
Sunday, August 18, 2013

W4WS, A New Banner, Karen Lange's New FB Page, and Jane Richard

W4WS: Thanks again everyone for supporting a really amazing and awesome venture! Hosted by Mary Pax, Christine Raines, C.M. Brown, and myself. We are writers helping other writers to succeed. This month’s spotlighted writers are Carrie Butler and C. Lee McKenzie.

Our Mission:
• Help writers bring awareness of their book(s) to tens of thousands of new people
• Help writers reach Amazon Top 100 in at least one category (i.e., suspense, free, etc.)
• Increase sales of their book(s) after the promo is over
• Drive new traffic to their blog and increase following
• Create verbal and viral buzz

What To Do, You Ask? Simply stop by Carrie and Lee's Web sites and copy and paste their pre-written Tweets into your Twitter account. 

Or go to #W4WS on Twitter and Retweet something. You can do this once or all week long as much as you feel inspired.

Or click the W4WS Facebook Page and then share their links with your Facebook friends and writers groups. thus enabling Carrie and Lee to reach countless new people they could never before reach!

If you want more information, CLICK HERE and sign up. Then check in every third Monday of each month to help support and promote a brother or sister in the Blogosphere. Simple. Easy. Powerful.
New Header: Check out my new header. Brought to by talented Tara Tyler and here latest and greatest release Pop Travel. I’m finishing up a couple of books and it’s next on my TBR list!

Karen Lange’s New FB Page: Thinking about starting or joining a homeschool co-op? Homeschool Co-ops 101 contains essential co-op tools, tips, and options for today’s homeschool families. It provides information from co-op benefits and getting started to scheduling, organizing, finances, resources, helpful hints, and more. Stop by Home School Co-ops 101 and say hello.

Awesome Inspiration: Seven year old Jane Richard returns home after losing her leg and younger brother in the Boston bombings. This is a great article about loss and hope. CLICK HERE to read it. Welcome home Jane!

Okay Folks: let's take a few moments today and during the next few days and help promote a couple of really amazing writers.

And if you haven't signed up for W4WS, take a moment to do so. And as always, thanks for your support.


  1. The new header is really cool! Tara is so talented.
    Awesome smile on that young lady's face.
    And all ready for W2WS tomorrow!

  2. Ditto Alex: like the new header! And will get my Tweeting mojo on for tomorrow.

  3. Way cool header. Very nice. And such a touching story about the little girl. Saw that yesterday.

  4. Your new header is awesome. Tara is such a talent! I wish that little girl all the best!

  5. I love the new header, Stephen! :) Thanks for letting me take part in W4WS!

  6. Tara does amazing work! And that really is me falling into a wormhole. Yep. They pay me to do that.

  7. Hi Stephen .. I love Tara's header for you .. so right .. Wormholes away ...

    Jane Richard sounds one amazing little lady - too terrible to lose her little brother at the same time - the family deserve the best now ...

    Cheers and your support for writers is wonderful to see .. Hilary

  8. Oh my stars - your banner is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My eyes are dazzled!!! My screen is exploding!!! Yay!!

    Awwww thanks for the heads up about gorgeous little Jane Richard! What a sweetheart! Take care

  9. Love the new header, Stephen! I have just posted for W4W's. Good luck to Carrie and C. Lee!

  10. Love your new header. And awesome the group is featuring Lee and Carrie today.

  11. Wonderful new header! Tara is beyond talented!

    Excellent choices for the W4W's!

    Congrat's Carrie and C. Lee!

  12. Yeah, little Jane Richard sure is an inspiration. God Bless her!

  13. Thanks so much for the shout out, Stephen! So excited about the book's release next week. Thanks also for all the news and notes. Have a great week! :)

  14. Thanks you for the W2WS reminder. I really like your header. Hope that's not you plunging into the wormhole.

  15. The real world is full of inspiration - thanks for being part of it!

  16. I love your new header. Tara is so talented! I've already been by Lee's and Carrie's. Good luck to them both!

  17. Love the new header!!! I'm dropping by Lee's and Carrie's next!! Best wishes to all!

  18. Thanks for the support, Stephen. And your page is so eye-catching!

    What a sweet little girl. Makes my heart ache and yet her smile is filled with hope.

  19. Thanks everyone for supporting these amazing writers. And remember, Retweeting is so easy. You can do it throughout the week. Just go to #W$WS and Retweet!!!

  20. Hey, Stephen,

    Love the new header!

    Thanks for the shout out on Writers4Writers... off to spread the word for Lee and Carrie... TWO AMAZING ladies!!!

  21. Excellent day already for W4WS! Love your page's new look. And what an inspiring story about Jane.

  22. love the header and your awesome inspiration story. Best of luck to her.

  23. Love the new header. Love all the new books coming out but there are so many who can keep up.
