
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

IWSG and Happy Fourth of July!!!

ISWG: Taking some time off to celebrate our Independence, I reflect on current events and see a nation divided more than it has ever been in generations. Combine this with massive borrowing and spending that we simply cannot come close to affording or sustaining, and it's easy to see an implosion that we may not be able to come back from.

But Fear Not: This may not be as bad as it seems. Some believe a country will not have to be a Super Power to be super in the near future. In fact, the playing field may become much more level and our kids and grand kids could grow up in a world where, because of technology becoming more readily available in a world with shrinking borders, anyone just about anywhere can achieve above average financial, educational, and health standards regardless of their environment. But this is a blog for another day.

Summer Guests: I hope you join me Monday July 8th as I host my second guest blogger of the summer. Writer Lori Nelson Spielman, author of THE LIFE LIST, discusses one of my favorite topics: Perseverence.  

Julie Flanders: Signed a contract for her second novel The Ghosts of Aquinnah. Congrats! Julie. 

New Blogfest: Mia Ferrera is heading up the Always Do Something That Scares You Blogfest Wednesday July 10th. Still plenty of time to sign up!

Happy Fourth of July Everyone! Let's come together regardless of our race, religion, or political affiliation and celebrate the day we received or independence!


  1. Let's hope we don't see that implosion...

  2. I've almost lost hope in humanity too, but mayb!e that spiritual awakening will still happen!

    Happy 4th!

  3. Great points, Stephen and have a great Fourth! :)

  4. I'm so happy for Julie's new contract, and I adore ghost stories! Yay Julie! :-)

    I sort of have the same attitude as the blogfest, but mine is more like "Always Write the Thing that Scares Readers." Heh-heh. ;)

  5. Re-followed you, Stephen!!!! And Happy Fourth! You are wonderful!

  6. Hi Steve .. so pleased for Julie .. and happy 4th of July indeed - but I certainly echo your sentiments .. if only humanity could live together in peaceful understanding of each other ..

    Enjoy the day with your family and friends .. Hilary

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ugh, typo.

      Anyways, what I meant to say was: implosions are bad, but celebratory explosions are good. ;) Happy 4th! Great IWSG post!

  8. Happy 4th July, I too celebrate the birthday of my first grandchild 15 years ago.


  9. Like the book cover and title of The Life List. Happy 4th of July.

  10. Happy Fourth of July to you and your family!! The US is a most optimistic and positive country! There was an interview with the founders of men's designer clothes "Rag & Bone" and the two British guys based in New York said that only in America they can go "We want to be designers" and someone will say "good for you and here are some people we know who may help you" whereas if they said that in Britain, friends would laugh, pat them on the head and ask them to buy them another pint! LOL! Take care

  11. Happy fourth to you Stephen. I hope your predictions are wrong when it comes to an implosion. Maybe if we can get out into space we can turn our attention to more important things than our petty squabbles down here which lead to excessive spending.

  12. Happy Fourth of July to everyone! Stay safe and enjoy the extended holiday weekend. Lots of crazy drunk drivers out and about.

  13. Awesome news and thanks for your thoughts on this country. Have an excellent weekend! :)

  14. Some thoughts. Sometimes having the worst thing happen to you turns out to be best thing. I also think I live on a skin of rock wrapped around a ball of molten lava. Nothing is sure. I try not to worry.

    I'm new to ISWG. I wave hi!

  15. Lots of good stuff happening around blogosphere! Great suggestion - I plan to relax and enjoy the family during the 4th! Have a great holiday.

  16. Happy 4th July over there. Lots of great looking links on your post. The Life List looks interesting, too

  17. David, you do the same!

    MollyMom, great to meet you and thanks for stopping by!

    Dani, enjoy!

    Madeleine, be sure to check back on Monday too!

  18. We're floundering, but I'd still rather be here than in any other country in the world.

  19. I agree with L. Diane. Happy fourth!

  20. I like your outlook on our world. I hope it heads in that direction :)

    Happy 4th of July!

  21. Thank you so much for the shout-out, Stephen! And Happy 4th to you and your family. :)

  22. Let's hope our great country can right itself - for our children and our grandchildren.

    Happy Independence Day to you and yours.

  23. Happy 4th to you Stephen-- be safe and hope you have lovely family time.

  24. Okay starting my holiday weekend .................... now!

  25. yeah it's really crazy to think of what the future for our nation holds. It was founded on greatness, no matter the current state.

    Happy Independence Day! May the 4th be with you! :D

  26. Hope your 4th is wonderful and safe!

  27. One hopes nothing implodes in our lifetime. Happy 4th of July. :)

  28. Happy 4th to everyone. Looking forward to a day with family.

  29. I agree about the implosion. I think it's coming and I think most people aren't going to be prepared for it. Still, I like your positive side. Technology has made the world a smaller place and it's made everything possible.

    Happy 4th

  30. I hope the implosion doesn't happen this weekend. We have a full slate of activities planned. Monday would be a much better day.

  31. i look forward to your "blog for another day"---very interesting thoughts---happy independence day :)

  32. Glad to make sure I'm re-following you :-)

    Have a wonderful Independence Good Time!

  33. Happy 4th Steve :)

    Well, maybe my great grand kids will grow up in the world you report.


  34. Yes, these are troubled times, Stephen. Who knows what the world will be like in a few short years. It's changing so fast.

    Happy Fourth


  35. Happy Fourth everyone. Stay safe! We're staying close to home as there is much to do within walking distance.

  36. Hope you had a great 4th, Stephen! Ooh, I really like the idea that our shrinking borders can help lead to a new kind of future where our futures aren't choked by the feeble minds & shortsightedness of our governments. I'm expecting my home state, Illinois, to implode at any moment...

    Hey, this reminds me that I've been meaning to respond to your comment at my place a couple week's back, so see ya in a few.

  37. Hope you had a great time on the 4th!

    The world is becoming more and more divided between the haves and the have-nots and it's a little scary to think of the 'what ifs' if we don't change things up a bit!

  38. We've had a lot of divides in our politics in Australia lately. But on a more positive note, The Life List has a gorgeous cover!
