
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Celebrate The Small Things and the Weekend Follies Big Bang Style!

Celebrate The Small Things: This week I'm celebrating with a really good bottle of wine. For starting a new job, having my sister and husband visit from the great state of Michigan (go Spartans!), and finishing up the final edits to what is turning out to be my best book ever, if I may say so myself.
Weekend Follies: Continuing with the theme of best wormholes in books or movies (see Wednesday's post and tell us yours), this scene from The Big Bang Theory is actually very close to how wormholes are opened in my Breakthrough series. Although I think mine are far more spectacular.


  1. Funny episode! He got them in the end.
    Glad you are wrapping up edits on your third and best book. That's how I felt about my third. Definitely better. Fourth one I'm working on now - not so much...
    Pass the wine...

  2. Congrats on the new work Stephen and enjoy your weekend.

  3. That's some excellent reasons to celebrate!

  4. Lots to celebrate - congratulations on the new job, and enjoy the wine!

  5. Great reasons to celebrate!

  6. Congrats on what sounds like a great week :)

  7. Happy Valentine's Day, Stephen.

  8. Wine, family, and edits finished - sounds like a celebration to me.

  9. Yes, time to celebrate this weekend. And Happy Valentine's Day to all!

  10. Hi Stephen .. have a lovely time with your sister and husband, then the new job - I'm sure all will go well .. and then that glass of vino - sounds very good to me ... better go get my cuppa!

    Happy Valentine's weekend too .. and I loved the wormhole clip - fun! Cheers and looking forward to reading Escalation .. Hilary

  11. Love BBT! Also like your 2014 Celestial calendar. Thanks.
