
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Weekend Follies and Celebrate The Small Things

Celebrate The Small Things: Today I'm celebrating a really cool promotion sell Breakthrough and Opening while at the same time promoting my upcoming release Escalation, the final installment of the Breakthrough trilogy!
More on the specifics in an upcoming post. But it involves selling both physical and ebooks. I'm very excited and picking up a lot of momentum as I move forward. Life is good!
Weekend Follies: I've been seeing a number of posts on how to name characters. So I thought back on this scene from Top Secret! with Val Kilmer released in 1984. I got a kick out of the names from this rag tag team of men from the French Resistance.
Top Secret! is a spoof and worth renting if you haven't seen it yet. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the heads up, I haven't seen top secret, I'll have to check it out.

  2. Chocolate Mousse! Funny. And that was a really young Val Kilmer.

  3. Congrats for all the good things going on with your series. It sounds exciting!

    Names are SO important! I took me a month to decide on character names for my most recent WIP -- and I've only decided on 3 out of 4. I hope it doesn't take me another month to come up with that last one...

  4. Hi Stephen .. I don't know how people choose names .. but I'm quite glad we don't have a King Chase?! However Chase Manhattan is fine by me .. and I'm looking forward to the final book in the trilogy. Wonderful word to say trilogy ... good for you ..

    .. and Gasoline? anyone ... cheers Hilary

  5. Loved those names in the movie. Loved the comment from Deja Vu, haven't we met before? Clever.

    Congrats with you upcoming release.

  6. Your plans for your upcoming release sound exciting!! Looking forward to it and wish you all the success in the world.
    Happy weekend!

  7. Love the title Escalation. Looking forward to it.Happy weekend.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congrats on your plans for your release - exciting!
