
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kibbles And Bits: Mick Jagger, Pop Travel, Sharknado, And Optical Osmosis

Pop Travel: Tara Tyler's fast-paced techno-thriller is available for download for $4.99. I have mine and will start it as soon as I finish my current read. CLICK HERE to download yours. And check out her Blog Tout Schedule HERE.
Optical Osmosis: Jeffrey Beesler has released his third book Optical Osmosis. Download it for $2.99. Congrats! Jeffrey and best wishes for a smashing success!
Sharknado: Another Syfy disaster film gone horribly ... right. The SyFy Channel has done it again and shown a movie fit for Mystery Science Theatre 3000. According to the synopsis released by The Asylum, the “Sharknado” plot centers around a hurricane that floods Los Angeles, terrorizing the coastal populace with sharks coming from the land, sea and air.
Oh, and the movie starred Tara Reid. Wow. Has her career really come to this? Normally I leave stories like this to Captain Alex .
But There Is A Point To This Story: What caught a lot of people by surprise was the Twitter frenzy this movie caused while airing. The numbers, according to Variety, are by no means record-setting, but they're pretty impressive – it was the most Tweeted-show of the night, with 5,000 tweets a minute for a total of 318,232 during the broadcast. Who knew? This is indeed a very strange universe we live in.
So this gives hope to every writer. Any story can be successful. So keep the faith and steer the course. And never give up! If you are kicking yourself for missing Sharknado No worries. It will air again Thursday at 7:00 pm on the SyFy Channel.
Mick Jagger: Can you believe the front man for the Rolling Stones  turned 70. Incredible. Where the heck did all the time go? Time flies and waits for no one. Spend it wisely and appreciate every day as a gift.  
Author Of The Week: Jeffry Beesler and his new release Optical Osmosis. Click the badge at the top of my right side bar to download your copy!
Question: Have you downloaded Pop Travel or Optical Osmosis? Can you believe Sir Mick turned 70? Are you going to watch Sharknado Thursday?

Check out the Sharknado clip, if you dare:


  1. I'd heard about Sharknado, but didn't see it. I was telling my hubby what you wrote about it and he was going to set it up to record, but it's showing a different movie for that date/time. Will have to check again, closer to the airing date/time.

  2. That's impressive with the Tweets. I should've Tweeted, darn it! However, my full play-by-play will be up tomorrow. And we didn't even get Tara Reid naked. Bummer.
    Congratulations, Jeffrey!
    And Mick is looking his age...

  3. Good luck with the two new books. I don't think I will be seeing Sharknado even if it were to come on here.

    Mick is looking his age isn't he? Had a hard life.

  4. I had not heard of Sharknado, I will give it a miss.

  5. Susanne, maybe its better that way hahaha.

    Alex, I'm definitely looking forward to that!

    Jo, there's a diner involved so maybe you could find a few good recipes.

    Rachna, see first comment.

  6. Hi Stephen .. I am definitely going to be downloading the books - I just have to be methodical and check what I've got! I know seeing all these aged pop stars still rocking on .. is a little disconcerting for someone who definitely doesn't fall into their age category??!!! Who'd believe me!

    Cheers Hilary

  7. I haven't got an electrical gadget, so have to make do with paperbacks.
    Loved the pic of Mick Jagger, though I was only a toddler when he was at his peak!!!!!!!!.


  8. give me a shark movie... or give me death.

  9. I think we must make this shark phenomenon a family event now that we get the SyFy channel! So I thought I was at Alex's with your description, as in nicely done! I can't believe all those tweets. Glad my phone was off...
    Tina @ Life is Good

  10. Kinda hard to believe anyone would want to list Sharknado on their resume :P It's a crazy world we live in!! :)

  11. Okay, let's see a show of hands on wbo.will.see.Sbarknado Thursday. Anyone? Anyone at all?

  12. The Shark show sounds horrible. I'll pass. The books, however, sound great! As for Mick, poor guy has lead a hard life and it shows a bit. Here's to turning 70 and still having fun though!

  13. I read those sharknado tweets. They were hilarious! Congrats to the two authors on their books :)

  14. Thanks for the shout-out, Stephen!

  15. Sharknado was surprising good. Not acting-wise, or editing-wise, or continuity-wise, but I had so much fun with it! Yay for Tara and Jeffrey! Two awesome and original books.

  16. Missed Sharknado but saw Jagger at Glastonbury (well, on TV). I'm happy with it that way around :-)

  17. Lol, Sharknado still makes me giggle :)

  18. I'm not sure I'm ready for Sharknado. But then. I'm not ready for Mick to be 70 either (wow, I feel old). Sounds like a good reason to read instead.

  19. Sharknado was brilliant. They announced there'll be a Sharknado 2 in 2014. This time they'll take on Manhattan. Awesome.

  20. A Sharknado II? I'm not sure if I want to laugh or cry.
