'd be happy with a couple less zeros, enough to scrape by... But guess that's not in the spirit of thinking big, is it?

  28. Hi Stephen .. sounds like you've the right idea .. and I sure hope they both work out ... think big .. enjoy - cheers Hilary

  29. Wow you have so much energy in this post! Came over from IWSG and wish you all the best with your efforts. I am working on my marketing plan now for my second novel and feel very much like a child learning to walk and just as off balance!
